Wow, your blindness is truly stunning. Let's break these down:
1. MSM & Hillary's racist comment. Of course you can find it, because conservative sites all covered it. But I said MSM. I challenge you to find a single reference to it on: NY Times, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, CNN, MSNBC, even FoxNews. Find an article that talks about her comments and how they could be seen as racist.
1b. (bonus question) Find an example or two over the past 20 years where someone said "they all look alike" specifically talking about black men and it not being considered a racist statement. And I mean outside medical/research/facial recognition stuff.
2. Most of your comments regarding Trump are distorted misinterpretations of what he actually said. For example he did not call all Hispanics drug dealing rapists, in that case he was talking about illegals and that we don't know what they do, it could (and does) include drug dealers and rapists. Those are simple facts. Khan did not let his wife speak, again a simple fact. Telling me a billionaire has been sued is meaningless. The reference to him saying he didn't want blacks counting his money was unsubstantiated. His birther activity was fact-based, not racist (and there are still far too many questions for me to believe the B.C. was genuine). For the video of the assault, I remember that. People were sick of these plants and trouble makers. Trump knew people wanted to have the right to defend themselves. It wasn't black vs white, it was left vs right. How can you say that was any worse than when Obama condoned the Black Panthers intimidating voters at a polling center?
3. Vocal protests are usually civil, I have no problem with them. Hillary doesn't have the strength to blow up a balloon let alone hit someone. I can say the same for Trump, he hasn't directly assaulted anyone since getting elected. If you think Hillary intended to say vocal protests when she said remaining uncivil is blind to the truth. Again, her nickname is "Killary". But she never pulls the trigger.
4. You already excused her behavior. Sure, anyone can 'lose it' and go crazy like she did. That does not mean that we make excuses for their behavior. When it is wrong, that person should be admonished. Yet you refuse to do that. So it's ok for libs to behave that way but not conservatives?