Take action to hide your garden (Yes it will take months, maybe years).

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Should be self-explanatory. Start now to obscure your garden from view. Using structures and/or tall thick bushes and/or vines. Yes, it may take a few years. Your visible garden communicates what is best un-communicated.
If the govt' got serious about confiscating our gardens, then they would likely use low flying planes to find them just like the forest service used to do to find pot plants. Regular natural gardens need to be started in a weed-free field with plenty of sunshine which would be hard to hide. Instead of rows, perhaps a haphazzard planting style would be better. Even then, you'd still need to figure out a way to keep critters out without a fence that could be seen. It would also be more difficult to weed and would have to be done by hand.

An obscured greenhouse placed in the area of a bunch of junk or an abandoned building might be a good option.

I would be more worried about other people stealing from the garden as opposed to the govt' b/c if it comes to that, times will be tough already and there might be a Revolution underfoot as well. I can't imagine that the populace will sit still for the govt' confiscating gardens. They'll have to have taken the guns first..... I can see my garden from my window but nobody else can see it. My rifle is within easy range......just a warning to any rabbit that might need to hear that.
The weeds are doing a fine job of that seemingly overnight 😂
Yes, I get it & yes, I'm still being funny.
Mine is so well hidden, even I don't know where it is! :LOL:
I would be more worried about other people stealing from the garden as opposed to the govt' b/c if it comes to that, times will be tough already
That was/is far more of a concern then the Government my concern. The garden communicates, "Extremely high probability this house/dwelling has stored food inside the home". If people are bothering to be quiet about their "preparing", the visible garden says something different.

..Or a 'Perimeter-Curtain' of [whatever Z yer in]-Zone-Tolerant / Fastest-Growing Bamboo available.. 🤔 With Some varieties, you can have 20'ers (x However 'deep' you planted 'em) inside of a Year.. :cool:

THAT stuff, would (IMO) make an Excellent 'privacy curtain', should-be Quite 'fire-resistant' (for those in 'high burn-risk areas') while still green and healthy.. And, I'm sure I needn't preach about All the 'Amazing uses for Bamboo-as-Wood', whence cut / dried.. :cool:

Seems to me that hiding would only work for so long. At some point you'd have to move to denying access. A large walled in compound maybe. Even blocked access would be breached eventually, so you'd have to move to defense. If I had a compound, I think I'd concentrate on denying access and defense and wouldn't worry about hiding as much. Because I don't think hiding would be terribly effective. But that depends on where you live. In the middle of a thick forest - hiding may work. Out on the open plains - I doubt it would be very effective.
..Or a 'Perimeter-Curtain' of [whatever Z yer in]-Zone-Tolerant / Fastest-Growing Bamboo available.. 🤔 With Some varieties, you can have 20'ers (x However 'deep' you planted 'em) inside of a Year.. :cool:

THAT stuff, would (IMO) make an Excellent 'privacy curtain', should-be Quite 'fire-resistant' (for those in 'high burn-risk areas') while still green and healthy.. And, I'm sure I needn't preach about All the 'Amazing uses for Bamboo-as-Wood', whence cut / dried.. :cool:

autumn olive too


russian olive

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:thumbs: :facepalm:
Seems to me that hiding would only work for so long. At some point you'd have to move to denying access. A large walled in compound maybe. Even blocked access would be breached eventually, so you'd have to move to defense. If I had a compound, I think I'd concentrate on denying access and defense and wouldn't worry about hiding as much. Because I don't think hiding would be terribly effective. But that depends on where you live. In the middle of a thick forest - hiding may work. Out on the open plains - I doubt it would be very effective.
Which a "COMPOUND" or the fence or brush obscuring the garden, would cost a few million dollars......and which might be doable for two or four hundred dollars. If we have learned nothing else from the Ukraine-Russia War, it is that drones have changed everything.

Another point, if starving (mini-hoards) of people or the quasi-local government decide to that your garden that sucks.....but if the mini-hoard decides based on seeing your garden, that you might be worth killing just to see your pantry.
It is called gorilla gardening. It is based on the fact that few people can pick out edible plants. You could have a substantial harvest of potatoes or carrots, planted along the edge of woods. Things are not planted in rows but in misshapen plots. Things like corn or tomatoes are hard to conceal but turnips, sweet potatoes, and other edible roots, placed near the northern edge of a clearing where they get the southern sun would be hard to locate for most non-gardeners.
Or you could set up a nice garden patch in full view and build a bit of an raider trap, instead of cowering.
Or you could set up a nice garden patch in full view and build a bit of an raider trap, instead of cowering.
When they come through at the rate of 30,794 starving humans per hour, after 10 hours and 307,940 rounds of spent ammo you're in trouble.
Which a "COMPOUND" or the fence or brush obscuring the garden, would cost a few million dollars......and which might be doable for two or four hundred dollars. If we have learned nothing else from the Ukraine-Russia War, it is that drones have changed everything.

Another point, if starving (mini-hoards) of people or the quasi-local government decide to that your garden that sucks.....but if the mini-hoard decides based on seeing your garden, that you might be worth killing just to see your pantry.

one thing makes me wonder is just how many drones are out there and whats the life of them being used.
When they come through at the rate of 30,794 starving humans per hour, after 10 hours and 307,940 rounds of spent ammo you're in trouble.
theres another entire element to this hordes you speak of....i probably wont put it here..but i am gathering info to do a thread about a particular kind of horde.
Forest garden. Folks don't realize when the Europeans arrived here to the new world, some of the landscape was developed into a forest garden. They didn't know how to utilize it either as witnessed by Roanoke and Jamestown. However the natives had pruned and groomed the forest to provide. The late great chestnut, the wild rice beds, maple syrup and sugar. I'm sure there is other examples. I have often thought it is prudent to develop these resources. Artichoke patches, and such like. Would the average recognize resources such as this?
one thing makes me wonder is just how many drones are out there and whats the life of them being used.
The global drone sales volume is about 8 million units per year....many of which are sold into the US and most of which are privately owned/hobby drones.

US sales of drones for 2023 in the US had a value of about US$1.5B

That value is increasing at least 20% per year......not the 10% shown in the graph below (which is just silly).


For US sales alone, and if we assume the average price of a hobby drone is about $1000, then the number of hobby units is currently running at about 1.5 million new units each year. It could be argued that the average is less than $1000 and that would make the sales volume (in units) proportionately larger.

The service life of hobby drones is at least 3-5 years of regular use. They can be charged the same as any other 12V DC device.....with a car charger adapter (so solar works well).

Each battery can provide at least a couple of thousand flights (of say about 30 minutes) and most people have several batteries.
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It is called gorilla gardening. It is based on the fact that few people can pick out edible plants. You could have a substantial harvest of potatoes or carrots, planted along the edge of woods. Things are not planted in rows but in misshapen plots. Things like corn or tomatoes are hard to conceal but turnips, sweet potatoes, and other edible roots, placed near the northern edge of a clearing where they get the southern sun would be hard to locate for most non-gardeners.

While it creates more work, concealable gardening requires you to mimick nature in that area.........so make your plants look like randomly spread weed infestations.....more so than a garden.

No rows and no straight lines......and no grouping together of the same varieties.
We have both a hidden and open garden. The hidden garden is on the hillside with orchard hidden in the woods.

The exposed garden is there to answer the question;

"Why isn't Ben and his starving?"

-My garden is hidden from any road traffic that might travel down my dirt dead end road but truthfully its location has nothing to do with garden raiders when S.H.T.F. . During daylight even now I am up and about most of the day . At night my guard dog is released . As other war veterans on this forum , when S.H.T.F. I plan to revert back to my " combat " days during the dark hours . Actually on a few occasions I have already picked up my weapon and let the darkness swallow me up as I quietly lay waiting for a potential raid . Even a deputy sheriff joined me one night on guard duty as we both quietly waited .
..Your visible garden communicates what is best un-communicated.

This was a rather.. 'Realistically-Raw' flick, where the guys 'Mini-garden' was (basically) the 'start of his Undoing' (Oops, Spoiler, there.. ;) ..All because of what its Existence, alone, 'Telegraphed' to those that Happened upon it... 🤔


This was a rather.. 'Realistically-Raw' flick, where the guys 'Mini-garden' was (basically) the 'start of his Undoing' (Oops, Spoiler, there.. ;) ..All because of what its Existence, alone, 'Telegraphed' to those that Happened upon it... 🤔



I have watched that "full length" (5) FIVE Times. Very educational. And Dark, and slow, and dark, did I mention that it is dark.

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