The Three Amigos!!!

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We had a big cat who went back home after we moved, an hour by car, 60 miles or so, across bridges most likely. I was just a kid. My aunt and uncle said they saw him, they were our neighbors. Now can I remember, either my parents picked him up or he found his way back to the new place.
Maybe your Zgirl was adopted by some little girl or an old man who likes cats. Don’t think the worst, that’s too scary. 💖
But look how uncomfortable those cats look, LOL!! I agree with don't think the worst!! Cats are AMAZING creatures!!
Crackhead likes the dual stainless steel sink in the kitchen, it stays nice & cool even when the A/C struggles to keep the interior temp of our home down to 80* F, lol... here's the knucklehaid "chillin' like a villain" in the sink... 😒



Meanwhile, Tiger hangs out on the bar, that formica top is cool too... nice grodie ol' bong at right, I suppose I should clean that thing but I can't be bothered with it, too much home rehab work to do as it is, lol. 😉


Now Tiger decides to join Crackhead by the sink... or maybe he's just thirsty, lol. 😬



Seeing that dirty glass bong reminds me of the 'stoned daze' of my youth: whenever my delinquent skateboarding friends & I encountered 'dry spells' with no weed, we would scrape resin out of the bowl & stem of my dual-chamber U.S. Bong and smoke that resin, lol. I haven't done that in DECADES, but I can still remember those resin-smoking sessions with perfect clarity, lol. Not the individual sessions, of course, just the whole collective scene... meh, when you're young you do all kinds of crazy stupid stuff, you couldn't pay me enough to scrape & smoke resin now, lol. Well, I dunno, perhaps on some future occasion when I get really drunk, I'll scrape that glass bowl & stem and smoke the resin just for old times' sake... it'll probably finish me off and put me in my grave, lol. 😵

Disclaimer: All of that scraping & smoking of bong resin occurred back when skateboarding was still a crime, lol... :oops:

Edit: I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are positive aspects to death! For starters, no more taxes and no more scumbag politicians, lol... now, wouldn't it be a DRAG if I reached "the hot place" and the Devil was taxing EVERYTHING (especially cold beer), and the joint was PACKED wall-to-wall with scumbag politicians, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :eek:
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Crackhead & Zorlac on the bar... that round end makes for a convenient cat platform! :D




Black Diamond on the hutch or whatever that thing is... I inherited it when I bought the house, lol. ;)



Tiger & Crackhead on the leather sofa... stealing my seat, in fact! :oops:


The blasted varmints!!! Can't get up to grab another beer without 'em stealing my seat!!! 🤣
Cats on the dining room table... :)


It's getting so I can't tell Zorlac & Tiger apart, lol... 😒



Zorlac & Black Diamond eat in their usual place on the kitchen table... that table is reserved for them, I only use it to stage groceries after a shopping run. ;)



Here's Diamond on her little ledge above the ceramic black panther... :D





Cats on the dining room table... :)

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It's getting so I can't tell Zorlac & Tiger apart, lol... 😒

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Zorlac & Black Diamond eat in their usual place on the kitchen table... that table is reserved for them, I only use it to stage groceries after a shopping run. ;)

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Here's Diamond on her little ledge above the ceramic black panther... :D

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Cats are so amazing!!
Lovely kitties. If I ever see our cat on the table or counters….nope.
Bailey knows some REALLY good Lawyer cats, they found loopholes :p

Meowski Clawen and Purrtle.jpeg
I think it's gross to let animals walk on areas where I prepare and serve food. As far as we can tell, she has not been getting on the table or counters but has a few times. As a rule, she doesn't just hang out there. I don't walk on my table or countertops, why should she? I love cats but have boundaries.
Zorlac atop the wardrobe which I inherited when I bought the home... I keep my riding gear in that thing, lol. ;)


Tiger has found a new spot atop a shelf in the nearby closet... 😒


Crackhead on the bar this morning, waiting for me to open a can of cat food for breakfast, lol... 😬


Lotta glare in that pic, the sun was already blazing outside... looks like I gotta straighten that blanket on the floor, the goldurned cats are always messing it up when they chase each other round the house. 🙁
Zorlac atop the wardrobe which I inherited when I bought the home... I keep my riding gear in that thing, lol. ;)

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Tiger has found a new spot atop a shelf in the nearby closet... 😒

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Crackhead on the bar this morning, waiting for me to open a can of cat food for breakfast, lol... 😬

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Lotta glare in that pic, the sun was already blazing outside... looks like I gotta straighten that blanket on the floor, the goldurned cats are always messing it up when they chase each other round the house. 🙁
Looks like Tiger found a comfortable spot😺
I try to provide many "vertical spaces" in my home for the cats, same way I provide "cat caves" for the blasted varmints, lol. I actually have nice sliding closet doors, but I left 'em off because I like open closets, doors just get in the way, lol. If I had sliding doors on the closets, I would leave 'em cracked open for the cats, but I simply put the doors in storage since I don't really need 'em. If I ever sling this property, I can put 'em back up, but I like watching the cats walk back and forth on those high shelves and whatnot. All the cats love jumping from the headboard of my bed to the top of that wardrobe where I store my riding gear... it's a pretty good jump too! But that's how I like rigging my home, in such a way that the cats have all kinds of vertical spaces at different levels.. keeps 'em happy, and exercise is good for 'em! Tiger is an amazing leaper & climber, he has a long, lean & rangy build that lets him leap & climb like nobody's business... :rolleyes:
Crackhead attacking my house slippers, lol... he loves doing this, I dunno why. 🤔



Here's that canyon jump I mentioned earlier, from the headboard to the top of that wardrobe... the cheesy Canon cam was having problems reading the light, it's actually quite bright back there in my room. 😕


I measured the gap, it's 4' from the edge of the headboard to the upper left corner of the wardrobe, and there's an elevation gain of roughly 2', so the cats have to jump 5' or 6' to land squarely on top of the wardrobe... 😳


I went ahead and snapped a pic of my riding gear in the wardrobe, lol... it's a roomy piece of furniture, I was gonna donate it until I figured out that it'd be perfect for storing my riding gear. That's just one side too! 😁


There's Black Diamond laid out in an opposite corner of the room, there's a little nook back there between the walls, my dresser and that little chest or end table. Diamond likes that space, it's her quiet corner, lol... 🙄



Last two pics show cat damage to the leather sofa, lol... good thing I'm not worried about it. All my furniture is wide open to scratching from the cats, it doesn't bother me to see 'em go to town on it, lol. It's really not so bad, considering the fact that they've been working on it for years, aye? :thumbs:
Currently, there's NO tequila on my bar! "CALL CNN!!!" Wait, belay that order, we don't need any bought & sold media scumbags in on this situation, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! But I still luv ya, Dademoss, just NOT in the Epic F@gtard Darwin Failure sense, aye? Okay, I'm off to replenish my TALL DRINKING GLASS, these Pina Coladas don't SUCK, lol... ;)

Bacpacker, I caught that snide remark... I have NOT YET BEGUN to hang off the bar or other furniture!!! Didja catch those latest videos in 'The Razor's Edge' thread? If not, you need to DROP and knock out 100 PUSH-UPS!!! Better yet, as acting judge in these parts, I hereby sentence you to listen to the 'Pina Colada' song 50 times in a row!!! 🤣

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