Plant a row of mix nut & fruit trees: Walnut, pecan, hickory, chestnut, BLK Walnut, planted about sixty feet apart.
Then plant a apple or two half way between the nut trees at thirty feet( apple can be harvested from June to Oct.), a few pears, persimmon, oak,pine & mulberry in the mix.
Then move out about ten feet & plant a few plums, a red bud, szechuan pepper, sasktoon berry,Elder berry, Cornel Dogwood, a fig tree, a quince, blue berry plants & wild grapes. Then fill in any holes with American Beauty berries,sunchokes,rhubarb, Canna, Hablitzia, Good king Henry,May pop,Skirret, marsh mallow,lovage, Toraji/balloon flower,horse radish,orange day lilies, hosta,asparagus,Plantain,Dock.
All these plants on the side facing your land/house. On the far/back side of the large trees at the core of the hedgerow plant protection plants that are food plants too.
Wolf berries, goose berries Wild hip roses, Texas prickly pears,Bear grass yucca,Devil's Walking stick,Black berries, raspberries, stinging nettles all have thorns & poke berry. This will make it hard to harvest from the far/back side & hard to move though the hedgerow.
This is enough food plants in close one acre or more land, if you have less space double up & make the food forest wider.
Every plant has a food use & are perennial, so a year after you plant them, they will look like wild plants, because you only have to dig to harvest them.