SOMETHING to reflect on. Nothing you post or read, in the political section of this forum will help your loved ones survive "The Fourth Turning".

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Nothing, Zero. Nothing you post or read there will minutely change what is coming. It is totally fine if you strongly believe that NOTHING" of significance will happen in the future. That is your "Free Will" right.
c-19 broken supply lines was a blip compared to broken supply lines during a war....not even counting if all resources inside our country get directed at war effort like in the past....i.e. one pair of leather shoes per year....tell people that the freak out....gas rationing...having to bring back metal cans to grocery amounts of certain foods you can buy each week.

did you know we drained about all the tires in warehouses in this country during c-19 and its still not filled...they are only making tires in most popular and needed sizes and styles on a just in time model like everything else now.....before c-19 they had and kept warehouses well stocked....i tell ya you wait till no supplies happen and no bread in bread lines......!

heres beds or places for an aging population now what you think during a war and injured folks come home and fill every bed everywhere that even looks like a hospital or care facility.
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c-19 broken supply lines was a blip compared to broken supply lines during a war....not even counting if all resources inside our country get directed at war effort like in the past....i.e. one pair of leather shoes per year....tell people that the freak out....gas rationing...having to bring back metal cans to grocery amounts of certain foods you can buy each week.

did you know we drained about all the tires in warehouses in this country during c-19 and its still not filled...they are only making tires in most popular and needed sizes and styles on a just in time model like everything else now.....before c-19 they had and kept warehouses well stocked....i tell ya you wait till no supplies happen and no bread in bread lines......!

heres beds or places for an aging population now what you think during a war and injured folks come home and fill every bed everywhere that even looks like a hospital or care facility.

WWIII will break the US long before there is any need to put foreign boots on the ground.

That is why people who quote Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto as saying: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." are actually missing the point.

He was talking about a time when invasions were prerequisites for defeat.

That is no longer the case.......people are much easier to defeat now......take away enough of the luxury/infrastructure they have become accustomed to, and they will throw in the towel.
the thread d-marsh done showing how young folks dont recall 9-11 i think it said 27% of population..i think it was 100 million...getting close to one third there....well i seen something other day and i didnt mark it but its not far off say 10 years the elderly will outnumber the younger folks in our population...thats counting everyone inside our border too.

we have problems ahead...big time.
Nothing, Zero. Nothing you post or read there will minutely change what is coming. It is totally fine if you strongly believe that NOTHING" of significance will happen in the future. That is your "Free Will" right.
Those who have been seduced by the bread and circuses, are more part of the problem than part of the solution.

I doubt anyone would try to suggest that the US political system works people should examine their own role in that because:

as Joseph de Maistre stated: 'Every country has the government it deserves.'​

People in the US should spend less time ranting during election campaigns and more time applying pressure to governments to actually run the country properly.

Candidates don't talk about deficits....or balancing budgets.....or getting manufacturing back home.......they talk 100% BS.

........because that is what people want.

People want bread and circuses........they want virtue signaling.......not real substance.......not long term solutions.
speaking of bread....not about politics of this war....but i just seen a huge bread factory blown to bits in last few days by russia. it was supplying troops and civilians with daily bread in ukraine...its all gone now...i am talking a city block plus type place too.

now see this post is not about that war but about a specific action and to get others to think...where does my daily bread come from and what if....what if....see they think they will be all noble when their supplies run out or cant get anything...nope...they wont sit down and die...huger will force them to get up and search out a solution if possible once facing it.

i just witnessed it in real life....people like to think they are noble and such...they dont understand testing..true testing !
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c-19 broken supply lines was a blip compared to broken supply lines during a war....not even counting if all resources inside our country get directed at war effort like in the past....i.e. one pair of leather shoes per year....tell people that the freak out....gas rationing...having to bring back metal cans to grocery amounts of certain foods you can buy each week.

did you know we drained about all the tires in warehouses in this country during c-19 and its still not filled...they are only making tires in most popular and needed sizes and styles on a just in time model like everything else now.....before c-19 they had and kept warehouses well stocked....i tell ya you wait till no supplies happen and no bread in bread lines......!

heres beds or places for an aging population now what you think during a war and injured folks come home and fill every bed everywhere that even looks like a hospital or care facility.
Regarding tires: Our little town's mainstreet has a hardware store, thrift store, bank, travel agency for the amish/meeting room to rent, burger place, and an auto shop. Pretty much it, unless you count the small businesses scattered on other's farms. We evidently used to have a market across from the auto shop, and the sign is still up, but no market. It's filled with good tires that the auto guy collects. I guess it made him nuts during covid, and now it's practically a tire shop, but it's not because it's storage.
Those who have been seduced by the bread and circuses, are more part of the problem than part of the solution.

I doubt anyone would try to suggest that the US political system works people should examine their own role in that because:

as Joseph de Maistre stated: 'Every country has the government it deserves.'​

People in the US should spend less time ranting during election campaigns and more time applying pressure to governments to actually run the country properly.

Candidates don't talk about deficits....or balancing budgets.....or getting manufacturing back home.......they talk 100% BS.

........because that is what people want.

People want bread and circuses........they want virtue signaling.......not real substance.......not long term solutions.
Look at you getting all political in Sourdough's thread!!🤣🤣🤣
I think it's also worth noting that nothing you post or read in the prepping talk, off topic, front porch, dollars and cents, or buy-sell section of this forum will help your loved one's survive a massive asteroid slamming into the earth's surface or if a super volcano erupts near you.

Furthermore you could be the single most well-read, well-prepared, well-stocked and knowledgeable survivor to have ever walked the face of this rock and suddenly trip and fall over a walnut and die tomorrow. Or if you scorned lover decides to put a bullet in your head. Or if you suddenly have a heart attack. Or start smoking weed and stop caring about survival so much. Or find a group of wild women who refuse to wear clothes and need a man to keep their tribe alive.
I am not going to bother to remind everyone about who is taking over the world, cause it goes back to what ever boogy creature they have chosen, the under 35 crowd were schooled to believe in a socialist state being good, so they will prolly just go along to get along. just like the vast majority of others, so What the duck????
Very few - if any - of us here are capable of changing anything. As a group, we're just too old. We can talk about changing things (and we can do that in either the prepping or in the political section), but that's about as far as it will go for most of us.

As a corollary, very few of us are capable of surviving much of anything either. The normal ups and downs of life and the occasional short term mini-disaster? Sure. Most of us are well prepped for that. TEOTWAWKI, ... no. Dream on if you think you've got that covered. We don't need psycho drill sergeants whipping us into line. We need a nap.
Something that I keep seeing is the denial that the north American continent is under attack , The "migrant crisis " is an inside job, same as the plandemic, but the majority see one thing supporting their view, and they nail it to their cross. The schooling of the childern to believe that climate change is 1000% percent human caused **** the list goes on. Knowing that it's happening is a first step. actually having some sort of plan is a bonus, relying on tech, maybe not the best plan, great if it works but if you don't know how to fix it. relying on it is sketcky
Something that I keep seeing is the denial that the north American continent is under attack , The "migrant crisis " is an inside job, same as the plandemic, but the majority see one thing supporting their view, and they nail it to their cross. The schooling of the childern to believe that climate change is 1000% percent human caused **** the list goes on. Knowing that it's happening is a first step. actually having some sort of plan is a bonus, relying on tech, maybe not the best plan, great if it works but if you don't know how to fix it. relying on it is sketcky
That's exactly why I said WWIII has already begun!!
There is absolutely nothing I can do about any of this.
Therefore I refuse to worry about it or even let it occupy any space at all in my mind, for God is in control.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Matthew 6:27 NIV

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Step 3
Very few - if any - of us here are capable of changing anything. As a group, we're just too old. We can talk about changing things (and we can do that in either the prepping or in the political section), but that's about as far as it will go for most of us.

As a corollary, very few of us are capable of surviving much of anything either. The normal ups and downs of life and the occasional short term mini-disaster? Sure. Most of us are well prepped for that. TEOTWAWKI, ... no. Dream on if you think you've got that covered. We don't need psycho drill sergeants whipping us into line. We need a nap.
Hey, speak for yourself. ;) I'm a 26 year old in a 70 year olds body, with a trophy wife in her 40's. I've got a lot to survive for. I'm good for at least another 40 years! Or not... :D :D
Something that I keep seeing is the denial that the north American continent is under attack , The "migrant crisis " is an inside job, same as the plandemic, but the majority see one thing supporting their view, and they nail it to their cross. The schooling of the childern to believe that climate change is 1000% percent human caused **** the list goes on. Knowing that it's happening is a first step. actually having some sort of plan is a bonus, relying on tech, maybe not the best plan, great if it works but if you don't know how to fix it. relying on it is sketcky
the migrant crisis isnt just in the US, its happening all over Europe and here in the UK, we havent got enough housing for people who are already here never mind those coming, and the public services are creaking at the seams.