The Financial Collapse Is Already Here

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Most people don’t realize just how close we came to the end of life as we know it, some suggest that if the bailouts weren’t initiated when they were, the banks would have shut their doors, ATMs would’ve stopped spitting money and the way of life we know and love would have ended. That was at 8%! Let me remind you, we are approaching nearly 30%! And the best part? There is no money to bail any one out!

Personally, I was surprised when it didn't happen in 2008. Unfortunately, you're right though. The big question is when, not if it will fail. I'm really hoping it can last at least a few years into the next presidency. The powers that be will be using every last trick in the book, up until it finally collapses.

Ladies and gentleman, this is not going to be a painless solution, and their is no way around it, the only way the system will reset is if it destroys itself first. We need to be prepared for things to get a whole lot worse before they get better. And when the smoke clears, we need to get away from a debt based economy and move towards a wealth based economy. If only we knew how…

Exactly why many of us are moving towards self-sufficiency. Since we'll be out of work anyhow, at least we'll need some way to provide food, etc. I'm only nearing the end of year 1 of my 5 year plan, so hoping it can hold out. A lot of key things are in year 2 and 3, so at least that far. 4 and 5 are more filler projects and wants, vs. needs.
I wonder what ya'll'a personal opinions are about a time frame? Of course I understand the collapse could happen in fits and starts, stages, and more quickly in some places than in others.
I wonder what ya'll'a personal opinions are about a time frame? Of course I understand the collapse could happen in fits and starts, stages, and more quickly in some places than in others.
My personal opinion is that its been going on for years, but the reason it hasn't totally collapsed yet is the world economy has been propped up with phony printed cash that has no backing. The US is on shaky ground now, trillions in debt, and if we were forced in to another war, that could be all it would take to send us over the edge. Then other countries around the world would follow suit. We're also the worlds welfare provider. If we quit sending boat loads of cash around the world in the form of "foreign aid" that also could cause other country's to fail, or go to war with their neighbors, and drag us in to their conflict. If we quit buying Made in China crap, then they would have some serious economic issues too. They depend on the gullibility of consumers to buy their junk. Russia has their own problems too, but they could come out of as the only world power.
I agree. I could foresee the Chinese having to take territory and natural resources to keep their economy going if they lost us as consumer customers to keep their factories producing cheap junk to sell to us, and, just as Japan was forced to do after we boycotted petroleum and steel exports to them in 1938-1941, the Chinese might take Japan, or the Phillippines, or Hawaii, or all of the above, OR even send 'peacekeeping forces' to offer 'humanitarian aid' to their citizens in California, and stay there, since they could say that the U.S. government was no longer able to insure the security of their citizens. Who knows who else might kick us while we were down.
God help us all if the russkies comes out as the only world power :(
Agreed. But I believe the Russian people would be better equipped to handle an economic collapse than Americans or Europeans. Most Americans have become so spoiled and dependent on the government that there would be massive riots if they were suddenly cut off the government teat. I guess one good thing would come out this; most of the illegal invaders would flee like rats if they were cut off too.
so true about what you said,unfortunatelly for us most russkies have endured so much hardship they know how to survive,they have their little gardens already, getting a place to grow your food here is like winning in the lottery,they are building new houses on those places instead and what's left is far and few in between.
just waiting for a really cold winter here,those illegal sand rats don't like cold ;)
Agreed. But I believe the Russian people would be better equipped to handle an economic collapse than Americans or Europeans. Most Americans have become so spoiled and dependent on the government that there would be massive riots if they were suddenly cut off the government teat. I guess one good thing would come out this; most of the illegal invaders would flee like rats if they were cut off too.
I'm afraid you're right for the most part. Here in the U.S. Most are way too spoiled. Most have no idea where their food or anything else comes from. I'm sure it would only take a few months for a lot of people to toughen up, but a huge percentage would not make it three months. One thing I've heard several people say is that if shtf, they would quickly learn to garden, but don't have time right now. I'm here to tell you, learning to produce food isn't as easy as it sounds. If I was depending on the results to survive the first couple years I would have died. Each year I get better, but am still learning. This reminds me, I need to start collecting all these leaves that are falling to compost in the garden.
I must admit here, I still put 6% of my salary into a 401k, with a company match, but I feel a lot better when I buy a second shovel or other tangible item that is prepping oriented. I have at least eleven years to be able to access my retirement mutual funds, and I don't really like the odds of what they will be worth by then. Just in case were wrong here, I'm still saving with it, but in most of my approach to things in life, the key is diversity. The saying of don't put all you eggs in one basket is sound advice.
Breaking news: A Russian plane carrying 224 people, I believe all or most of them Russians, just went down over the mountains while returning from a Red Sea resort in Egypt. Conjecture is that it may have been shot down by ISIS with surface to air missiles they acquired through the U.S.. Let's see how much the controlled media here covers it. I agree with previous posts about the character of Russians, as compared to most Americans. I wonder how they will respond.