You started the personal attacks.....not me.....maybe if you dedicated more time writing to the same officials you would not spend so much time attacking people ? Your ranting nonsense is actually no use to anybody.....maybe you should further your education and become one of those public officials and change the world ? then everybody could write you.
You still cannot answer any questions ? Why ? Please name one government official writing letters to that would help ? name one ?
You make yourself out to be such a smart knowledgeable person, Why have you not fixed any of these issues ?
You should go to these protests when they pop up and stop them, everybody would listen to you, have a meaningful discussion, shake hands and have a love everybody party instead of a protest or fight, can't wait to see you there, You will be on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and get 100 Million hits on Youtube....You will be a Hero......Then you can run for Public Office, win by a landslide and abolish Racism and save the world.......I'm watching.....LMAO.....I will be waiting for you next personal attack.....hopefully you have figured out that your ranting is nothing to me.....your alter ego avatar is even laughing at you......