Speaking of "Cities"..........pick the worst..

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Boston drivers...

I attend classes in Mass. and the instructor started the first day explaining rule of thumb for surviving driving.

Never slow down in a rotary. You will cause an accident.

Never make eye contact. You let them go if you do.

If merging into rush hour traffic look for a car that costs more than yours and aim for it.

Not long after I was rear ended slamming my car into the one in front of me. I ended up in a neck brace after that.

My issue with Mexico City, was massive raw sewage in the streets, and the air reeked of the stench of raw sewage. I had zero problems with any humans there, but I never left the hotel. Airport to hotel and back to the airport next morning. Should have slept at the airport. The airport had strong sewage smell, but it was nothing like the nauseating stench where the hotel was. Was really hard to grasp that humans could live there.........and Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world by population.
Sounds like e history of Europe when the Black Plague showed up.
From my point of view and the travels I've done, mostly out here in the left coast, Seattle was the place I really disliked, especially the last time we were up there, the highway system seems to have been designed by an idiot, we went there to see my dad who had gone into a hospital for heart bypass surgery, we stayed with a friend of my dads on Beacon Hill and when we got on the freeway I had his friend with his Seattle map book, navigate for me, if you didn't get in the right, right turn lane you could end up on the east side of Lake Washington, the only other most disturbing freeway system, on the same I-5 corridor is Portland. I-5 down here in southern Oregon is a dream and a pleasure to drive on. California isn't even on our list, we consider it a third world country and only go down there to visit the Jeddidia Smith Redwood Forest and we haven't done that for a number of years.