This is why you dont mess with us Aussies!

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Clearly, there is zero plans to go back to “normal” by the government
So true.

One of the other problems is that people often lose their ability to recognise, or recall, what is "normal".
I was chatting with another Aussie (from Victoria) yesterday (who is anti govt behaviour and IS awake regarding their duplicity), and he was saying that hopefully, over time, the governments behaviour returns to "normal" just as it did after "9/11".

I had to remind him that govts are significantly more draconian now than they were before 2001, and they have NOT returned to pre-9/11 behaviour.

While govts might "turn the dial back" a bit after awhile, they have firmly established in most sheeples' minds that they (the govt) have "the right" and the power to order anyone to do anything, no matter how destructive it is to the economy, industries, businesses, lives, AND they can order anyone to take any measure they wish with the excuse that it is "for the common good" and "to protect you".
Things are not quite as bad in South Australia as they are in Victoria and New South Wales, where they have these endless 'lockdowns', but it is completely insane. There has been no community transmission all year, and very little last year and only a very few 'cases' overall -- almost all of whom were already in quarantine, having travelled from interstate or overseas.. In 18 months there have been four deaths of people -- all old people in nursing homes -- 'with' covid. Our population is 1.9 million.

And yet there is a mask mandate here at all indoor venues. No dancing is allowed anywhere. There are restricted numbers everywhere. Choirs can sing, but only if socially distanced and wearing masks. School kids have to wear masks all day at school. It's considered too dangerous to play a woodwind instrument. Every place you go into you're supposed to scan a QR code or sign in so they can track and trace you. If you don't sign in (or use false details) they can give you a spot fine of $1000. If you do sign in, and someone there happens to test positive for SARS-Cov2, they can drag you and your family off to a 'medi-hotel' prison and confine you to the room for 14 days. Borders to NSW and Victoria are closed -- even to people who want to go home to be with dying relatives, and even for kids trying to get home from boarding school. Some people near the borders can't get to hospitals, doctors or shops over the border and have to travel hundreds of kilometres to the nearest place within their own state. The country's international borders are closed and nobody can get out unless they grant you an exemption (which they don't for the majority of the people).

Everyone is being bullied to be vaccinated; people are being laid off or fired from jobs if they don't comply. But the worst thing is that the vast majority of the population have been so brainwashed by the endless propaganda and lies that they actually think it's great that the government is 'keeping them safe'. They are so moronic that even here (zero cases remember) I see people daily, driving alone in their cars wearing masks, walking their dogs far from anyone wearing masks. They're convinced it's deadlier than Ebola, and are too stupid to look at the data themselves. I've completely given up on this country. I'm caring for an elderly father and won't leave him (and he won't leave, and I can't leave anyway at the moment), but as soon as I can leave I'll be going for good. It's like a cross between an insane asylum and a home for the retarded.
No doubt some Aussies have realized the truth though as we are seeing videos of the protests. When more Aussies start dying who are fulling vaccinated, the cat will be out of the bag fast!

Aussies are in my prayers 🙏 every day...

I just checked our Australian version of VAERS, the TGA's DAEN (Safety information & education), and here are the figures for today for our covid-1984 vaccines:


Selected medicines
Trade nameActive ingredients
COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccineBNT162b2 (mRNA)
COVID-19 Vaccine (TNS)COVID-19 Vaccine (Type not specified)
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZenecaChAdOx1-S (Viral vector)
Search results
The results are shown in two tabs.

Number of reports (cases): 54922
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 54108
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 510


The number of deaths 'with' covid in the entire country is so far 1162.
And for those fearful of our venomous critters, watch out for the Irrukanji.
A deadly little critter worse than the Box Jellyfish
Actually, the most dangerous Australian predator has not even been mentioned . . . or at least only in passing:

An Australian politician!
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The number of deaths 'with' covid in the entire country is so far 1162.

And that's with the faulty PCR test with a >90% false positive rate at 35 cycles and never designed to detect infectious diseases.

Maybe after December after the cdc retracts the PCR test, things may become more normal.

But winter in Australia begins at the start of June and ends late August, so its safe to say your cold a flue season has already passed. And no surge in vaccinated deaths?

I'm hearing some credible doctors predicting the vaccinated will start to become ill and pass away in October when our cold and flue season kicks in.. But by the sound of it, that maybe only a assumption that the immune systems of the vaccinated have been weakened.

I don't know what to believe any more but were praying for you folks down under.. To me the oppression sounds worse there than any other country.
And that's with the faulty PCR test with a >90% false positive rate at 35 cycles and never designed to detect infectious diseases.

Maybe after December after the cdc retracts the PCR test, things may become more normal.

But winter in Australia begins at the start of June and ends late August, so its safe to say your cold a flue season has already passed. And no surge in vaccinated deaths?

I'm hearing some credible doctors predicting the vaccinated will start to become ill and pass away in October when our cold and flue season kicks in.. But by the sound of it, that maybe only a assumption that the immune systems of the vaccinated have been weakened.

I don't know what to believe any more but were praying for you folks down under.. To me the oppression sounds worse there than any other country.
Yeah, the dumb-a*s politicians have no reservations closing down entire towns and regional cities based upon just ONE covid positive test. They even closed down all of southeast Queensland because of ONE covid positive case.

Reality is irrelevant. They will ignore than the test is not a useful measure; one must remember that the principle purpose of these governments is POWER, not rational thought.

Believe it or not, they are using **** to make policy decisions. They are using traces of covid in the sewer system to decide to shut down entire "local government areas" (equivalent to a city or county in the US). How stupid is that?!

(Note: Evidently, using the word which is synonymous with a donkey is not acceptable on this forum, as the forum software censored it out . . . hence me replacing an "s" with a "*" in the word.) (-:
And that's with the faulty PCR test with a >90% false positive rate at 35 cycles and never designed to detect infectious diseases.

Maybe after December after the cdc retracts the PCR test, things may become more normal.

But winter in Australia begins at the start of June and ends late August, so its safe to say your cold a flue season has already passed. And no surge in vaccinated deaths?

I'm hearing some credible doctors predicting the vaccinated will start to become ill and pass away in October when our cold and flue season kicks in.. But by the sound of it, that maybe only a assumption that the immune systems of the vaccinated have been weakened.

I don't know what to believe any more but were praying for you folks down under.. To me the oppression sounds worse there than any other country.

Since the government lies so much, the only way to know if the shots are killing people is to look at the deaths of those that got jabbed and not jabbed from all sources. Then see if there is an increase the jabbed group.
(Note: Evidently, using the word which is synonymous with a donkey is not acceptable on this forum, as the forum software censored it out . . . hence me replacing an "s" with a "*" in the word.) (-:
What's funny is that "donkey" is actually the principle meaning of the word, even when using the word as a pejorative. Making an "a*s of yourself" means making a "donkey of yourself" not making a "butt of yourself." But the British variant "arse" never means donkey and only means your rear end. And it is not censored. So I use the British variant.
Something I have not mentioned, which might be a surprise to non-Aussie members . . . is that not only do some states have restrictions on how far one can travel from your legally registered home, it is even more onerous to travel between states.

As I am forced to work from home instead of the office, someone suggested I go to Perth and "work from home" there.
However, due to interstate restrictions (at this time), I would have to provide proof of having obtained a Covid *** and would have to quarantine for two weeks in a government-endorsed hotel at my own expense.
Repressive, or what?!
We called this kind of tyranny when the Aussies gladly turned in their guns "for the greater good". Keep an eye on Australia, it could be very foretelling.
No, licenced and/or armed Aussies were not "glad". Though clearly very fearful and obedient sheeple were and are.
The problem is that the sheeple are more numerous than the "sheep dogs".

There is a very common sickness, Australia and many other countries, including the US:

That sickness is that governments have the moral authority to lord over the residents of the areas they control.
That is the root of the problem with the 1996 Australian gun grabs, US Second Amendment violations, excessive Covid scamdemic behaviour, excessive "intelligence" snooping on people, US "civil forfeiture", US federal agent and police immunity from criminal acts, the US Groper Army and many other violations.

That sickness enables narcissistic megalomaniacs in government to harness their popularity with the sheeple to help them undertake their nefarious agendas.

A good reference on the subject is a book called, "The Most Dangerous Superstition", by Larken Rose.
Also, watch the video, "The Tiny Dot", by Larken Rose:
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There is a very common sickness, Australia and many other countries, including the US:

That sickness enables narcissistic megalomaniacs in government to harness their popularity with the sheeple to help them undertake their nefarious agendas.

Apparently the united states government has a few more safe guards than the Australian government.. We still have our guns concealed and open carry, can move around freely, and more than half the states, most of them red states are preventing any mandatory inoculations for now.
Things are looking up.. The fda has voted no booster shots because of all the adverse reactions and and the fact they dont work. If we can make it to December without some other false flag event, the pcr test which is driving the hysteria will be replaced by something more accurate, hopefully. Pray

It looks like Holland is the freest country right now
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Yep it sucks to live in the city. I always knew the city would be a nightmare in the future but who could have predicted all this. Preppers have been advocating a rural shift ever since I came on the web 20 years back and the serious ones eventually make the move but it can take years to setup for the shift. There are two cops in our town and I have never seen them aside from the daily drive arounds, never in the main street, not in uniform anyway.

Masks indoors? 50% at best, 95% in the supermarket and no one says a word. I think that high compliance there is out of respect by those who don't bother with them elsewhere, the supermarket is full of uncovered food after all. That's how the government works, it wants 90% or so submission to it's will, and the added expense trying to make little towns compliant is just not worth it. It's why a lot of cashed up people from down south are moving up here to buy rural and coastal in small towns.

I read a story way back about a Korean martial arts instructor who lived through the 35 years of Japanese occupation. He never saw a single Jappo and even though it was forbidden by law to teach Korean martial arts he did so. How? He lived in a little village, way up north in the hills.

Get out of the city boys and girls, there is no future there for the free minded.

The modern version of Sib Pal Gi is said to have been revitalized by KIM, Kwang-suk (김광ì„, 1936) who (during the Japanese occupation of Korea) spent his youth in a small Daoist community in the Korean mountains where he received his training in traditional Korean martial arts.
There are many additional adverse issues related to acquiring, manning and sustaining the French-supplied which I won't mention here.
Malcolm Turnbull has always been a scam artist; he supposedly was the "Member for Wentworth"; my expression for him is "the member for Goldman Sachs".

PS: Based upon decades of experience in the industry here, I do not trust the RAN to manage a nuclear submarine capability.
The RAN is a laughing stock, even amongst third world countries, for how it has the ability to stuff up excellent overseas naval designs when "tailoring" them for Australian use. They can't organise a piss up in a pub.
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Yep it sucks to live in the city. I always knew the city would be a nightmare in the future but who could have predicted all this. Preppers have been advocating a rural shift ever since I came on the web 20 years back

Get out of the city boys and girls, there is no future there for the free minded.
I dont think survival WTSHTF is possible in a city with all those panicked sheeple.
I also dont think one can be a serious prepper without a vehicle, most rural areas dont have a bus service and I couldnt even do a big shop without my car never mind bring back the bigger stuff.
I was told that they were storming union hq as their union secretary took $20 mill from gov to roll out qr codes for all their members from government.
Do not know whether it is true or not. But I did read an online article with some quotes from him regarding his (and by inference) the union's stand on mandatory covid jabs. The statements were vague, amibiguous and (I infer) duplicitous. Without knowing anything else about him besides those quotes, I would put him in the "slime" category.
FYI: The CMFEU is one of the, if not the, most militant union in Australia.

Considering Australian federal and state Labor governments usually get a lot of their votes, finance and political power from unions, and the present (Melbourne) Victoria government is Labor, the Premier (Dan Andrews) is going to have hell to pay for this.
Prediction: His own party might remove him due to this. (That is only a "might".)
Also, I would not be surprised if the union members start going after the Premier and his Parliamentary colleagues PERSONALLY (i.e. where they live). (I am not saying they will, I am just saying I would not be surprised if they do.)
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“Considering Australian federal and state Labor governments usually get a lot of their votes, finance and political power from unions, and the present (Melbourne) Victoria government is Labor, the Premier (Dan Andrews) is going to have hell to pay for this.
Prediction: His own party might remove him due to this. (That is only a "might".)
Also, I would not be surprised if the union members start going after the Premier and his Parliamentary colleagues PERSONALLY (i.e. where they live). (I am not saying they will, I am just saying I would not be surprised if they do.)”

Pretty much the same here! The unions have a lot of power in our government. Getting these folks riled up and ACTIVE will ultimately benefit all of Australia in my humble opinion.

Thanks for the insight! It is always good to get a person in the area’s viewpoint!
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No, licenced and/or armed Aussies were not "glad". Though clearly very fearful and obedient sheeple were and are.
The problem is that the sheeple are more numerous than the "sheep dogs".

There is a very common sickness, Australia and many other countries, including the US:

That sickness is that governments have the moral authority to lord over the residents of the areas they control.
That is the root of the problem with the 1996 Australian gun grabs, US Second Amendment violations, excessive Covid scamdemic behaviour, excessive "intelligence" snooping on people, US "civil forfeiture", US federal agent and police immunity from criminal acts, the US Groper Army and many other violations.

That sickness enables narcissistic megalomaniacs in government to harness their popularity with the sheeple to help them undertake their nefarious agendas.

A good reference on the subject is a book called, "The Most Dangerous Superstition", by Larken Rose.
Also, watch the video, "The Tiny Dot", by Larken Rose:

There are many additional adverse issues related to acquiring, manning and sustaining the French-supplied which I won't mention here.
Malcolm Turnbull has always been a scam artist; he supposedly was the "Member for Wentworth"; my expression for him is "the member for Goldman Sachs".

PS: Based upon decades of experience in the industry here, I do not trust the RAN to manage a nuclear submarine capability.
The RAN is a laughing stock, even amongst third world countries, for how it has the ability to stuff up excellent overseas naval designs when "tailoring" them for Australian use. They can't organise a piss up in a pub.
Editors Note: "Piss Up" has nothing to do with the men's room.
It is interesting that the Secretary of the CFMEU is directing his workers to get the ***, when the bulk of the union members are telling their secretary they don't want mandatory innoculations. So who is the secretary serving? Certainly not his members.
Yeah, as I said previously, I "pick up" that he is slimey; duplicitous; you can not trust him.
He is likely to be smiling to you while he stabs you in the back.

Based upon several interviews of that ACTU woman in the last couple days, clearly the ACTU Executive is also steadfastly kissing the government's a*s.

(For US people, the ACTU is equivalent to the AFL-CIO in the US.)
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Yeah, as I said previously, I "pick up" that he is slimey; duplicitous; you can not trust him.
He is likely to be smiling to you while he stabs you in the back.
Based upon several interviews of that ACTU woman in the last couple days, clearly the ACTU Executive is also steadfastly kissing the government's a*s.

(For US people, the ACTU is equivalent to the AFL-CIO in the US.)

The union members need to remove them.
Today the Victoria (Australia) Police requested that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) declare the Main City area of Melbourne as a No Fly Zone.

They do not want the Media Helicopters filming the mass demonstrations going on in the CBD, (against mandatory vaccination) and the movements of the Police, forming up, to stop them. (Probably amongst other numerous non disclosed reasons).

This is definitely the short edge of the wedge to remove more of our freedoms.

Today the Victoria (Australia) Police requested that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) declare the Main City area of Melbourne as a No Fly Zone.

They do not want the Media Helicopters filming the mass demonstrations going on in the CBD, (against mandatory vaccination) and the movements of the Police, forming up, to stop them. (Probably amongst other numerous non disclosed reasons).

This is definitely the short edge of the wedge to remove more of our freedoms.

I am amazed at how easily these governments slip into totally fascistic behaviour, and neither they nor many of the sheeple recognise or acknowledge it as such.

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