This is why I eat what I want; New dietary guidelines may downplay cholesterol risks

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
The return of the egg? New dietary guidelines may downplay cholesterol risks

"Eating a whole egg, yolks and all, has gotten a bad reputation over the years, but new dietary guidelines may send egg white-only omelets by the wayside. The recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which are now under review, are expected to downplay the importance of lowering cholesterol intake"

"In December, the advisory panel said in its preliminary recommendations that cholesterol is no longer "considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption""
I've seen this sort of thing so may times over the decades, what was bad for you in the 80s was good in the 90s etc etc. Within reason just eat what you like I reckon.

Much more important to reduce stress in your life.
I believe most food nutritional values are taken after the foods are processed maybe we should look how it is processed instead of saying its all bad for you.

I don't like store bought meat all that much, it looks, smells and taste funny to me same with eggs, just like humans a stress animal reacts the same and the meat taste like shxt I don't care how fat it is, taste a free range cow Vs a feedlot cow the meat is different, the way cattle (all meat's really) is raised affects the nutritional value, I do understand feedlot takes half the time but it's not healthy. If it's not healthy for the animal its not healthy for the human I don't give a damn what the USDA says and this is from a person that retired from cattle ranching 2 yrs ago maybe 3 yrs ago (me)
Much more important to reduce stress in your life.

Yep, and increase exercise, and decrease intake of processed foods.

Don't smoke, drink moderately, and we'd be good to go.

Not that I follow all this, but I should.
have yet to taste free-range cow,but take your word for it to be better...just waiting for my first crop of this year,few months to go,but I'm already waiting
free range/pasture cattle is dying in this country, it's not profitable, my herd was small a little over a 130 heads so I was able to weather it for a good while, half my herd was open range then the county ended that practice and I sold the open range herd instead of barn-ing them into a feedlot situation, the pastured half was sold last year, I was being squeezed by the new vineyards going in, I refuse to practice feedlot on any my animals unfortunately that's the way it is anymore, you can't blame the ranchers they are being squeezed, new development complaints regarding stink, lose cattle and noise so they are being forced into feedlot and some are feeding the demand and have no choice but to feedlot.
that's so damn sad,it should be the other way...takes a man to stand behind what he believes in.
as a very avid fitness enthusiast a lot of what you read about diets is wrong. You could eat almost anything as long as it fits into the limits of daily calorie intake. cholesterol is affected after years of abuse of something greasy and fattening. if you have one rotten meal it isnt going to turn your heart around. exercise has a lot to do with cholesterol as well as stress and family history.

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