Something for the Anti Gun Activists.

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Joe SA

Awesome Friend
May 9, 2014
South Africa
Amateur Radio Call Sign
Please print this and stick it on you front door or fence and see what happens.
nope..i'll rather folks know that my home aint gun free.and what will happen if im threatened.
got a garden "gnome" in the front yard with a sign that says "GO AWAY!":p
I am anti-gun, why does that bother you so much? Feel free to keep your house stocked with them. If I ever deal with a robber in my house, I plan on verbally calming them down and diffusing the situation with love and kindness.
I am anti-gun, why does that bother you so much? Feel free to keep your house stocked with them. If I ever deal with a robber in my house, I plan on verbally calming them down and diffusing the situation with love and kindness.
tell you what,if you give me your address when I hear of your demise I will send someone over to clean up the mess,,,,,,;)
tell you what,if you give me your address when I hear of your demise I will send someone over to clean up the mess,,,,,,;)

Why would another human being hurt me? I have done no harm to anyone, and I never plan to.
i'm going to put a sign on the front door post collapse "never mind the dog, BEWARE OF THE WIFE!!":p
is that another example of your strange sense of humour(I still remember your remark about the A303!)?
Jeez cant you guys see that the forum has been hit by two trolls one pretending to be a pacific anti gun democratic and the other a gun nut redneck both posting from Mn
Why would another human being hurt me? I have done no harm to anyone, and I never plan to.

There are people out there that do not care about your life and would end it in the most grotesque way for nothing more than to make sure you cant give the cops their description.

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