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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar

European army? EU chief Von der Leyen says bloc must ‘flex its muscles’
INCOMING EU chief Ursula von der Leyen, has set alarm bells ringing with a bullish speech in which she suggested the bloc was ready to ditch “soft power” and flex its “muscles” in a bid to “asset itself on the world”.

PS only three weeks ago one of the EUs three Presidents announced The EU must become an Empire.

"Europe must also learn the language of power"

Ursula von der Leyen

“Soft power alone won't suffice today if we Europeans want to assert ourselves in the world.

“Europe must also learn the language of power."

"That means on the one hand developing our own muscles - where for a long time we could lean on others, for example in security policy."

The barstewards are doing it again "" SE
Good morning world, and to the absolute suprise of no one, We see Sky news and RT reporting that there is now massive pressure on the United States Armed Forces to be ordered to leave Germany. The Brits were " encouraged" to remove their 55,000 troops over the last 6 years.


1 EU and UK left at first denied the EU wanted its own armed forces to " replace" NATO
2 The EU was then forced to admit it wanted to militarise ( Why does a Common Market need an army)
3 EU triggers confrontation with Russia by inviting Ukraine to join the EU ( many innocent Ukrainians died) Think Liebensraum.
4 One of the EUs Presidents says publically that the EU wants to become an Empire
5 Left wing pro EU pressure groups demand US, french and UK forces leave Germany
6 EU develops its own GPS system because they say they cannot rely on the US GPS system for EU military needs.
7 EU chief Von der Leyen says bloc must ‘flex its muscles’

1950s creation of COMMON MARKET which becomes the European Common Market which becomes the European Economic Community in turn becomes EEC, then the EC, Then EU not long now before it becomes the EUSSR.
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