The State Of The Union, 7 Days After An EMP

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We need to test out an air burst on some useless barren hostile state full of Anti American / anti British sentiments, lets nuke Southern CA :)

God, as much as I would love to see California gets whats coming to it, I have family and friends plus a good number of DDPF members still living their and there families.. We need to get the Beach Boys out of Cali too ;)
When America balkanizes and breaks up, the Mexicans will handle that for us. A million of them are more destructive than a 20 megaton airburst.

Mexicans? My Father In Law is Mexican who has been a Citizen after serving in the US Armed Forces who is now a retired Police Officer, I have a Mexican family on the property that's very much part of our family that came here on a green card that is now a Citizen, My Wife is half Mexican. Destructive?

As you can see, Mexican is a broad word ;)
Right, and as regards southern California, la reconquista de Aztlan significa todo por la raza, and will bring about the balkanization's first wave. Whether that's a good thing or not, I guess, depends on which side of the line you're on when it happens.
Right, and as regards southern California, la reconquista de Aztlan significa todo por la raza, and will bring about the balkanization's first wave. Whether that's a good thing or not, I guess, depends on which side of the line you're on when it happens.

I'm more concerned with the open borders and South/Central America and Mexican drug gangs than the MEChA movement, providing the tactics don't change since one side wants to be more radical in ideology.
Have you ever read 'Civil War Two' by Tom Chittum? The Mexican gangs will likely be used to ethnically cleanse California of Gringos.
When America balkanizes and breaks up, the Mexicans will handle that for us. A million of them are more destructive than a 20 megaton airburst.

The human race as a whole is destructive, always has been and always will be...I have spent sometime in Central America, though not Mexico its pretty damn close....Its hard to judge those who you have not walked in their shoes......You want to know what destructive is? Spend some time in a 3rd World country.....I like a lot of the Mexican culture especially the Day of the Dead Festival hence my user name....

And also the Mexican Angel of Death:

Santa Muerte
The human race as a whole is destructive, always has been and always will be...I have spent sometime in Central America, though not Mexico its pretty damn close....Its hard to judge those who you have not walked in their shoes......You want to know what destructive is? Spend some time in a 3rd World country.....I like a lot of the Mexican culture especially the Day of the Dead Festival hence my user name....

And also the Mexican Angel of Death:

Santa Muerte

I was stationed at Ft. Sherman in Central America and spent a good portion in South America... Parts of Africa up around the far North Eastern Gabon into Cameroon over into Congo one will see the worst (at the time I was their years ago, I'll deal with Hispanics any day of the week and I been to some bad areas in South America!
Nowt wrong with most Mexicans and latinos, they are just Americanised Spaniards in the main, but being poor in the geography of latin America is a damn site harder than being poor in Spain or Portugal. many of them have more to offer than BritishWhite Chavs or American White Trailer Trash. Hey IIRC was not California Mexican before it became American?
Silent Earth, yes, California did formerly belong to Mexico. We fought a war, the Mexican-American War, and then paid them, through the Gadsden Purchase, to procure much of the southwestern states. That's why anti-White Latino groups like LULAC and La Raza and Mecha want to have a Reconquista, or reconquering, of the southwest and California, and establish a Hispanic nation they want to call 'Aztlan'. Mass immigration is a part of that process. As to saying that they are just like Spaniards, uh, no, sorry, they aren't. Not genetically, or culturally, or politically.