soon a real possibility...Riots and all..

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We don't have the stomach for any kind of civil war or revolution anymore. We'll just continue to sit back and watch our country go down the toilet towards more socialism/Marxism/communism. People wont stand together for freedom or liberty, and the few who do would be squashed immediately.
While I agree with many parts of the story, I just don't see a civil war materializing. I'm not going to be part of any uprising that causes me to bear arms against my Brothers and Sisters, my duty in the past was to cover their backs not shoot them in the back and that duty and loyalty stands today!! I'll set this one out and condemn the hell out of it, my Country already torn apart and I refuse to engage in it's shredding by blood.

would think one civil war was enough?? just imagine the body count with modern weapons?
but this is only my own opinion from this side of the puddle..if I would have to take up arms it will be either against the russkies or muzzies.
One of the problems (and it's a big problem) half the Country is socialist including most of the leaders that control our Armed Forces, freedom and liberty has been a sham for many many many years. We have no political divide except amongst the people, the powers that be are of the same entity, ya they talk a good game and the people are foolishness to believe the sound bites but in the end nothing changes for the sake of Liberty instead we become more restrictive as a nation, Bush Jr comes to mind, he has pushed through as much damaging laws to our freedom and liberty as FDR has done and it continues to get worse. Freedom and Liberty have been replaced with entitlements and security and over half the nation excepts the trade off thus a civil war won't change that except bring on more restrictions!!
here comes a point in everyone's life, where you have 2 choices. Stand up and fight or roll over and die. The same sentiment can be said for a country, and we are quickly coming to that point. Personally I'm going to stand up and fight. Id rather die on my feet then live on my knees. Who says this socialist BS stops here? It could easily keep going towards genocide or religious exterminations or something along those lines. The powers at be belieVe in population reductions and agenda 21. So dont think for one second it will stop with loses of liberty and freedom. Thats just the start and the tip of the iceberg.
here comes a point in everyone's life, where you have 2 choices. Stand up and fight or roll over and die. The same sentiment can be said for a country, and we are quickly coming to that point. Personally I'm going to stand up and fight. Id rather die on my feet then live on my knees. Who says this socialist BS stops here? It could easily keep going towards genocide or religious exterminations or something along those lines. The powers at be belieVe in population reductions and agenda 21. So dont think for one second it will stop with loses of liberty and freedom. Thats just the start and the tip of the iceberg.

...But, who are you going to fight, when do you know it's the right time to rise? Are you willing to follow any john doe with a gun that stands up and says 'follow me to redemption'? I see and know of no one that can lead such an rebellion that can mustard such a force before provoking a reactionary response, if anyone with such credentials arise would be taken down before anything materializes, this isn't 1860s nor is it 1775 Men/Leaders of conviction don't exist anymore least not on a scale that makes a difference! I hear of too many people romancing the thought of such a rebellion that absolutely have no clue. I'm too old for this **** and I'm certainly not going to bear down on my family what i know and have seen, the only outcome of such a rebellion is accelerating destruction of whats left of our Liberties!
it's not exactly a fictional novel that is spoken of,deaths are real,cassualties are real,the grief is very real.
As long as people have their beer, cigarettes, and sports TV they don't care what freedoms and liberty's they lose. The only people that will stand up and fight for anything are those takers and slackers on the dole. Just try reducing any of their "free" stuff and handouts, then you will see a revolt.
but whatever people's gonna do,just be prepared that it's ugly,bloody and lots and lots of body parts and intestines,my thoughts nothing else...
As long as people have their beer, cigarettes, and sports TV they don't care what freedoms and liberty's they lose. The only people that will stand up and fight for anything are those takers and slackers on the dole. Just try reducing any of their "free" stuff and handouts, then you will see a revolt.

So very true!! for left and the right, freedom is a cold one watching Monday night football, everything else is marginal. Freedom, Liberty, Independence and Self-Thinking is upbraided by the masses and the powers that be for such notions, welcome to the collective!
As long as people have their beer, cigarettes, and sports TV they don't care what freedoms and liberty's they lose. The only people that will stand up and fight for anything are those takers and slackers on the dole. Just try reducing any of their "free" stuff and handouts, then you will see a revolt.

That sums up the UK perfectly, they gave up their rights, liberties, guns everything for a promise of a better tomorrow, but all they got was higher taxes, failing public services, the cops and criminals are armed but they are defenceless, they are gooverned by nelected, undemocratic socialist burocrats in the EU, but so long as they get their dole they carry on regardless.
Who do you fight? That's a simple one. The people fighting you. And about a leader? A leader always arises when the going gets tough. If you want to be a serf or a servent or simply gets rolled over? Thats fine. Its worked well for our brothers in the UK. RIGHT? There soon not even going to be allowed to own kitchen knives and are being overwhelmed by violent refugees which will just take the country by force and not much will be needed. Everyone is a sitting duck. But Not everyone has the ability to fight. You either stand for stand for something or fall for everything. Which is the point society has come too now. Of course It will be hard. Nothing is easy. Of course there will be blood bodies and carnage. But if we simply do nothing. That will be the outcome either way. They wont take complete control without it. When cuba changed people didnt fight back but the streets still ran with blood. So back on topic. Fight and die or simply die?
While I agree with many parts of the story, I just don't see a civil war materializing. I'm not going to be part of any uprising that causes me to bear arms against my Brothers and Sisters, my duty in the past was to cover their backs not shoot them in the back and that duty and loyalty stands today!! I'll set this one out and condemn the hell out of it, my Country already torn apart and I refuse to engage in it's shredding by blood.
Civil war is not something entered into lightly, you have the big talkers those who run their mouth off about how and what they will do and you have the silent, types usually the ones that get the job done. I do not think that America is heading towards civil war, more likely a civil uprising against the state. What concerns me more is that through this artical preppers are painted a darker shade of gray again, we are portrayed a being proactive and not reactive, i believe that most serious preppers have thought things through thoroughly and understand the implications of any disaster that may befall them, all the preppers i have met and spoken to so far are level headed poeple, not the type that goes looking for trouble, we know trouble will find us sooner or later, but we will be prepared the best we can.
Who do you fight? That's a simple one. The people fighting you. And about a leader? A leader always arises when the going gets tough. If you want to be a serf or a servent or simply gets rolled over? Thats fine. Its worked well for our brothers in the UK. RIGHT? There soon not even going to be allowed to own kitchen knives and are being overwhelmed by violent refugees which will just take the country by force and not much will be needed. Everyone is a sitting duck. But Not everyone has the ability to fight. You either stand for stand for something or fall for everything. Which is the point society has come too now. Of course It will be hard. Nothing is easy. Of course there will be blood bodies and carnage. But if we simply do nothing. That will be the outcome either way. They wont take complete control without it. When cuba changed people didnt fight back but the streets still ran with blood. So back on topic. Fight and die or simply die?

So far no one is fighting me except in court (feds Vs me over land!) If anyone has a beef with the government it would be me on several levels, no, I don't roll over for anybody from the left or right to think otherwise would be a mistake. Who's going to fire the first shot? and at what? one cant go into this blind, are we waiting for the next timothy mcveigh to rise and lead this armed rebellion? or the next charles manson? What criteria is in place that would be acceptable leader and who sets that criteria? or are we just going to follow any leader that proclaims 'I'm the way'? how do we know if we just ain't trading one tyrant for another? If I remember right is didn't work out for the South, after the war they were treated as sub-humans stripped of their Citizenship bearing more restriction and more changes to the Constitution so think long and hard about the consequences.

Let me ask you this, are you a Combat Vet?
Learning of war on Youtube and history books tell good stories but don't and can't give one the emotional impact that runs so deep it can't be explained or the experience of the stress were the relief is painful! One Combat Vet commits suicide every 65 minutes, there a reason! For the survivors the emotional scar is a lifetime not counting the physical scars. So this talk of a civil war would bear down those consequences upon the Moms, Dads, Children and Elders... Ah such noble thoughts, I guess some would view as collateral damage or just don't really give a damn.
Your best route is to keep doing what you are doing now because even the dumbest of us know the US like the rest of the worlds systems is heading for a HUGE fall that will make you envy places like Venezuela or Libya, The UK has gone from the biggest Empire in history in 1946 to becoming a third world failing state in 2016.

Its just human nature and it happens to some society once or twice every century. You must 1 Prep 2 Arm yourselves 3 prep some more 4 Get as self sufficient as possible, 5 move out of the larger towns and cities 6 Keep a low profile publicly, but 7 you should be encouraging the Good states to set a course to DEMOCRATICALLY leave the USA and create a Confederacy. Dont be naive or romantic about it but do remember how it was ORDINARY Yanks who created the US and seperated from the UK, and the Civil war was a similar prime mover.
You yanks main weakness is there for all to see and for your Federal government to exploit, If I met you in the streets of Newcastle and asked you " what are you?" chances are you would say " American" but for you guys to get back to what your great country once actually represented you should say what my late friend John used to say " Sir I am a Kansan first and a citizen of the US". Many of you appear to have completely forgotten that your states are SOVEREIGN nations, I never say I'm British, I say I'm English by the grace of God and a Northerner by pure good luck. You guys need to reclaim your sovereignty and national identity and get TEETH to your state legislature.
And I have to point out that a certain Mr George Washington's family hailed from right near me in northern England, and he turned out allright.
Well put NR, unfortunately half the Country want to be like England in particularly London. We don't really have States anymore that look upon sovereign as an ideology nor do we have any politician willing to make the case other than sound bites and most of the folks that see our way of life diminishing everyday by intrusive laws and regulation are pretty much to old to fight for it since most are on the government pay books, none really willing to forsake their social security for any cause and the young, will most are loose cannons that would shoot at anything just to start a fight. For me, I'm just willing to defend my family and land from either side that wishes to encroach upon my property. I lost my faith in man and considered my Country already lost. So I'll just continue to prep.
Well put NR, unfortunately half the Country want to be like England in particularly London. We don't really have States anymore that look upon sovereign as an ideology nor do we have any politician willing to make the case other than sound bites and most of the folks that see our way of life diminishing everyday by intrusive laws and regulation are pretty much to old to fight for it since most are on the government pay books, none really willing to forsake their social security for any cause and the young, will most are loose cannons that would shoot at anything just to start a fight. For me, I'm just willing to defend my family and land from either side that wishes to encroach upon my property. I lost my faith in man and considered my Country already lost. So I'll just continue to prep.

Hah London is nothing like England any more, and god help you if half the US is like here. You need a Confederacy or sovereign US states that have NO welfare systems and the lefties wont want to live there.
Hey now. The confederacy barely lost the civil war and would've won if not for 3 key points.

1. The death of stonewall jackson by hos own men. Had he survived the outcome would've been far different

2. Gettysburg. Had Robert E Lee not been taken up with disecentary. He would've given the conferederate army orders to take the high ground as they had gotten to the battle field before the union and that itself would've changed the outcome of that decisive battle.

3) I believe it was the battle of Shiloh but could be wrong. The confederacy had won consecutive battles before and were in talks with England. And England was ready to back them with all the munitions, naval ships money and even troops they needed to win the war. And all England was waiting for was one more battle win and if they had won that battle they would've had the full support of England and sure victory.
If the assassination of lincoln had happened a few years earlier that would've had a huge consequences on the war also. Then it would have strengthened the south and helped with victory. But when it happened it was the worst possible time it could've happened for the confederacy and reconstruction would've gone much smoother and better. So dont think the south got annihilated or blowed out in the war. A few key moments and the war and country would be much much different today.
Yup the UK had already made steps to recognise the Confederate states and had already despatched diplomatic and military defence attaches to build a relationship with the new country. Many over here today think that the Sovereign US states lose far to much by being part of a huge Federal United states and a small states would have seen the Sovereign states be in a much better position in yhe US Union. More like the UK with 4 member states than the EU with 28.

My own personal belief as to why the south did not gain its freedom AT THAT TIME, I dont believe they lost as such (dunno why they gave up after the first attempt, so very unAmerican) I believe the RAILROADS gave the north the edge in logistics and troops movement.
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this incoming saturday is most likely going to be very "interesting" there are two demonstarations down town,one against far-left aggression and mussies,one against far-right aggression....
must charge my phone as I go to the cabin with my bro for some roof work,don't wanna miss the news from that.
After the racially based attacks on Whites in Charlotte last night and the night before, I hope that all of the website members in that area will stay safe.
Soros' plan is going exceptionally well.

I have to admit, as a super-villain, he's simply superb. At this rate, we'll get a federalized police force even BEFORE they shoehorn sick Hillary into the Oval Office.

Damn he's good...too good. I wonder if he has a volcano lair somewhere? He's got to.
I see the black community is ambushing and attacking innocent white citizens, journalists and photographers in NC. Its time the white community armed itself before venturing out, and if the police have any sense they will withdraw permanently from the black districts and let them burn their communities down.
It's too late for Europe. They've already committed suicide by letting in the Muz.