The Era of Urban Warfare is Already Here (Article)

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Mar 17, 2018
This is an interesting read. Especially for those who go near urban areas. While the article is not about U.S. cities, I would think any prepper going near any city would want a basic understanding of the dynamics as they impact civilians.


These war-ravaged cities are but a few examples of a growing trend in global conflict, where more and more of the world’s most violent conflicts are being fought in densely populated urban areas, at a tremendously high cost to the civilians living there.
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The article talks a lot about Brazil and it does seem to be particularly bad. I watch the youtube channel Active Self Protection where they take videos of real robberies/carjackings etc...and then critique the good/bad points from a self defense perspective. A whole lot of their robbery/carjacking videos are from Brazil, that country appears to be a real hellhole (with plenty of surveillance cameras).

If anyone likes that sort of thing here is one of their videos. It is a pretty wild video with a skilled martial arts trained person up against 2 guys with machetes.

Urban warfare works best in countries where the average civilian has no weaponry. Where they are just stuck between the two opposing forces. That's what it would be like in the many disarmed area of the US as well. But here in the free parts of the US, where there is a rifle behind every blade of grass, there really won't be that many "civilians". Just a wide variety of combatants choosing sides. Now I have to go load some more mags.

There is something (loosely) related to this that keeps haunting me. I never can see it clearly. It is like a recurring dream that you can't quite remember, but you kind'a remember the essence or the loose concept of the dream. There is also a door, behind which is likely clarification and the answer, but I can't open that door, because somehow I know that I'll regret it.

And somehow it is also tied to Eastern Europe destruction (especially Stalingrad) 1942/43 and also tied to this whole prepping thing (Not my personal prepping, but everyone's).
There is something (loosely) related to this that keeps haunting me. I never can see it clearly. It is like a recurring dream that you can't quite remember, but you kind'a remember the essence or the loose concept of the dream. There is also a door, behind which is likely clarification and the answer, but I can't open that door, because somehow I know that I'll regret it.

And somehow it is also tied to Eastern Europe destruction (especially Stalingrad) 1942/43 and also tied to this whole prepping thing (Not my personal prepping, but everyone's).

Eastern Europe destruction is happening again. Instead of bombs now it is immigration. Only this time it is not hidden who the real enemy of these wars are.
Destroy muslim nations. Then insert the ' refugee ' muslims into western society's.
Look at the projection of islam into USA in next 10 years in map below.

Numbers of westerners lost in WW1 and WW2, not counting all the wars in-between these two wars.
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