Teenage Prepping?

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Mar 7, 2013
North Carolina
Yes, I am a teenage prepper. The only problem is my family is not on board. They believe in leaving things up to God and the government. While I agree with the God part, the government, not so much. When SHTF what good will the government be?

So basically I'm in this on my own. I want my family to be safe during SHTF but I don't know how to begin or continue on from there. Advice? Tips? I don't have a job yet but will begin applying next month on my birthday. (21st).
Also, they do not allow guns in the house and refuse to purchase any because they don't want my younger brothers (6 and 9) to be around them.
what about bb guns? start off small. if possible, find a way to store a canned good once every week, or buy a few bucks worth of cannned food every week. dont rush into trying to buy everything all at once. you can buy a gallon of water for a buck in dollar stores.
I am going slow myself, I buy a litle bit every payday, slow and steady wins this one, if the SHTF next week your hosed anyway so just do a little at a time. The frequency of emergency events are such that if you do this you should be well prepared when it happens and you wont have broke the bank doing it.
what about bb guns? start off small. if possible, find a way to store a canned good once every week, or buy a few bucks worth of cannned food every week. dont rush into trying to buy everything all at once. you can buy a gallon of water for a buck in dollar stores.
I do have a BB gun but that's not gonna do much damage lol. I have a good shot with it though but I don't know how well I would do with other guns because I've never shot one.
the bb guns are good for hunting small game. shtf, a squirrel or dove can be a good meal.
Its okay not to have a gun, when the SHTF you just take it off a dead guy, kidding. Learning self defense is good though, because then you'll never be disarmed. Just make sure it is a practical one. Or make a sling, and have fun with your two little brothers throwing rocks around. It can be made for pennies, two pieces of rope and a pouch.
Its okay not to have a gun, when the SHTF you just take it off a dead guy, kidding. Learning self defense is good though, because then you'll never be disarmed. Just make sure it is a practical one. Or make a sling, and have fun with your two little brothers throwing rocks around. It can be made for pennies, two pieces of rope and a pouch.
Kenny Lee that was a good idea about the sling shot. I haven't played with one of those since I was a kid and I remember you could put a hurtin on someone if you really wanted to.
Kolydascope if it really comes to it you could always bug out where I live. I'd take you in and I know how to use a gun so I could also teach you. Just a thought my friend.
That really means a lot to me but I couldn't do that. I've seen posts and I have the same mindset as everyone on here when it comes to taking in people. I'm well enough to hold my own and guns aren't the only weapon out there. But if it does come down to it I will keep that in mind. I won't come empty handed though. And whats mine will also be yours because I will realize the sacrifice you are making for me. Thank you. :)
While guns are pretty powerful, a mini crossbow can do some damage too. I just picked up another mini crossbow and extra bolts. You don't have to leave it lying around the house loaded so you shouldn't have to worry about your siblings hurting something they shouldn't. I've used it to take out squirrels around the yard and could EASILY see it taking out bigger targets. You don't have to worry so much about the expense of ammo since hopefully you'll be able to retrieve your bolts from whatever you just shot!
That really means a lot to me but I couldn't do that. I've seen posts and I have the same mindset as everyone on here when it comes to taking in people. I'm well enough to hold my own and guns aren't the only weapon out there. But if it does come down to it I will keep that in mind. I won't come empty handed though. And whats mine will also be yours because I will realize the sacrifice you are making for me. Thank you. :)
Just so you know the offer is always open. I have no problem sharing with you. The hardest thing for me is to turn others away. If someone does ask to join me I'd probably say yes providing they can contribute to our survival. Who knows maybe your parents will come around as things continue to unfold in this world of ours. God helps those whom help there self. He also says that we need to be prepared and I do believe that. If it's my time to go then so be it I'm ready but if not then I have to do what He tells me and be prepared til He is ready for me.
Start by prepping water. Take empty 2 liter pop bottles, wash them out with soapy hot water and fill them with water. When you do get a part time job, you can get purification tablets. Create a bug out bag with what you already have on hand. (check out suggestions on this forum for what you can put in it). Google the Red Cross website. they have great ideas in disaster preparedness. You can take some classes through them like First Aid/CPR or better yet, volunteer there. You will get a TON of disaster preparedness classes under your belt for free while helping others. Welcome!
You are getting a lot of good advice here. One thing about moving up to a rifle from a bb gun. A .22 really isn't much different, a little heavier, but it's not going to kick like a Missouri mule and it looks a little scarier than a Daisy air pump. However, respect your parents' wishes on that as long as you're under their roof.
im a teenager to. glad theres someone i can relate to. im working on my bugout bag and then im gonna work on the bugging in plan, ill let you know how they come as they progress. the only person in my family that will cooperate is my 15 year old brother.
im a teenager to. glad theres someone i can relate to. im working on my bugout bag and then im gonna work on the bugging in plan, ill let you know how they come as they progress. the only person in my family that will cooperate is my 15 year old brother.
I feel like I could get my nine year old brother on board, but if my parents find out I'm screwed, and he has a pretty big mouth lol. So I'm doing it slowly like by shooting the BB with him and helping him aim, teaching him how to build fires, etc.
All of the teens have come out of the wood works lol. I was a teenager when I realized what was happening and the strategic games that were being played...it's been quite some time since those days but it's hard when others think your nuts...it doesn't get any easier as you get older. You talked about God and maybe you should ask for a window to open or their hearts to be opened. I know that if you present things in a scary way they will definitely run from you. Have you thought about taking archery lessons or even a bow you can make? Sometimes I think about all of the things we have accumulated and to be quite honest the only thing that will save me in the end is my mental strength and faith. Maybe get them interested in gardening, canning..try to think of things that aren't deadly! and when they ask why..just say, " I don't know, I just think it's cool!"
All of the teens have come out of the wood works lol. I was a teenager when I realized what was happening and the strategic games that were being played...it's been quite some time since those days but it's hard when others think your nuts...it doesn't get any easier as you get older. You talked about God and maybe you should ask for a window to open or their hearts to be opened. I know that if you present things in a scary way they will definitely run from you. Have you thought about taking archery lessons or even a bow you can make? Sometimes I think about all of the things we have accumulated and to be quite honest the only thing that will save me in the end is my mental strength and faith. Maybe get them interested in gardening, canning..try to think of things that aren't deadly! and when they ask why..just say, " I don't know, I just think it's cool!"
jeepgirl you are so right. It's nice to know though that the teenagers are thinking about this stuff after all they are the future. We may be older than them but it does not mean we are useless. There are so many with much needed skills that need to be nurtured to those youth who want to learn and carry those skills with them to the future. Bows are wonderful for food source as well as protection and they could practice target shooting like I learned in archery class in high school. Camping is a wonderful past time with friends but can also help them to learn basic survival skills which I was taught in girl scouts many moons ago. LOL It was a great experience for me to rough it in the wilderness growing up with my 3 brothers. Never thought the skills I learned in girl scouts would ever come in handy but they did.
Ive figured out a way that i can store stuff such as my bags and canned food and water without my parents finding out until they agree. im gonna dig a spider hole(a 3 foot wide x 8 foot long x 3 foot deep) then you use extra piping or whatever you have to put across the top then a tarp or old blanket over it. then you cover it with dirt but leave a big enough hole so that you can put stuff in and also climb in in case something goes bad. be and my bro are gonna make one for each of us and keep the same supplies in each that way if one is unavailable we can get to the other one.
Storing it under your bed would be easier for you to get to, unless your parents raid your room routinely.
Well this kind of sucks if your parents are not on board. I dont know if this would work for you but what about finding a bug out location close to home. A place you could stock a little supplies or how about a friends house ? Or rent somebody's shed ?
Ive already got a bug out spot and route planned but itll take about 30 minutes to get to on foot so i cant just keep stuff there. and i dont know about any one else but my parents check my room constantly and now were only aloud to have a bed and dresser, so.........
Ive already got a bug out spot and route planned but itll take about 30 minutes to get to on foot so i cant just keep stuff there. and i dont know about any one else but my parents check my room constantly and now were only aloud to have a bed and dresser, so.........

OK, cut out the piece of drywall in the back of your closet and save it. store supplies in the bays then fix the drywall. I wont go into detail just do some research.
I have a bugout location but, like Ghost Sniper said, it takes over an hour to get there on foot. I am getting my license soon though and since, hopefully, I will be getting a job within the next month, I can start saving for a car. I'm thinking as long as SHTF doesn't happen for around a year, I should be okay. But that's the thing, you never know when ***** gonna happen.

Do any of you have advice for making a bow and arrow?
I definitely applaud you for being a teenage prepper. I am one myself. And this thread actually made me join this forum. I personally have been pretty fortunate, i was able to convince my parents to get me a .40 s&w pistol for my Christmas present, which was not easy since my mom is a city girl and doesnt like guns. My dad though, was very thankful that i got her interested in firearms, because hes a farm hick who used to get ammo during his drivers ed classes. 2 totally different ends of the spectrum, but somehow it all worked out for me. I dont tell them that its for prepping, but they kinda know based on my conversations with them about where America is headed. As for the fact that your parents dont agree, i am extremely hopeful that they understand that you are just looking ahead and trying to be responsible for your family's well being should something happen. Worst case scenario, you have absolutely no preps, but the fact that you're thinking and have a plan puts you ahead of about 95% of people. As others have stated, dont worry about buying your preps all at once. I had my Bug out Bag given to me as a present, saying it was for "camping trips." Which isnt a total lie. ;) Just keep the long term goal in mind, and buy the bare necessities. I believe another prepper website had some articles on preps and how to tier your buying so that you will eventually have everything you NEED. I plan to begin buying the necessities, such as water, whenever I hit up the store. Just get a gallon of water, or a pack of water bottles. That in it of itself gives you a good start. Water is the first priority in any survival scenario, so I'd tell you to start there. Everyone in this thread seems to be very knowledgeable, and Id suggest taking their advice to heart.
i also am a teen prepper, if you have some questions you can message me, i have sort of the same issue right now, not having a job, until wildfire season
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