stinging nettles today

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
I was setting traps in the creek (a problematic beaver) foraging for tall grass and weeds building a funnel to the trap I grabbed the wrong thing (not paying attention) I got hit with stinging nettles, the photo is of one of the hits right through a good pair of leather gloves (hand, arm, back and neck) Complacency (stupidity) did this to me!

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Ouch. We have a lot of those here too. Great security measure (we transplanted many to the outside of the fences)...but man they hurt and itch later.
I am blessed enough not to be allergic to much of anything.
When I read your post I looked it up to see exactly what it was. It kind of looks like what we call goat weed.
Ok. There are so many different types of plants out there that resemble each other it makes it very difficult to determine which ones are which.
We have a friend that is a brainy scientist type person that wrote a book on Texas poisonous plants. She gave us a copy and this is when I realized how many different types there really are.
if one isn't allergic to them you just get what I got pain and annoyance, they have meds and cream for these but for the most part move on being active is the best cure.

Yep, wash the area with some water, and just move on. Gets lesser and lesser, then goes away on its own.
I've tried topicals before on it, never really did anything more than water did for it, so no real point in it.

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