SXSW: no law enforcement

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015

Wow. Nearly zero law enforcement, other than maybe assaults. I go into that insane city a few times a year (not because I want to). I've talked with officers who tell me their arrests are meaningless, criminals aren't charged by prosecutors and begin with $0 bails. Most are 3 hour 'inconveniences'. On occasion I'll see an Austin news show, there were very few murders a couple of decades ago, now there are multiple each week and drug-related crimes are beyond counting.

Now the big music/movie/whatever SXSW thing has taken over the town for 2 weeks. It has turned into another "lost" city. So it is... sad.

Meanwhile a 4th package bomb went off tonight:

2 people have been killed by these so far, police have no idea who's doing it, but they know he's an expert at making bombs.
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Update. Not one, but 2 package bombs went off today in Austin. This is as bad as the unibomber (for anyone old enough to remember that). But this guy is dropping off the packages at people's front porch.

Police are baffled. Most package bombs are duds, less than 50% explosion rate. This guy is 100% detonating, and very effective explosions. And the police have no idea who is doing this, the victims seem random. There was one a few weeks ago, then 2 more packages maybe a week ago, now two more. Police did say the bombs are quite sophisticated. Police are offering over $100k to identify the bomber, they have no idea where to begin this hunt and realize how bad it's making them look.

This has been dominating local news throughout Texas. I'm curious, has this made the news nationwide?
And the BBC Radio two road show was there, Being the BBC they reported on how everyone had fun in this multi cultural successful festival, because it supports the BBCs left wing agenda, ( The BBC makes CNN look like Fox News)
Update. Not one, but 2 package bombs went off today in Austin. This is as bad as the unibomber (for anyone old enough to remember that). But this guy is dropping off the packages at people's front porch.

Police are baffled. Most package bombs are duds, less than 50% explosion rate. This guy is 100% detonating, and very effective explosions. And the police have no idea who is doing this, the victims seem random. There was one a few weeks ago, then 2 more packages maybe a week ago, now two more. Police did say the bombs are quite sophisticated. Police are offering over $100k to identify the bomber, they have no idea where to begin this hunt and realize how bad it's making them look.

This has been dominating local news throughout Texas. I'm curious, has this made the news nationwide?

The article says that it is possible the attacks could be racially motivated. If it is determined that the are racially motivated, it will be national news... guaranteed.
It made news when the third one went off and they realized it was a serial bomber. Then it went quiet. I’m sure this latest round will get it more noticed. My take is if you didn’t order anything, don’t touch it! These packages blow when moved. As TF said, this guy knows what he is doing.
My mistake a couple of days ago, 2 people were injured but it was only one bomb. So as said the total is 4.

Until this morning. A fifth one went off at the Fedex distribution center in Schertz, a town just north of San Antonio and maybe 60 miles south of Austin. Gotta be the same guy?

I think I'm seeing a pattern. This guy is smart, and every time the police/FBI talk about some pattern, he breaks it. For example they talked about not touching packages so he did a trip wire instead. They showed a clockwise (or counterclockwise? too early to remember) pattern around Austin and he goes south. They thought it was racial (first victims were black), so he hit some white people. They said it was east side, so he went west.

The pattern seems to be contrarian. Whatever the police say, when they try to 'define' him, he does the opposite. They need to say only one thing: this guy is going to keep bombing. That one message. Let him go contrarian to that & stop.

I live a good distance from any of these bombs. Just yesterday a friend told me he had a package at his gate (we all have ranches & delivery guys just leave packages inside your driveway gate). He drove in, bumped the package knocking it over a couple of times with his car before he got out & picked it up. I'd say anyone within 100 miles is getting really cautious. REALLY cautious!

Oh, one more pattern. This guy is smarter than all the cops & FBI & ATF guys combined. I'll throw out a stupid theory. Trump is doing it, it's gotta be his fault. He's been smarter than everyone in the deep state combined. Either the bomber is Trump or it's a trump clone (oh wait, need to move this thread to the conspiracy theory forum!)... I'm surprised the stupid media haven't started this theory yet. I'm joking but this is a crazy-serious matter here locally.
I heard on the news yesterday that the cops were begging the bomber to come forward so they can "just talk" to him. I don't know what his motivation is, but I don't think it includes wanting to talk to the police.
It's obvious that we need more common sense bomb laws. Plus the age for buying bombs should be raised to 21 and the bomb show loopholes should be closed.
The question I keep coming back to myself is motive. Why is this guy doing this?

Only a few options.
1) Nutjob who turned muslim & simply enjoys killing Americans. Islam just gives him a reason to kill.
2) Nutjob who blew a gasket over ____. Fill in the blank, ex-wife, obamacare, Trump, who knows. Something made him snap & he's just venting trying to find a way to dampen the pain. Why could he just get into drugs like most nutjobs? Sad when you think drugs can help people not to get killed!

Unfortunately this guy/gal is very clever. Police/FBI are trying stupid tricks to catch him, and I'd bet he sees right through every one of them and they just tick him off. Like what AD said, police asked him to call them? Really? Maybe they should just ask him to write down his name/address/phone # and turn that in to the closest police department? But then, this is the same FBI that couldn't figure out that Hillary had committed serious crimes.

The only sad thing is that this guy is killing the wrong people. He's clever, good. We need smart people but let's put his killing abilities to good use. He needs to give a package to Comey, Hillary, OJ, Lois (what's her name, the IRS chick who went after tea party groups)... kill some people who really deserve a good killing... that's the problem with quality serial killers, they always target the wrong people. (boy is that a wacked out series of thoughts... but I'm leaving them stand on their own ground)
Doc, I suspect you are right. Most muslims just act out without thinking much. But there are exceptions.

Apparently there was another explosion this afternoon... I just walked the austin stations and every one of them is talking about it (none of the normal radio shows are talking about anything else).

They seem to think they're getting closer. You would think all fedex shipping stores would have cameras? With what this guy has done so far, I'd be surprised for him to take a foolish risk like this. Hopefully he did. Criminals always seem to keep making more and more brash moves until their luck runs out.

Of course look at the Florida school where 17 students died recently. I heard that the school-assigned police officer was caught sleeping in his car today. The brother of the school shooter was arrested after-hours inside the school. And 2 students were taken for having knives. I'm hoping pocket knives, is that really banned? I use them all the time, and did when I was a teenager as well... Is everyone at that school insane? All of this in the past 24 hours.
This doesn't seem to have the fingerprints of a muzzie attack.
I agree.
Islamic extremists would be more than happy to report that they did it. They would want us to know it was them and they did it in the name of Islam etc
Well, 'good' news. Morning news is saying the bombing suspect is dead.

Something about a police chase, not much info. Something about a car at a red roof inn. I'm not sure who predicted this, but this guy did not surrender. He blew himself up in his car. Apparently that wasn't enough, the cops shot at him after he blew up his car? Talk about opportunity for conspiracy theory.

But no idea of motive... I like this part, they said it's a 20-something year old WHITE MAN. They emphasized the last two words.

But if anyone wants to drive south on I-35, good luck!

Edit: It only gets better. Apparently the nutjob was targetting Alex Jones from infowars? Maybe a package was addressed to him? Hmmm, so the nutjob was not a conservative (shock!). Maybe another big Hillary fan? And there is some news about him posting on Reddit, no idea if that was real or a fake poster.
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Religar, I remembered someone had predicted it, but I couldn't find the original post.

Well predicted!

My next prediction: this guy was a wacko-leftist liberal nutjob. We'll see if I can catch up with you in predictions on this one...
Its the shadow government. The supposed bomber will not be taken alive when he is caught. It will be some patsy. The feds track everything and I mean everything. The only people who could pull this off with such sofistication and tech is the feds.

And folks think I'm a conspiracy nut, lol.

But, you are also likely CORRECT...

The suspect in the spate of bombings in Austin, Texas is dead, Austin police say. Police Chief Brian Manley told reporters early Wednesday the white male detonated a device in his vehicle after being pursued by police early Wednesday morning.

Two law enforcement sources identified the suspect to CBS News as 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt.
You would think all fedex shipping stores would have cameras?

That is exactly how they got him...

Law enforcement identified Conditt as a suspect after using surveillance footage from a FedEx store in south Austin. They then tracked down the suspect's online browsing history, which showed searches on various shipping facilities, and eventually located his vehicle, the BBC reported

But something is pretty fishy here....

1. Suspect is basically a 24 yr old kid.
2. What's the kid's background, where'd he learn this?
3. A bomber who booby traps his own vehicle? (what if he got in a wreck, etc. while driving around? This is fishy)
so the nutjob was not a conservative

Then he gets into argument

Conditt argued that gay marriage should be illegal:

"The government shouldn’t tell them whom they can and cannot marry, but we shouldn’t even have this problem! Homosexuality is not natural. Just look at the male and female bodies. They are obviously designed to couple. The natural design is apparent. It is not natural to couple male with male and female with female. It would be like trying to fit two screws together and to nuts together and then say, “See, it’s natural for them to go together.”

In addition, political protection of a sexual practice is ludicrous. I do not believe it is proper to pass laws stating that homosexuals have ‘rights.’ What about pedophilia or bestiality? These are sexual practices. Should they also be protected by law? If homosexuality is protected by law, why not those as well?"
He had a moniker on Reddit that gone by 'Austin Bomber' a year before the bombing, he wanted to create mayhem but didn't want to cause deaths, Reddit has since taken down the post from public view. Something happen after debating in previous years, the kid just snapped? Maybe under doctors treatment?

In another post, he responded to a classmate who said abortion should be free.

“First, if a women does not want a baby, or is incapable of taking care of one, she should not participate in activities that were made for that reason. Second, if we are going to give women free abortions, why not give men free condoms, or the like? Is it not up to the couple to take these preventive measures?,” he wrote. “This is just my view on the subject, but if you can’t provide for a child, then don’t have sex.”

He also argued that “we should do away with sex offender registration.” He also wrote a blog post responding to a Washington Post commentary by Marc A. Thiessen that argued against the release of an Al Qaeda terrorist who had made a deal with the U.S. government.

“I agree with Mr. Thiessen. I think that it is just plain dumb to release a terrorist, much less a senior one – no matter what he can provide,” he wrote.
If homosexuality is protected by law, why not those as well?"

Well, I can answer that one real easily for him....because animals and kids cannot give CONSENT. That is why they are protected by law you dippy little snowflake... LOL.

“I agree with Mr. Thiessen. I think that it is just plain dumb to release a terrorist, much less a senior one – no matter what he can provide,” he wrote.

I'm all for releasing them. (as long as they've ingested a tracker that leads a Tomahawk right to his location when he meets up with his buddies).

“This is just my view on the subject, but if you can’t provide for a child, then don’t have sex.”

In one sentence, he says they should practice safe sex, in another, abstinence. Which is it? What a dipshit.....
He was what Rush Limbaugh would refer to as a "young skull full of mush." He really didn't know what he believed, or why, and he as much as said so.

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