The Baby Killers are under investigation

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I've got to throw a violation flag.

We can't go off topic here into Hillary's crimes. This thread isn't big enough for that. A whole 'forum topic' here isn't big enough. It might take the entire internet to cover all the crimes committed by the Clintons. Heck, even new dictionaries, new words like "Arkancide" and "Clintoned" have been invented, and new definitions for words like "is" and "alone".

But I'm OK with one point. Is there anyone here who thinks Hillary is not a criminal deserving to be in prison? No need to discuss level of guilt, just anyone who thinks she's innocent as the driven snow?
And how is abortion a liberal agenda? More like a 20th century agenda.

No, it is part of the liberal agenda. It is part of the lefts agenda just like feminism, homosexuality no matter what label you put on it and the list can continue to add environmental issues, Agenda 21, but it has a new name now. I think Agenda 30. The end result is basically a communist new world order.

Historically that's how it came. I take that back, a large portion of its agenda was to kill black babies.

Even the feminist have to have their say.

Here is a pretty good read, but because it is a religious website I doubt most will consider it.

Unless you send your child to a conservative college you are sending your child to the wolves. Its bad enough at the public school level but at the college level your kid is being indoctrinated. My wifes sister son just left for a college about 70 miles away this fall. I do not have regular contact with him but when I do I am going to observe and ask little questions. Kind of like a cop doing a field interrogation. Do some fishing. My sister in law is a dumb B. the college is a very liberal college and the kid was already a Bernie Sanders supporter which was a family joke.

Sons get free college because I am rated as a 100% disabled veteran. My boys will not go to a liberal college. I will not process or sign the VA paperwork. If they insist they can get student loans.

Back to the story. It has came down to indrocination. A little bit at a time but it really kicked in under Obama. I am happy at the school the boys go to teachers are not allowed to talk politics unless it is to answer a students question and then only the question from a purely factual stance not a personal preference.
Your best chance of not having your kids indoctrinated in college is to send them to engineering school at a traditionally conservative university. The university itself has almost certain been taken over by liberals by now, but there will be holdouts in the engineering school. 2+2=5 works for most liberal arts and sciences, and especially for climate science (and evolutionary sciences ;)) but it won't get you anywhere in engineering school.
Your best chance of not having your kids indoctrinated in college is to send them to engineering school at a traditionally conservative university. The university itself has almost certain been taken over by liberals by now, but there will be holdouts in the engineering school. 2+2=5 works for most liberal arts and sciences, and especially for climate science (and evolutionary sciences ;)) but it won't get you anywhere in engineering school.

My youngest(13) wants to be a Math teacher. I am not for sure about my 15 year old. Every since he got sick last Christmas he is unsure about things. He did have an interest in the military and I was going to try and talk him into going to college first and then go into the military if he still wanted to. Officers get paid a lot more and have better living conditions, but have higher expectations. My youngest did have a long conversation with me about the Army the other day. To be honest I don't want any of my children in the military but its their choice. If they do choose it the recruiters will absolutely hate me.
The military is a good place to refine discipline, have a decent income while younger, and with Trump at least our troops will be working toward honorable efforts rather than Obama's lame approach. And you know, we'll have 7 more years of Trump (that should tick off any idiots).

Just a thought...
Did you vote for Clinton?
I did. I am the first to admit I didn’t like all of her ideas or policies, but over all I believe she has a lot more class than trump and is a much better person. Seriously, can anyone really say they respect trump? He is a loudmouth bully, doesn’t pay taxes, disrespects women and other world leaders, etc. I would have even voted for another conservative, just not trump.
ArticDude has a good point. Most college degrees are just a paper saying the graduate could stay sober long enough to pass tests. Most graduates are not applying their degree after only a few years.

Advanced education should provide a specialized knowledge. But far greater, the student should learn critical thinking. Not what to think, but HOW to think. Most schools do the opposite. And that's not just college, that should apply starting in grade school. It doesn't take $100k to learn these, and a student should pursue what they are passionate about (in a career that is real-world).

But what makes a person 'successful'? Faith (eternity) is a great start. Character. Family. Love. I don't see money in that list. Don't get me wrong, have a roof over your head and financial security is nice. But it doesn't rank over any of the above, not even close.
I did. I am the first to admit I didn’t like all of her ideas or policies, but over all I believe she has a lot more class than trump and is a much better person. Seriously, can anyone really say they respect trump? He is a loudmouth bully, doesn’t pay taxes, disrespects women and other world leaders, etc. I would have even voted for another conservative, just not trump.

Wow. I would be embarrassed to admit that. Let me break these down:

I didn’t like all of her ideas or policies
Name any that make any sense and would work in the real world?

she has a lot more class than trump and is a much better person
Have you ever heard the term "Arkancide"? And 'class'? She was in charge of bimbo eruptions, sure, that's 'class'!

they respect trump?

He is a loudmouth bully
Yup. And?

doesn’t pay taxes
Bullsh*t. Blatant lie.

disrespects women and other world leaders
Only Rosie Odonell. Can you say you've never said crass comments like he did on the bus? Nope, not his finest moment. But given a choice between a guy who occasionally spoke rudely, and may have even touched a woman or two VERSUS Clinton who has dozens of buried victims and is a radical socialist...

This does explain a fair bit. Delusional. I don't know of any other word to describe it.
I did. I am the first to admit I didn’t like all of her ideas or policies, but over all I believe she has a lot more class than trump and is a much better person. Seriously, can anyone really say they respect trump? He is a loudmouth bully, doesn’t pay taxes, disrespects women and other world leaders, etc. I would have even voted for another conservative, just not trump.

Well there goes a great deal of respect I had for you. I still like you, but always thought you was a bit naive, now I know for sure. Im just being completely honost. You seem like an honost person that keeps there word though.
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Back during the primary I said that the one thing you can say about Trump at least was that he didn't hate the country. That was the extent of what I had to say good about him. I was very wary of Trump, and didn't trust him.

I'll be the first to admit that Trump can be brash, and comes across as a bully sometimes (people say that in person he's really a nice guy and not like that at all)

We are now finding out that a lot of the things Trump was accused of were made up, especially in the Russian Collusion case.

But everything we know about Trump other than what he says himself comes from sources that haven't always been truthful about him. And that includes both liberal and conservative media.

What to believe? I wish I had an answer to that.
As each day goes by it is being found out the TRAITOR Hillary is......Proven FACT she had Classified documents on an ILLEGAL server.....Proven FACT Comey and FBI was covering up and making her TREASON look like a simple mistake....the TREASON of Hillary and Obama will all come out in time....Hillary has CLASS ? that has to be about the most insane thing anyone can say about her, IMO when someone say's Hillary has class it proves to never trust that person.....she would have your throat cut and laugh about it....
Liberals like Hilary because they consider Her a progressive. Other words She would take money , leadership posistions , land , direction of Our Country away from the Folks that are making things happen , getting things done , powering Our economy and give it to thoes that do not have that ability and have a socialists bliss ideology that never works but once in place is very hard to get rid of .
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I did. I am the first to admit I didn’t like all of her ideas or policies, but over all I believe she has a lot more class than trump and is a much better person. Seriously, can anyone really say they respect trump? He is a loudmouth bully, doesn’t pay taxes, disrespects women and other world leaders, etc. I would have even voted for another conservative, just not trump.

Dude I gotta be honest. When I read your comment I saw red and a lot of F words were going to come out so I walked away and did other stuff. I like most of what you write and think your a solid guy. I have respect for you. You said what you felt and I assume you stand by your then decisions.

Now with saying that and I'm not going to say much. I truly HATE that women(Clinton). I cant verbally say how I feel because I would make you all blush. About Trump, I don't agree with all but I really like the dude. I am similar, I am loud. My wife ******* at me all the time especially with some of the stuff I say in public(Ask about Target) He doesn't put up with ****. He is a soldiers president similar to President Reagan. I don't think he disrespects women, maybe talked some ****. Ask me how I got the nickname Family Values NCO when I was divorced from my wife and was in the national guard, LOL.

Trump is not perfect but I am glad I do not have a president who is a pussy like Obama was.
I never actually heard anyone admit out loud that they supported a corrupt murderous traitor for president. The Klintons have left a graveyard full of enemies behind. I guess some may think a person like that would make a better president than a guy who made a silly locker room joke.
BTW, Trump pays millions in taxes, far more than anyone should ever be forced to pay.
Wow. I would be embarrassed to admit that. Let me break these down:

I didn’t like all of her ideas or policies
Name any that make any sense and would work in the real world?

she has a lot more class than trump and is a much better person
Have you ever heard the term "Arkancide"? And 'class'? She was in charge of bimbo eruptions, sure, that's 'class'!

they respect trump?

He is a loudmouth bully
Yup. And?

doesn’t pay taxes
Bullsh*t. Blatant lie.

disrespects women and other world leaders
Only Rosie Odonell. Can you say you've never said crass comments like he did on the bus? Nope, not his finest moment. But given a choice between a guy who occasionally spoke rudely, and may have even touched a woman or two VERSUS Clinton who has dozens of buried victims and is a radical socialist...

This does explain a fair bit. Delusional. I don't know of any other word to describe it.

What I hate the most about that bitch beside murder is she is a proven liar and then again murderer comes to mine with a very long list of suicide or murdered associates and then there is Benghazi leaving Americans to die, and for the feminists out there she defended a child rapist in court and then laughed about it. Oh, yeah she protected Bill raping and sexually assaulting the different women. Basically pressured them into keeping their mouths shut under threat. Didn't she come under congressional investigation several times while Bill was president? Yep sure did so why cant people remember that when it came to the emails and the charity dentations they received from all of these countries wanting favors.
All I can say about trump is time will tell how people look at him down the road. His style of attacking anyone he disagrees with reminds me of senator McCarthy from way back. We will see in three years how everyone feels about him. As far as Hillary, I don’t think she was a saint either. I just in my gut felt she was the lesser of two evils. I heard someone saying the two choices were between a **** and a turd sandwich. Pretty decent analogy.
I just wish a decent, common person with values and the best interests of the people in mind could run for the job. Probably not in my lifetime though....
I will say one thing though, I don’t consider myself to be a liberal or conservative. I like to look at each issue for what it is and make a decision based on the facts known at the time. I do side with the scientific consensus more often as well. I think being moderate and somewhat middle of the road is a good approach to most things in life.
Meaning lots of Democratic voters never being able to vote.
So the liberals are destroying the future voter base

Are you sure about that? It seems democrats get 100% voting results from cemeteries and illegals. Why spend more welfare money for 2 decades when you get immediate votes from illegals.

And you raise a really tough question. WHO is there that you would vote Hillary over the other person? If it was Hillary vs Hitler? How about Hillary vs Stalin? OK, I've got one for certain: Hillary vs the one final Anti-Christ! I'm with you on voting for the mailman first (and my mailman is a drunk & a womanizer! But he's a nice guy & does deliver mail reliably....).
it's lunacy to say you look at facts and then say you voted for lunacy......when you make statements like that you have removed all doubt about having anything to say anyone will ever believe.......If your gut tells you hillary is lesser of two evils go eat 12 elax bars and crap yourself some hillary facts...
I think being moderate and somewhat middle of the road is a good approach to most things in life.

I really don't have much use for 'middle of the road' in most things. An example, water temperature. People think lukewarm is the way to go. For any of my Christian friends here, you'll find 'lukewarm' used exactly once in the Bible and it is as far from a compliment.

Also 'Moderates' only work with Republicans. John McStain is the perfect example. Name a single 'moderate' democrat? Name one that didn't vote for Obamascare. Name one that's voting for this tax reform. It's a 1 way street, and life doesn't work that way.

But lukewarm. People think it means a nice compromise. But when you implement it, it's the equivalent of putting one foot in a bucket of hot water and the other in an ice bucket. On average, you are not comfortable! Same goes for politics. Choices are usually binary. Either you can own guns and carry them or you can't. Either you bring muslim terrorists into the country or you don't. Either you think the gov't can spend your hard earned money wiser or you can.

Brent, let's take these first two, guns and muslim terrorists. Tell me what a 'moderate' stance is. For help, here's a conservative stance on these:

Guns: 2nd Amendment means what it says. People in general (not felons, nuts, kids...) can own as many guns as they want, as much ammo as they want, and carry them practically anywhere (with CCL). Advanced weapons require permits (full auto, suppressors, etc), but are available to the general public as well. Guns are encouraged for people to own to protect themselves from whatever threat comes their way, worst of which is the gov't itself.

Muslims: Muslim Terrorists are a problem. The ban by Trump is perfectly legal. Stopping refugees from problem countries should be halted completely. Vetting could and should be tougher from some countries than others. We can pick from the brightest and best to come to our country, not just any notjub. There is no 'moral' reason for open borders, it's exactly the opposite. Loyalty goes to our citizens, not criminals who come here intending harm. And if some are vetted due to tougher restrictions, so be it.

So Brent, have at it. What is a 'moderate' version of these two? This should be an interesting discussion and I hope you put some thought into your response.
Guns: 2nd Amendment means what it says. People in general (not felons, nuts, kids...) can own as many guns as they want, as much ammo as they want, and carry them practically anywhere (with CCL). Advanced weapons require permits (full auto, suppressors, etc), but are available to the general public as well. Guns are encouraged for people to own to protect themselves from whatever threat comes their way, worst of which is the gov't itself.

You are wrong. The constitution does not limit the right to bear arms even to a criminal. It was not until 1986 that a person with a felony was prohibited from owning a firearm.

As an ex correction officer/ERT member I am very pro gun rights even for a felon. Of course a waiting period. 7 years is a good number that is used often for other waiting periods. American citizens are very ignorant of the criminal justice system. Prosecutors stack charges to pressure you into a plea bargain. If you do not accept then they are hoping that at least one of the charges will stick. A prosecutor does not care if you are innocent. They care about the statistic of conviction rate come election time.

Most public defenders simply do not care. They get paid regardless if they win. Most prisoners had a public defender.

I am not going to bash cops. But look on YouTube and you will see an excessive amounts of excessive use of force. Searching without a warrant. And almost all videos they try to force the person involved to turn off the video recorder.