The 'latrine'

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
Everybody got to go and it doesn't matter if it's in an emergency situation or a post-shtf. Here are the basics to ease that situation, 5gal bucket, seat, bags for waste, garbage can, leak proof/strong garbage bags.

If for whatever reason one can't use the bathroom in the home or an outhouse something needs to be put in place for such situations, in my case this is what we have if we are unable to leave the house (unable to go outside for a week or two) and not able to use our bathroom.

1 5gal bucket w/seat, 36 days of reliance double doodie w/bio-gel waste bags, 1 30gal garbage can and a roll of 250ct heavy duty 30gal food grade leak proof bags that fit this garbage can, I always try to purchase items that can perform different functions one of the reasons I chose these bags (rain collecting) This gives us 36 days of some comfort. All this fits in the garbage can w/24 rolls of TP. The Double Doodie bags may last 2 days each, after use they need to be put somewhere the reason for the garbage can and lined with leak proof garbage bags, remember one can't simply dump them outside if one needs to hunker down indoors for a period of time.

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so very essential and really useful to have and perhaps one of the first things you realize you NEED,when you don't have any....where to put your waste safely.
Good solution. Digging holes in the backyard would get old pretty fast so if you have the storage this looks like the way to go.

I'm jealous of yalls prep rooms! (And garages, etc.) I just have one closet to try and cram all of my food, water, lighting supplies, and my wife and I's bug out bags. I put in some shelves for all the food but space is still running tight, and I don't even have any 5gal buckets of anything in there. Lots of cans and jars and smaller bags.
you have the same problem as I have,unless I dedicate this one room totally for my preps,just need a heck of a lot of shelves...
compost it in a separate compost bin or heap. don't use any chemicals on it whatever you do with it as this interferes with the bio-degrading process.
A working out house should be part of every preppers plans if you have live in a place where you can have one . Im in a rual area so no problem if you do live in town and nosey neighbors would be a problem you could call it a tool or storage shed . In a Urban enviroment you would have to be more creative .
compost it in a separate compost bin or heap. don't use any chemicals on it whatever you do with it as this interferes with the bio-degrading process.

Very true, I never use chemicals in our outhouse, been using the same holes for almost ten years and not even close to being full, we have good soil for taking care of waste here, the hole is about 5 feet deep and 4 feet diameter but I also don't have 30 people using it a day. The soil will play a pivotal roll in decomposing such as having to much clay in the ground or the ground too wet or too soft. Don't use lye it defeats the purpose of long term use and don't use kitty litter, keeping the waste dry and scent free one is going to find out in short order them be digging a new hole without some stench the hole ain't working (ventilation ventilation ventilation do it right and one doesn't need chemicals) There is a science to the outhouse ;)
There is a science to the outhouse

Yep, I was amazed at how clever our forefathers were, and how much there is to doing it right.
I was researching solutions for us to have a bathroom out by the stables (where there is no septic hookup).
I have power and water I can run, but that's it.


Composting Toilet (expensive)
Put in another septic and drain field (mega expensive)
Outhouse (doable) (and we already get sawdust delivered for the horse bedding)

So, plan for next year is an outhouse, complete with light, ventilation (and fan), and even a small sink. It won't get used a lot, mostly just for when you can't make the trip all the way to the house, and you're out there with the horses.
I drive past a Dairy farm on my way to work and the owner has a small out building next to his milk barn . The other day I saw him quick stepping it in that direction with a roll of toilet papper . Easy to tell what that shed is for .