If I have to pay for it and clean it..tiny house..
If I don't have to buy it or clean it..

I'd have a big spread out on some wide open space tucked back up high in the hills. Somewhere lower on the property a year round creek flows to water the pasture n hay fields. Beautiful mountains of timber surrounding all that off in the distance.
The house would have my modest living quarters and have some guest quarters somewhere..but itd mostly have rooms n space for functions n purpose..
I'd have a attached greenhouse...
A huge library with a woodstove in it..that leads up to an observatory with a outside area for nighttime viewing in nice weather..
Huge craft room..
A few little bathrooms here n there
A awesome kitchen attached to a outdoor kitchen too..next to that greenhouse that leads to the garden outdoors..
A Huge pantry..like store size.

that plays elevator music as you gather needed supplies..
A big blue pool area with a slide, diving board , hot tub n attached courtyard and some loungers, comphy tall chairs where your feet can dangle and a few tables..
A indoor arena that leads to a outdoor arena off a barn.
Hiking trails about the property..with a fish filled pond
A firing range and a landing strip..
And a heated shop..
And of course..a big huge underground bunker system..
Oh can't forget the lookout comms tower for ham..
Too bad I wasn't a trillionaire..