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...We have calcium deposits in the shower and can not get them off. I have tried everything available...

..I assume this Includes 'CLR'? Even if So, might want to try and 'foam it' - Either shake in a bottle / spread 'Foamed' CLR over the deposits, or, get one of those 'foaming sprayers' (just a large-mouth squirt-bottle with a fine-mesh 'screen' over the outlet-nozzle.. Can even 'DIY'..) We've found that helps eat the 'thicker stuff' (and.. Time / multiple-applications, over several 'sessions'..) Fwiw..

...screw the lid to a piece of wood and fill container with bits and pieces .. can use transparent plastic bottles too.

Yep, can do the same with the little 'pill bottles', too, for tiny screws.. 👍

Here's a few ideas, from a post I made 'over yonder'... To Us, it's more of a 'mindset' / what you 'See' in things, than necessarily 'what items are "good" for repurposing vs others' / the things themselves, per-se (since that could be a virtually Endless 'list'...) , ie:

- Empty Gal. water jug.. Time to "recycle"? Nope, not yet:


..First, gets a second-life as a "Quickie camp sink", with 'base-turned-to dust cover / soap dish'... :cool: Credit: my Son.. 👍

- Or, ie: Empty spice jar - Garbage? Nope, not yet.. 'Toothpick shaker' / dispenser...


..Which helps 'maintain low blood-pressure' (ya know, from the Invariable, Inexplicably-uncanny ability of the little 'boxes' to Somehow 'undo Themselves' into a toothpick-explosion, All over the kitchen floor.. :rolleyes: )

- Torn / worn Cargo-pocket, good for nothing but the wastebasket? ..Or - Mini IFAK-roll (..ya know.. to put in yer Cargo pocket 😬

..etc, etc, etc..

..Yep, another household fav, the 'Perf-cut ziplock-bag box-top Scoop'...

..and look, even makes a nice Derp-face.. 🤓

...Garbage? Nope, not until it's been used awhile for transferring 'granulars' (salt, sugar, pepper, BP :cool:, whatever..) into small-mouth containers / vials, etc, that a Larger 'proper scoop' might be too 'enthusiastic' with...

..Indeed, 'One Man's Trash is Another Man's Tool'.. :cool: So true. (..IF you have the right mindset..) 👍

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Never know when you might need a "thing"...I might have a couple "thing" jars around my place too. ;)
I had a large cabinets full of used parts & things, co worker needed some special tool they would ask me before ordering a part.
When I retired the manger went though my cabinets & said "I did not know he had all this". That was the point of keeping it in cabinets.
..I assume this Includes 'CLR'? Even if So, might want to try and 'foam it' - Either shake in a bottle / spread 'Foamed' CLR over the deposits, or, get one of those 'foaming sprayers' (just a large-mouth squirt-bottle with a fine-mesh 'screen' over the outlet-nozzle.. Can even 'DIY'..) We've found that helps eat the 'thicker stuff' (and.. Time / multiple-applications, over several 'sessions'..) Fwiw..

Yep, can do the same with the little 'pill bottles', too, for tiny screws.. 👍

Here's a few ideas, from a post I made 'over yonder'... To Us, it's more of a 'mindset' / what you 'See' in things, than necessarily 'what items are "good" for repurposing vs others' / the things themselves, per-se (since that could be a virtually Endless 'list'...) , ie:

- Empty Gal. water jug.. Time to "recycle"? Nope, not yet:


..First, gets a second-life as a "Quickie camp sink", with 'base-turned-to dust cover / soap dish'... :cool: Credit: my Son.. 👍

- Or, ie: Empty spice jar - Garbage? Nope, not yet.. 'Toothpick shaker' / dispenser...


..Which helps 'maintain low blood-pressure' (ya know, from the Invariable, Inexplicably-uncanny ability of the little 'boxes' to Somehow 'undo Themselves' into a toothpick-explosion, All over the kitchen floor.. :rolleyes: )

- Torn / worn Cargo-pocket, good for nothing but the wastebasket? ..Or - Mini IFAK-roll (..ya know.. to put in yer Cargo pocket 😬

..etc, etc, etc..

..Yep, another household fav, the 'Perf-cut ziplock-bag box-top Scoop'...

..and look, even makes a nice Derp-face.. 🤓

...Garbage? Nope, not until it's been used awhile for transferring 'granulars' (salt, sugar, pepper, BP :cool:, whatever..) into small-mouth containers / vials, etc, that a Larger 'proper scoop' might be too 'enthusiastic' with...

..Indeed, 'One Man's Trash is Another Man's Tool'.. :cool: So true. (..IF you have the right mindset..) 👍

I love "re-purposing"!
I have tried about everything, except acid. The windows are in a vinyl frame and are double panes so taking them out of the frame is probably not easy. I had to replace a different window because it came unsealed between the 2 panes and it was around $150 so I'm guessing the windows will stay opaque. They're rear bedroom windows so it's not a real big problem, just annoying when I go in the rooms.
Mineral oil and a scotch brite pad.
Looking for suggestions to get rust stains off of my granite front steps. Just removed a wrought iron railing and have stains where it was bolted in.
Make a paste of lemon juice and salt and work it in. Leave it set - preferably in the sun if you can arrange such a thing. Then rinse.
This may be one of the silliest things I have ever seen, but I will be doggoned if it doesn't work. I tried it, and it didn't take but a minute, and I did it sitting in a recliner. I can see a mountain of those bags being reduced to a molehill.

But what would I do with all that extra room, if I do that??!??
This may be one of the silliest things I have ever seen, but I will be doggoned if it doesn't work. I tried it, and it didn't take but a minute, and I did it sitting in a recliner. I can see a mountain of those bags being reduced to a molehill.

Our state politicians just figured if they make everyone pay 8 cents per bag the problem would go away world wide. They don't call it a tax it's a service fee paid to the state.
Freeze Driers
Expect Longer Batch Times
Summer is coming. The warmer temperatures will affect your freeze drying times. If your freeze dryer is in an area that gets hot, such as your garage, you should expect longer batch times.

If temperatures exceed 90 degrees in the area you are freeze drying in, you may want to purchase a fan and have it blow on your vacuum pump.

Refer to your Owner's Manual for recommended operating temperatures.

The Harvest Right Team
Our state politicians just figured if they make everyone pay 8 cents per bag the problem would go away world wide. They don't call it a tax it's a service fee paid to the state.

I have done a few batches of these. I fold enough to fill a prescription pill bottle, and put it in a BOB. I put some in the trunk of my car. A few other places where a container might be needed. I don't fold all of them; probably not even 10% of what we get, but when I plant my lazy butt in a recliner to watch a Golf tournament, or a Baseball game, or a Football game, it is sinful not to do it.
Add one or two airplane miniatures of vodka to your first aid kits for antiseptic. You can use it to sterilise your outsides, implements, or you might wish to give it to your patient.

It is a good idea, but be careful of the seal. The lids on those bottles are not applied as tightly as they should be. A little band of gorilla tape will do the trick. They are either loose or there is a leprechaun sneaking into my IFAk and helping himself.
It is a good idea, but be careful of the seal. The lids on those bottles are not applied as tightly as they should be.
I have a couple of mini vodkas and they just sit on a shelf. One day I noticed they were not full.
The lids were still unbroken.
Those mini bottles are expensive too.
I bought 3 different whiskeys just to try last week and was shocked at the price. Makers Mark was $4.95 for one ounce. I guess I should have asked the price before I paid for them. I think the total was around $11.
I might buy a flask and fill that with
Everclear. It's 95% alcohol or 180 proof.
My wife buys that to make her infused oils.
During Covid the local auto licensing place couldn't get hand sanitizer so they made their own using Everclear.
Plasitc containers work great for surplus screws, nails, connectors, etc.

What do you all do with pill bottles? I've used them for seed and other stuff. But have more than I need. I don't care about the labels.
Put one over the end of your tactical light. depending on the color, it gets attention fast and orange makes a coon's or possum's eyes shine if you're doing a bit of night hunting.
Zero wind this AM and the first time in a couple weeks so I went out early to burn the trash. I leave my BBQ butane lighter in the Side-by-Side so it is available. There was still frost on everything so the lighter was a bit cranky. I grabbed the nose of the lighter and held the base of the lighter in the exhaust for a minute or two while slowly turning it. The butane warmed enough to be happy and I got my fire going. Putting the lighter inside my coat works also but takes longer.
I'm jealous of the frost. Our late spring into summer has consisted of an out of season heat wave and a weeks on end, long drought. It did rain a few minutes this morning but not enough to keep the dust from flying on the trails.
I try to keep extra eggs. The oldest dozen gets hard boiled so that I can have them to add to salads, etc. When I hard boil eggs, I add white vinegar to the water and a drop or two of food coloring. This helps me to know at a glance which eggs are hard boiled and which ones are not.
Bummer, the food colouring would prevent your husband from slipping a raw egg in with the hard boiled eggs, only to be found when you peeled them.😆
I use the spin test. Lay an egg on it's side on a flat surface and give it a good spin. If it does spin nicely, it's hard boiled. If it just wobbles for a second or two, it's raw.
I do that too, but that means I need to take the egg out of the carton and spin it. With colored eggs, I can tell at a glance.
About to see find out if mayonaisse really does work on water rings - accidentally left a plant on a wooden side table.
Great thread! I see a few new ones which is heartening. I went on a list of '64 frugal hacks' last night; I already do all of them that are relevant. I don't have any really, other than as a timesaver- I fold the duvet covers and a sheet into its pillowcase, so the kids can just grab it instead of rifling through the hot press. Stacks better and everyone can see their bedding (I've two boys and two girls) at a glance.
If you have windows that are stained with hard water you can use citric acid and a green scrub pad to remove the hardwater stain. I had 3 windows that you could not see through. The sprinkler hit the windows.
I put about 3 tablespoons of citric acid in a cup of water, that's my best guess, and soaked the scrub pad and wet the window with it.
Waited a few minutes then used the pad to scrub the window. The windows are now crystal clear.
I had tried every known method and nothing except a razor blade made any difference and it would have taken me a week of hard scraping to get it off. This method took me about 5 minutes a window.
You can find citric acid in the canning supply area. It's used to can peaches among other things.
My apologies if I have posted this before.
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