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I think a very important lesson to learn from this experience, and this includes myself, not to cast our plans and ideas in stone. (Sh** Happens) I`m not a latin expert, but if i`m not mistaken your Marines motto is "Adapt and overcome". There are so many variables that can affect us, that it is humanly impossible to work out all the scenarios. I try to think of it like this. If my wife and I had to step out today with only the clothes on our back, would we be able to survive?, only time will tell, but i think it has more to do with our mindsets, are we going to adapt and overcome, or will we sutting in a puddle going BooHooHoo, life`s not fair. I hope we are all able to stick to the first. Rethinking all the plans we made from time to time is a good thing, otherwise we get tunnel vision and we tend to focus only on certain things as preppers we sould be able to think inside the box and outside. Its sounds like you do have everything close by, maybe you should start thinking about more distance, maybe crossing borders even countries? (A friend of mine always says do not discard a plan because sounds like dung, keep it, file it, you may need it some day.)

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UK preppers unofficial motto is " Survive and Thrive"

I think a very important lesson to learn from this experience, and this includes myself, not to cast our plans and ideas in stone. (Sh** Happens) I`m not a latin expert, but if i`m not mistaken your Marines motto is "Adapt and overcome". There are so many variables that can affect us, that it is humanly impossible to work out all the scenarios. I try to think of it like this. If my wife and I had to step out today with only the clothes on our back, would we be able to survive?, only time will tell, but i think it has more to do with our mindsets, are we going to adapt and overcome, or will we sutting in a puddle going BooHooHoo, life`s not fair. I hope we are all able to stick to the first. Rethinking all the plans we made from time to time is a good thing, otherwise we get tunnel vision and we tend to focus only on certain things as preppers we sould be able to think inside the box and outside. Its sounds like you do have everything close by, maybe you should start thinking about more distance, maybe crossing borders even countries? (A friend of mine always says do not discard a plan because sounds like dung, keep it, file it, you may need it some day.)
I thought about it for while, this thing that people want put steel containers underground and dig holes into mountain side and so on and so on, yes a cave has its merrits shelter from storm ect. But long term i dont think so. When the earth shakes and rumbles, you have rock slides, when it rains to much you have mud slides, those holes you need to get out with can get covered. If you are inside a big metal box, you are already inside the rat trap. Have you seen an octopus figure out how to open the lid on a jar to get to a fish on the inside, and he`s probably got the brain the size of a walnut. For me personally caves, undergound containers and the likes are good storage and temporary shelters.
Aha someone picked up the KEY and most USEFUL point TEMPORARY !!!. Shipping containers are insanely strong even quite old ones and in somple paces you can pick em up for SCRAP value, add a spot of cheap welding and dump a few in your AO No they are NOT perfect, No they are not ideal but they are bloody useful emergency locations to gather, hide, rest etc and if you have a hint of good luck ( Yes we have to allow for fate, even if you moved into a Minuteman missile bunker you could still luck out) you could find the container helps you get through the troubles. AND of course if the area you put them in becomes unsuitable you can move a container easier than a log cabin. Anything is better than sleeping in the dirt :)

. For me personally caves, undergound containers and the likes are good storage and TEMPORARY shelters.
TEMPORARY for me brings up the question, what time period are you prepping for. Most of us have got the one day pack, the month pack, the year pack and maybe up to 2 to 3 years. In Africa when civil war breaks out, conflict and strive could last for up to anything from 10 to 15 years (Angola, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe act.), for a lot of us here, that has been at it for a while has put that time period as the minimum, are we close to achieving that goal, not by a mile. So within TEMPORARY i do believe there are many levels, BOL`s should never be "last stand" positions if you think like that you have already built a mental wall that prevents you from seeing other potential oppertunities.
Sorry my vriend but after being into survivalism and prepping since 1979 the one thing I still cannot define is " How long" in my limited experience I have come to believe that their are just far to many imponderables.

Who thought Rhodesia would have to fight for its survival for over 30 years, who thought the Post Apartheid era would turn so viciously anti White so quick? my plans are all generalisations, I plan to bug in but still seek out safe alternative bug out locations, I don't intend to leave the UK but desperately try to build close two way mutual support links with preppers overseas, I have both Get Home Bags AND Bug out Bags. I need both a 4x4 ute vehicle and a Van that can double up as a camper van if I have to flee for longer than expected.

I NEVER plan on spending more than one night under canvas.

I keep as much food as I can depending on budget, priorities and global events EG when the Chinese economy went tits up a few weeks ago I spent £300 on extra supplies. We have a Cryptosporidium water problem in parts of the UK at the moment as an example but not only do I store water I also keep extra Empty storage containers AND have two Berkfield water filters incase stored water runs out.

I can and do plan for winter storms knocking out power supplies and closing roads for many days but I also watch our militant trade unions threatening power cuts and transport strikes.

Ask yourself this specific question related to South Africa " How did the Boers / Afrikaans manage to survive / avoid/ run rings around/ live and recover from being in conflict NOT with a few hundred thousand Zulus, but against the entire, massive overwhelming might of the British empire??

The answer is EXACTLY the same as the American Colonials in the 1770s


For the ANC / Zulus / Feds/ NSA/Regular military / cops / Brits etc to destroy you first they have to FIND you, Look at the famous / infamous German commander who during WW1 led hundreds of thousands of British and Empire troops on a merry dance round southern Africa for YEARS. We tied up HUGE resources trying to nail this fast moving will informed self reliant Kommando battle group and got nowhere.

Look at the LRDG/SAS during WW2 running rings around the Nazis , Speed/ mobility/ intel/ self reliant won EVERY time.

Bug in is only ONE option we have, but only a fool of the worst kind puts all of his eggs in one basket.

I know Americans who if TSHTF have NEVER looked at crossing the Mexican or Canadian borders even simply as an avoiding tactic like the Commanches used. Afrikaans who look ONLY within SA are wrong, I know Uk preppers who wont consider other UK member countries !!!

BOLs can ONLY be TEMPORARY safe refuges.

Look in 1812ish We Brits within 1 hour defeated the Continental US army with only 4000 Canadians, Brits and others, we captured Washington DC and dozens of other US cities, that SHOULD have meant total victory, BUT The Americans had learned from our light forces and Rangers to MOVE away and to avoid fighting superior military forces so eventually we withdrew, the Merkins stopped trying to steal Canada and the American people reclaimed their cities.

Mobility / Flexibility/ Adaptability/ Self reliant/ Good Intel/ Endurance THATS what we all have to have, You just cannot plan for HOW LONG, the best I can suggest is AS LONG AS YOU CAN.

TEMPORARY for me brings up the question, what time period are you prepping for. Most of us have got the one day pack, the month pack, the year pack and maybe up to 2 to 3 years. In Africa when civil war breaks out, conflict and strive could last for up to anything from 10 to 15 years (Angola, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe act.), for a lot of us here, that has been at it for a while has put that time period as the minimum, are we close to achieving that goal, not by a mile. So within TEMPORARY i do believe there are many levels, BOL`s should never be "last stand" positions if you think like that you have already built a mental wall that prevents you from seeing other potential oppertunities.
You know what, it would be so nice if we could sit down and have cuppa around a camp fire, i think by the time we finished talking about all these things, post SHTF would probably be over.
My wife says, i must tell you that there is nothing like practical experience to up your prepping, we will gladly give practical coarses in, armed home invasion, hijacking, evasive driving coarses avoiding violent protests, general lawlessness and looting and much more, please book a trip now time is limited.
We used to but not so often now used to organise prepper RVs at our home where preppers could gather and debate, discuss, check out each others kit. get lessons on various stuff from SAA, Archery, First Aid, Radio use, Planning and Logistics etc. We used to feed guests, let them stay overnight, pick non driver up from the railway station etc.

We cut right back when some folks started to EXPECT me to have them and NEVER offering to contribute in any way or form, others started whinging about the types of food on offer ? ( it was free) demanding we provide lessons on what they were interested in, but they would never organise or give talks themselves.
a bit like the RV's I tried to arrange for the southern lot, over the last 6 years I have managed to meet maybe 6 people, only 2 of which I would classify as SERIOUS preppers, the rest are just in it for the SOCIAL side. wife and I have offered guided tours of the countryside to show the city members what to expect in a post SHTF rural environment, how many takers I hear you ask? nil, zilch, none!
I was being a little tung in the cheeck there, we can offer the real deal here, not make believe. Stay long enough and you will experience the violence.
In retrospect my great great grandparents were north rodesian and ethiopian their daughter got Maried to a white and that's how my grandpa happened. Me I'm mainly norweigan and nepalanese in blood since that's the other family line. But one hundred percent South African and I firmly believe that one day South Africa will become a beautiful place once again and not the corrupt ass of Africa.

Until then I'm stocking up on arrows, gunpowder, bullets, liquid nitrogen and hydrogen.
No water is probably one of the hardest things to prep for though.

No shortage of that here in FL. We've been getting too MUCH of the wet stuff lately.

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