The State Of The Union, 7 Days After An EMP

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Awesome Friend
Oct 8, 2016
Southern United States
Amateur Radio Call Sign

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Determining the specific ramifications after something like a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) attack, or even a Carrington Event-style coronal mass ejection (CME) is kind of a guessing game at this point.

However, one thing we do know is that some of the most horrifying effects of an EMP disaster will occur about a week after our grid gets fried. That’s why I’ve decided to take a visualized journey into what the US might look like, seven days after an EMP — and let’s just say that the state of the union will be a bleak one.
that is a bleak outlook,one I hope never comes to pass,but if you start preparing for it you can still have power by going solar and wind ,a good shelter or bug out location is a must you will need water filtration and learn to live off the land by fishing hunting and growing what you can,,,,,it will not be the end of the world,just a new beginning.....................
Well that's my viewing sorted this afternoon, once I've finished raking up leaves.:rolleyes: It's finally the perfect day for it; dry, with no wind and the leaves are wet. Perfect!
Well that's my viewing sorted this afternoon, once I've finished raking up leaves.:rolleyes: It's finally the perfect day for it; dry, with no wind and the leaves are wet. Perfect!
Great mulch/fertilizer. Our leaves are just about done falling here. I use the mower to blow them into strips, then rake them onto tarps and drag them to the garden. Over winter they just kind of begin to break down more, then I till them in in spring. My clay is starting to take shape, slowly.
Great mulch/fertilizer. Our leaves are just about done falling here. I use the mower to blow them into strips, then rake them onto tarps and drag them to the garden. Over winter they just kind of begin to break down more, then I till them in in spring. My clay is starting to take shape, slowly.

I have filled a few bin bags to take to the allotment to do the very same thing.
How would the rest of the world react if the US was hit with an EMP or CME and their free ride ended (foreign aid)? I feel the handouts should end anyway but just curious.

They would apply to the US for unemployment.
The majority of unemployment checks are not handouts since the employer and or employee pay into the system to cover this, called insurance trust fund, unemployment differs than welfare ;)

Well I did not mean to put unemployment I was in a hurry when I made that post....I think I was trying to say welfare, I think....Hell I don't know.
Talking about pissing in your own yard... notice they don't pull this crap in rural area's ;)

And its all for naught....They cannot change the outcome its just going to get them arrested in no short order......
From over here, it looks like your democratic party is much like our labour party. They hold the same core values and niether of them understand the concept of democracy.
From over here, it looks like your democratic party is much like our labour party. They hold the same core values and niether of them understand the concept of democracy.

For the Democrats here in the US its not about anything but more social programs and trying to figure out how they can grapple the rights of US citizens namely the Second Amendment issue.
How would the rest of the world react if the US was hit with an EMP or CME and their free ride ended (foreign aid)? I feel the handouts should end anyway but just curious.
I hope trump is going to reconsider some of this. We've been giving turkey a billion dollars yearly for way too long. They are locking people up by the thousands and really do not like us 'unclean' heathens. Free money, why?
I hope trump is going to reconsider some of this. We've been giving turkey a billion dollars yearly for way too long. They are locking people up by the thousands and really do not like us 'unclean' heathens. Free money, why?

Two words 'soviet union' and after the fall of the cccp we continued as a part of NATO. Since Erdogan become president Turkey has been heading towards a collision course with NATO member states and now that Erdogan has been leaning towards russia after purging West friendly Military Officers and politicians NATO and the US ought to cut ties! Turkey has never been a reliable partner in NATO since the Alliance founding.
Here's a partial list of ongoing protests this weekend, to give those in the areas a heads-up:
7 HOURS after an EMP , not 7 days, in this country all the people will be going mad and panicking because they cant get on Facebook or text their friends!!!:p

Well the mental institutions will be full anyway.
i'm not sure we have any mental institutions left in the UK, everything is cut to the bone including medical facilities.
Protesting in dublin, Ireland? Really? Why? Their Ireland's people not American's people. They have nothing to do with America or its people. Other countries need to stay out of our sh##. Just like America finally needs to learn to stay out of thiers. And im soo damn sick of these rioters excuse me protestors. They dont look dignified nor civilized they look like a bunch of spoiled brats throwing a tantrum cause they didnt get the candy bar they wanted. Im about ready to say authorize the use of live ammunition. They are weak pathetic people that would scatter like rats and they wouldn't have the cahonans to fight back. These are the antigun perpetual victims society has been forced to endure. About time they get some real life lessons. Idk where they got the bs idea of everything is supposed to go their way and life is supposed to be fair. Cause it doesn't and its not.