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Walk with God, You will never be lost
HCL Supporter
Dec 19, 2017
right here right now maybe later over there
A freind of mine sent me this. It is not mine but I considered it such an excellent point I felt compelled to copy and paste it.
"About a week after Trump took office he placed into effect a Regulatory freeze on all departments within Government. It is still in effect. The 2 for 1 Executive Order which has the force of law is also in effect. By banning Bump Stocks and similar devices by regulation, and Trump has ordered a regulation not a a change to an existing regulation, the ATF has to remove TWO regulations that pertain directly to the regulation they are creating, the reason the EO was written like that was to remove redundant regulations and drop regulation on big and small business. Since there is a regulatory freeze, if the President orders a new regulation (Which he and the Justice department wrote, and will be writing for the Bump Fire stocks), the net incremental costs have to be no greater than ZERO, meaning in order to bank bump stocks and other "devices that turn weapons into machine guns", the ATF has to drop two regulations in relation to machine guns. And that does not mean sub paragraphs or anything else. It means entire regulations. The only have three regulations they can drop and it has to be the entire regulation. The 1934 NFA, the 1968 Gun Control Act and the 1986 FOPA.

Il take any of those two for a ban on a piece of plastic. The only exceptions that can be made to the 2 for 1 are for Matters of National Security or in the case of a National Emergency. Neither of which applies to bump fire stocks.

If the ATF comes up with a recommendation of new regulations to cover what they have to get rid of concerning either of the three I mentioned. Then they have to get rid of four more. Keep going, there wont be an ATF.

The only way for Trump to allow the ATF to enact a new reg without removing two is to revoke the EO, in which case all of the regulations that have helped his economic growth through small business will be over. And when the regulatory freeze went into effect and the EO was originally signed, firearms manufacturers and and manufacturers of Hunting businesses and companies was mentioned."
I thought this was too good to keep to myself. I have seen no mention of this, either in the anti- or pro-firearms media.
Hey Frodo,

All for getting rid of the GCA '68 and NFA '34.

Would like to get rid of the Patriot Act...

And a bunch of our "congress critters" (bribe taking slime balls)

Later, Mark

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