Soooo I moved

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Super Friend
Jul 19, 2015
Far, far frikkin' faaaaaaar away!

And the changes are huge! I've been inactive for a while (my soon-to-be ex husband got a bit violent) but now I am back! The separation is ending in divorce this year and I moved across the country. Changed school, said my farewell to family and friends and jumped on a plane.

Oh, and yeah, I have a boyfriend now. Things move fast I guess.

Anyways! I moved. Not to the other SIDE of the country. Oh no. To the other END of it. For those of you who know the country of lovely Norway, it stretches a bit.

The climate here is totally different from where I used to live. Here, mild weather (1 degree celsius and above) is dangerous! I nearly slipped and bashed head first into the porch! I do prefer -15 instead.
Where I used to live, the days were usually filled with rain, wind and gloom. Here tho, there is snow (!!!!!!!!) and clear skies and northern lights! I am seriously in love with this part of the country.
The temperature is manageable, but I do need new clothes. There's not much of a summer up here.
The storms can be horrendous, but that only makes prepping more important.

Another big change is I have gone from urban living, to living in a small community. There is one (yes, one) grocery store unless I drive for 2 hours (which is the same distance as to my school). And a pub. Take alcohol away from the people up here, I dare you.

We are moving this summer because of our jobs (I start as an apprentice and he got a job offer) so my preps are not being prioritized at the moment.

But hey! I'm back and ready to dive into some new projects!

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Thanks guys! JimLE: well, you can't get much further north in Norway [emoji28] and Jontte: Zero tolerance regarding abuse.
Pros of moving: closer to Finland.
Cons: closer to Russia.

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and it takes a strong person to walk away from abuse :)

my brother once said to me,now that my school is done,why don't you seek paramedic job in Norway,the pay ain't that bad and we Finns get along greatly with the Norweigians.
Your brother has a good point, Jontte. I don't think I have ever heard of a Finn and a Norwegian not getting along!
I'll probably have frequent trips across the border for supply run.

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