Toilet Paper?
ToothPick? Tooter Pipe? ToothPaste?
Just kidding....
Toilet Paper?
ToothPick? Tooter Pipe? ToothPaste?
Just kidding....
Yes, Toilet Paper. I thought that was a more common acronym. Sorry.
i carry a space blanket only for emergencies /or as a back drop in my leantoo if camping in the winter months for heating . and i carry 2 tarps you can make any type of shelter for any type of weather! so yea im with colt on that matter.Tarp/tarp/tarp can't stress it enough, these little cheap ass ponchos are junk along with the cheap ass survival blanket. I diffently would not trust my life to one of those. A trap is way more versatile and they are not expensive. Don't get me wrong i carry a cheap ass poncho an blanket as back up or to give to someone in time of need. There are going to be some items you are not going to want to skimp out on. I have found a lot of gear at swap meets and garage sales dollar stores.
A bar of fels-naptha soap is $1 or less at walmart. If you get in poison ivy or oak, wash the skin with it to keep it from spreading. Also works as a washing up soap and a laundry soap. You can also clean sores and blisters with it. Works great.
What is baking soda good for?I second fels naptha soap, it is the one soap that always with me when I hunt for the sole purpose of washing poison oak (oil) off the skin if needed, like baking soda it should be part of your home and B.O.B
What is baking soda good for?
Clyde you're awesome at replying! That leads me to reevaluate my cleaning supplies, which until now consisted of a bar of soap and toothbrush. I have a pretty extensive bug out setup, but it don't think I really plan to use it. My main focus has been my homestead, trying to get it as self sustaining as possible. I live about 90 miles from a nuke plant, and yes maybe that could get me to run, but not much else. The thought of having to abandon all the work I've put into this place is pretty rough, but I am a survivor above all else. I recently took an inventory of my bags, and pretty much can't carry it all anymore!Baking Soda is what holds the universe together... Oops, that was Duct Tape.... LOL
It is actually a good alternative for toothpaste when brushing teeth. It can also be used for removing stains when washing clothes, and a lot more...