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Black coffee!


36 degrees (F) and heavy rain, or 28 degrees and heavy snow?
I’m so far behind…..
LifeStraw—have both the individual kind and the gallon at a time gravity one
Pecans and cashews. Although if the almonds are Blue Diamond Smokehouse…..I’ll have those.
Coffee just like me—light and sweet.
Get your self together and up to date! Should we change your username to light and sweet??🤔
28 and heavy snow. God's way of telling us to sit a spell and relax. Unless you have a horse. Then that is the best time to be out in the forest for a ride. The stillness of it all except for the animals scurrying around gathering up some food and securing their shelter. The creaking sound the tree limbs make. The steam that rises off of the horse after you got up that hill. The cup of hot cocoa waiting for you by the woodstove.
Sweet red, but I wouldn't say no to a tart green every now and then.
Hot air balloon or ultra light?
Hot air balloon
Neither. I’m terrified of heights. I get all tight in the stomach even looking at someone jumping from an airplane or stop a tall building.
Hebrew National or Nathan's hot dog, or else hamburger. But I'm picky about my hamburger. Can't be Sisco Foods, has to be real stuff from a real cow from my freezer. I like a soft Brioche Bun.
No hot air balloon or ultra light. I don't like heights.
The best hot dogs I’ve ever eaten are Vienna All Beef hot dogs. I think they are only found in the Chicago area. I bring some home every time I got to Northern Illinois to visit family.
Christmas tree: colored lights, or all white lights?
Colored lights.
Brisket or Steak/ porterhouse?
Steak. Grilled perfectly.
Unlimited free gasoline for life or unlimited free ammunition for life?
Unlimited free gasoline. I use more gas than ammo in any given year.
New Question: Spring or Autumn
Spring. It’s the sign of a new beginning. I don’t like the cold.
Super Power Options:

Stronger than 3 men combined or perfect hearing/vision for life?
Stronger than 3 men combined. I have no trouble with my hearing or vision but I’m weak as a puppy.
The ability to make anyone cease to exist or can eat what you want and never gain weight or become ill?
Eat whatever I want and never gain weight or become ill.

Off grid power: Solar or Wind?
You are given TWO extra hours a day! You can use them only to sleep or get extra work done around the house, which do you choose?
Definitely get more work done. I already sleep too much.
Television size: smaller than 65" or 65" or larger?
I don’t care how big my TV is as long as I can watch it. Our old tv was a 35” and now we have a 55”. I don’t notice the difference very much.
New question: Beatles or Rolling Stones?
In my younger years, the Beatles. But these days, I prefer The Rolling Stones music.
Syfi or reality shows

Syfi for me
Reality shows.
Survival question: Life Straw or Sawyer Filter?
Sawyer Filter
English walnuts or pecans?
Almonds or cashews?
I like black walnuts but I guess walnuts in general. Cashews.
Morning question: Coffee - Black or w/ stuff like sugar, cream, etc.
I take my coffee with cream and sweetener but I can drink it black if I have to.
molasses or honey?
Honey, it is easier to make & last many year, also has medical properties.
Honey for shelf stability but I love the flavor of molasses.
36 degrees (F) and heavy rain, or 28 degrees and heavy snow?
I guess 36° and heavy rain. I don’t have to go out in bad weather.
Favorite apple: Sweet Red or Tart Green?
Sweet red.
Cold inside: Grab a blanket or put in a sweater / jacket?
If I’m cold in the house, I put my robe on over my clothes. Sometimes with the hood up over my head.
I would grab a sweatshirt rather than a sweater, but if I am on the couch there is a blanket handy.

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