Further to my post 11 & 13 in this thread.
Divide, Isolate and Conquer.
Contemplate this, Yes most of us hate stuff like Twatter and Facebook and other Instant Media systems, (1) Ever thought your underlying distrust and dislike of these things may be a subconscious warning to you from the same department that makes the hairs to stand on the back of your neck or persuades you to cross the road to avoid some strange unusual people near the ATM.
What about false news, organised trolling, misinformation, stories about data harvesting, propaganda stories, online fraud, stories about your ID being cloned, talk about the Mic and Camera on your phone and laptop being controlled remotely by bad people etc etc Most of it is probably true and its all very bad for our privacy, liberty and security.
It makes people like you and I question the validity and accuracy of everything thing we see, hear and read, it creates suspicion and mistrust. it makes us very cautious and sceptical. None of that is necessary a bad thing, only a fool takes things on face value BUT. Its also a pretty good weapon for creating mistrust among anti establishment types like us. We find it hard and harder to trust others even within our own community because we don't know what we see or hear is true. Just like the German propaganda ministry did in the 1940s in places like France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Greece etc among the assorted resistance groups.
The net end result of such spreading distrust of ALL media sources is we become ever more isolated from other people like ourselves, divide and conquer by stealth and lies what more could the ruling elite want ?