The Ku Klux Klan changing core beliefs?

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1st Member Of DPF
Feb 19, 2012
DC Metro Area
Now, this is a whole new level of ridiculousness... I think. Well, it seems like being inclusive is kind of the right thing to do, IMO. But.... I don't know if I would want to be associated with the Klan. Call me crazy, but I think this is beyond strange.

Now, it appears there is a certain chapter, The Rocky Mountain Knights that have decided to make this change to "Core values", and I believe the official position of the KKK is opposed to this idea, but it appears they've marched with NAACP in recent times, too.

I'm dumbfounded.
I would not want to be associated with them either Alabaster. However, when Nathan Bedford Forest began the KKK, they were primarily formed to counter the abuse white citizens were receiving from out of control black Federal troops who were doing the same thing to the population that the thugs in Chicago are doing to the citizens there.

A lesser known group formed for the same purpose was the Delta Rangers. They disbanded after Reconstruction (as the KKK should have done) so they are mostly forgotten by the history books. The most famous member of the Delta Rangers was Holt Collier - a former slave, and a former Confederate soldier. Holt was Teddy Roosevelt's guide on the famous "Teddy Bear" hunt in Sharkey County, Mississippi. Holt received a pension from the State of Mississippi as a Confederate veteran.
These men joined to 'take back our streets' from these delinquents. I think that they are some fine men who are trying to make their community better. . . nothing wrong with that! They recognize what is right and what is noy. Take them on in a heart beat if I knew that was their true heart. It's really not a black and white issue, but an attitude issue at least for me
so many seems to forget that a vast number of black men fought in the ranks of the Confederat army,something one of my history teachers tried to bypass totally when it came up.
yup your civil war is something we read in history here,some of the good things being a little country,we read perhaps to some alot of odd things in history.
Though we shouldn't confuse the klan of pre 1870 and post 192os, the klan of pre 1870s is not the same as post 1920s except in name only. The klan we know today started out opposing catholicism the 20s that metamorphose into this modern day hate group also, the klan didn't adopt the confederate flag till the 1940s from the era of the dixiecrats. This whole thing regarding the klan (and the flag) is so screwed up and very distorted to the point the truth will never be the primary source of facts.

oh and by the way... the European Union flag is very similar to the first Confederate navy jack ;) Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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I've always had a fascination about your civil war,like mine here,so many sides so many stories and when you dig deep enough even more.
I'm a white protestant, so... It's not as odd for me to consider "Taking back our community" with most groups other than the Black Panthers. Now, if I were black... I really, really, REALLY don't think I'd be rocking a Klan membership, gown, and hood. It's hard for me to imagine that the KKK is what's going to being Chicago together and make people behave. I would be more inclined to think it'd be fathers sticking around, mothers becoming mothers AFTER being married, families sticking together, and guiding kids toward a path other than gangs and drugs. Chicago needs help, but I'm not sure this will do the trick. If I eat my words, I'll probably be more shocked over this than anything else I've seen in my life.
I grew up in Mississippi, and it may surprise you that I never once even saw a KKK rally, and the only time I ever saw anyone in a white sheet was "ghosts" at Halloween. They did have a rally in Oxford MS while I lived there, but I didn't go because I didn't have any rotten eggs or tomatoes to throw at them.

BTW, when I was a senior in high school in 1970, the KKK was all but unheard of except in history books. But because of court ordered bussing, I predicted that there would be a resurgence of the Klan.

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