This or That - A forum game

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Dog AND cat, tuna, wheat, Chevy, beer, smart, chips, survive, shark, roller blades, gas, mayo, mustard, brown.

No, I'm not having a stroke. All caught up now!

Sunny warm shoreline or cool mountains?
OK...I think I got them all:
  • Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi Zero over Pepsi; Coke Zero over Coke. Both of the zero products are acceptable. My family was always a Pepsi family, though.
  • 9mm or .45? 9mm because more rounds and it is what I've always had from the beginning ... and I like using rounds the military uses, because I figure those are more likely to be around (although when war breaks out, I suppose they disappear).
  • Car or pickup truck? I'll take an SUV.
  • Rum (white) over Jagermeister. But, both only as mixers.
  • Sneakers or boots? Seem like totally different things to me. If I could only have one, then I suppose boots.
  • Manual over automatic...although I drive an automatic.
  • Day over night.
  • Dog over cat...primarily because of allergies, though. Each has their advantages.
  • Canned chicken over tuna...but then I usually go for fresh chicken and canned tuna.
  • Wheat bread over white bread...although as with others, rye and sourdough are often better.
  • Chevy over Dodge...although I suppose I could do a Dodge Ram pickup.
  • Beer or liquor? Definitely wine. Second place is liquor.
  • Smart over good looking. Smart for me. At first I thought the question was what I would want in a wife. Honestly, I think I'd still have to go with smart (common sense). Looks fade.
  • Chocolate or chips? ... assuming you mean potato chips, then the chips.
  • Die quickly or survive in a nuclear attack? Survive. It's my nature.
  • Shark or grizzly? Tough one. I was trying to figure out which one would be easier to scare away, and I wonder if it is a shark...punch to the nose, and all that? But, maybe a grizzly...because at least you aren't drowning as well. I think drowning would be a terrible way to go. Then again, getting pawed open by a bear would be pretty rough as well.
  • Skates over skateboard. Hockey...even street hockey.
  • Gasoline over other vehicle fuels. I just drive basic cars.
  • Miracle Whip over Mayo. More flavor over bland flavor is better.
  • Mountains over beach for long term living.