The Day to End The Rest

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i'll be surprised if they get out of London alive never mind anything else, its so built up and so is the surrounding areas and then you've got all the street gangs, 250 street gangs in London at last count, the London killings of 2018 will seem nothing compared to the mayhem of SHTF.
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Today is far different than 1861. In 1861 both sides had a government, both sides had states and both sides had loyalties to the cause and to the states, that type of convection don’t exist today! Also, both sides were well funded and had the industry for the needed supplies to wage war.

I think people watch to much television and or read to many science fiction books. A civil war today would bring destruction to the Constitution, the Republic would forever be history, the democracy we know today will never return so don’t think once a civil war would be the savior of anything, look at the ideology today. For the ones glamouring for a civil war absolutely have no experience in war, a civil war is the dirtiest of wars and the ones glamorizing it apparently have nothing to lose!
U.K. situation:

If the SHTF event is a sudden event (lost power grid, nationwide) then the urban folks are doo-doo-. They will not stand a chance . If the SHTF event is a slow long term process (failing infrastructure and government) the the U.K. will follow almost exactly like Venezuela (VZ). Very similar situations, disarmed population, urban, suburban populations separated by distance from the rural population. VZ is a prime match to what will happen in the U.K. JM2c
When you start to consider the scenarios, what could happen, when, where, etc, etc. It's mindboggling. I would say the main thing is to do the best you can to ensure your independence. That is live frugally and wisely and NOT be dependent on the government. Now that you have accomplished that huge task, then decide what is the most likely scenario and prepare for that. There are lots of things that could happen and the preps for these things can overlap , so be sure to consider that. If you prepare for one thing, such as economic collapse, and feel ready for it, then preparing for social unrest will be less expensive because you already have some of the preps in place. I think most people here would rather not have to have to use their preps, but having them provides a lot of security. You know, like a rainy day fund. Better to have one than not.
Now addressing the question of when will bad things happen......If we knew that then there would be no accidents, no unwarned tsunami, no 911. You can only read the signs of the times. Is there going to be an Antifa march in your neighborhood, then prepare for trouble. Is the stock market stable? How is it going with the global warming? How are the politics, so on and so forth. That really is the only clue we have. I am sure if the Jews in Poland had heeded the signs of the times, more would have escaped. Just be aware as best you can.
I like having preps as an insurance plan. I can cook without electricity, have water and multiple ways to make it safe to drink and have enough supplies to make it comfortably through most emergencies. I even have pretty good security covered. All that being said, I think the most important thing we can all do is enjoy life now. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, and I am certain of one thing. We are all going to die eventually and we only get one chance at this short lifetime. Make the best of it, always tell the ones your close to how much you care about them, help one another out when you can. Life is easier right now for most people than it has ever been in human history. Don’t forget to enjoy it.
Keep in mind there is People both urban and rual living what We call shtf or post end of the world as we know it . Living on the fringe just surviving . Some already formed into predatory groups . You don't have to look hard to find them . They may well call Us sheep .

They are going to find a very different kind of sheep if they decide to visit my place.
We were fishing at a place on the Elk River . We came across tents, lean to's and other make shift shelters . Looked like 3 or 4 Families were living on the river . They herded their Kids back and stared at Us . Couple of the Men had that look like They were sizing Us up to see if We may be a easy target . I adjusted My carry gun and We moved on . They could be harmless but I doubt it . Desperate People do desperate things .
there is always the first big storm of the Winter, in most of the UK everything grinds to a halt, the trains stop, the cars get stuck in the snow on a hill usually, trees collapse and take out a power line or two and everyone complains when the power goes off for an hour or three. pathetic!!!
that's just one storm, what they gonna do when its SHTF? die probably without the internet or their access to facebook, not enough food and nothing to cook it on if they had any.
sorry, I don't have any respect for sheeple in the 21st century, load of snowflakes!!!
most people don't even have a flashlight never mind anything more.

And that’s a fact BP

I was visiting a friend in town when his neighbor came over needing to borrow a flashlight. The neighbor works for the city so isn’t like he has no money, I didn’t think much of it until I seen your post and laughed.

Every store one goes into someone is selling LED flashlights extremely cheap, rich and poor alike have no excuse not to have flashlights of some sorts.
I've seen them in dollar general. Family dollar. And dollar tree...yes their cheaply made.but yet even cheaply made is better then nothing. I've showed 2 neighbours a lil cheap one i have1 or 2 months ago.they plug into a electric outlet to be which i seriously doubt they even went n looked for one.
I get coupons from Harbor Freight every week or so and in just about every sale they have a small LED flashlight free coupon. We have several in every room. Even when not free, they are only $1.50. There is no reason for not having a flashlight or a dozen of them. I Have two big LED flashlights with articulating lens, magnetic base and they recharge from a USB port. I will not be cursing the dark, I will light my candlella. (sorry I could not resist).
we have a couple of large lantern batteries, one upstairs, one downstairs so we can grab them when the lights go off.
various small flashlights which are battery powered and I have a box of wind up ones as well.
Here's an old thread with some fun. Go to the OP: Dallas Dixon asked about a year and a half ago, basically when to plan for SHTF. Hey, I've got an answer, how about right now! Virus threats, nationwide riots, economic implosion, 20% unemployment, international trade wars/chaos... what interesting times we have now!
Here's an old thread with some fun. Go to the OP: Dallas Dixon asked about a year and a half ago, basically when to plan for SHTF. Hey, I've got an answer, how about right now! Virus threats, nationwide riots, economic implosion, 20% unemployment, international trade wars/chaos... what interesting times we have now!

And look just how quickly all these issue crept up on our complacent asses !! Only the prepping community went into this mess fully (OK 95%) ready :)
Here's an old thread with some fun. Go to the OP: Dallas Dixon asked about a year and a half ago, basically when to plan for SHTF. Hey, I've got an answer, how about right now! Virus threats, nationwide riots, economic implosion, 20% unemployment, international trade wars/chaos... what interesting times we have now!
No doubt, all that added together just reinforces my thoughts about prepping for the majority of my life.

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