Take action to hide your garden (Yes it will take months, maybe years).

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This was a rather.. 'Realistically-Raw' flick, where the guys 'Mini-garden' was (basically) the 'start of his Undoing' (Oops, Spoiler, there.. ;) ..All because of what its Existence, alone, 'Telegraphed' to those that Happened upon it... 🤔



Like Sourdough, I have watched that thought provoking and disturbing movie a few times.
Should be self-explanatory. Start now to obscure your garden from view. Using structures and/or tall thick bushes and/or vines. Yes, it may take a few years. Your visible garden communicates what is best un-communicated.

My number one OPSEC failure is what is visible to the dozen plus Piper Cubs that pass over my place daily as they navigate through the narrow pass that I call home. While hidden from earth dwellers, my metal roof, fire break and yes, my gardens are in plain site from above. Satellite too. My risk assessment indicates wildfire risk was the more pressing threat than a piper cub pilot. I suppose I should give the aerial threat more thought.
...I suppose I should give the aerial threat more thought.

😈 Jus' sayin.. 😬

My number one OPSEC failure is what is visible to the dozen plus Piper Cubs that pass over my place daily as they navigate through the narrow pass that I call home. While hidden from earth dwellers, my metal roof, fire break and yes, my gardens are in plain site from above. Satellite too. My risk assessment indicates wildfire risk was the more pressing threat than a piper cub pilot. I suppose I should give the aerial threat more thought.
Mil-surp cam nets are pretty effective.....
Cam Net 800x600.jpg

That is a 6x6 under there......
Consider growing potatoes in the wild. Potato's like acid soil.
Find a sunny spot in the woods. Plant potato in soil. Mound it up a bit. Fertilize top of soil. Mulch lightly and check back once and a while for upkeep and harvest time.
One potato here one potato there not all planted together.
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Very difficult to hide in such a small country as here. You guys have vast swathes of hiding places .
When the photography plane came over a few years back, the picture was so good you could see our old dog lying in his spot. Google earth has it covered I guess. Most locals would know I grow stuff, and therefore would know that wouldn't change if there was an emergency. Hiding seeds would be important, and knowing how to forage.
If the govt' got serious about confiscating our gardens, then they would likely use low flying planes to find them just like the forest service used to do to find pot plants. Regular natural gardens need to be started in a weed-free field with plenty of sunshine which would be hard to hide. Instead of rows, perhaps a haphazzard planting style would be better. Even then, you'd still need to figure out a way to keep critters out without a fence that could be seen. It would also be more difficult to weed and would have to be done by hand.

An obscured greenhouse placed in the area of a bunch of junk or an abandoned building might be a good option.

I would be more worried about other people stealing from the garden as opposed to the govt' b/c if it comes to that, times will be tough already and there might be a Revolution underfoot as well. I can't imagine that the populace will sit still for the govt' confiscating gardens. They'll have to have taken the guns first..... I can see my garden from my window but nobody else can see it. My rifle is within easy range......just a warning to any rabbit that might need to hear th
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I caught 3 people TRYING to steel watermellons from my patch this year AFTER they got by the elec fence they didnt much like the rock salt 12 ga in their buts, sure did help them over fence faster, NEXT time it will be buckshot!
That statement is not going to help things if you end up shooting someone stealing a watermelon. You might want to consider deleting it. Don't confuse doing the warranted thing with doing the legal thing - these are totally different concepts.
That statement is not going to help things if you end up shooting someone stealing a watermelon. You might want to consider deleting it. Don't confuse doing the warranted thing with doing the legal thing - these are totally different concepts.

Makes it premeditated.

Makes it premeditated.
Any claim of self defense would be out the window as well. Some dark thoughts are best left unsaid. Especially on the internet. Where it never disappears. (but I sure would still try to hide it anyway, if I had said something like that)
I watched this sometime back. It’s an hour long and I actually watched the whole thing. They seem like an unlikely couple to me but sure do have some things figured out. It’s kinda a cross between permaculture and unsuspecting.
Plant a row of mix nut & fruit trees: Walnut, pecan, hickory, chestnut, BLK Walnut, planted about sixty feet apart.
Then plant a apple or two half way between the nut trees at thirty feet( apple can be harvested from June to Oct.), a few pears, persimmon, oak,pine & mulberry in the mix.
Then move out about ten feet & plant a few plums, a red bud, szechuan pepper, sasktoon berry,Elder berry, Cornel Dogwood, a fig tree, a quince, blue berry plants & wild grapes. Then fill in any holes with American Beauty berries,sunchokes,rhubarb, Canna, Hablitzia, Good king Henry,May pop,Skirret, marsh mallow,lovage, Toraji/balloon flower,horse radish,orange day lilies, hosta,asparagus,Plantain,Dock.
All these plants on the side facing your land/house. On the far/back side of the large trees at the core of the hedgerow plant protection plants that are food plants too.
Wolf berries, goose berries Wild hip roses, Texas prickly pears,Bear grass yucca,Devil's Walking stick,Black berries, raspberries, stinging nettles all have thorns & poke berry. This will make it hard to harvest from the far/back side & hard to move though the hedgerow.
This is enough food plants in close one acre or more land, if you have less space double up & make the food forest wider.
Every plant has a food use & are perennial, so a year after you plant them, they will look like wild plants, because you only have to dig to harvest them.