I look at my stockpile of arms, ammo, food, water, medical gear, propane tanks, charcoal, wood and many other supplies and I start feeling pretty good about myself and my chances against anything that may rise up against me. Even mother nature and the chinese invasion force Joe helped cross the border. Then I go to bed and lay there thinking about all the holes in my plans and deficiencies in my preps. Maybe thats just a part of it all. The thing that keeps us working toward something. Either way it made me drop some coin today and later in the week a guy and his wife are coming out to dig big holes and plant a few apple trees on the green part of my property. I am not farmer or a gardener, but some apples growing on a tree every year can't hurt. Presuming I survive until 2026 or 2027 when they are supposed to start producing fruit. I also watched a video this morning about a guy who raises chickens and feeds them nothing but beetles that he collects in traps. I am sure that's what I will start thinking about tonight. I wonder how long I can survive on rain water, eggs and apples if my stockpile runs out?