Today My Family And I Were Watching...

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Awesome Friend
Nov 3, 2012
The once great state of Florida
We were watching The Diary of Anne Frank (the 2009 version). It occurred to me when they were moving into their hiding place that they were Preppers. They prepared for bad times and that allowed them to live as long as they did.

In the movie they were talking about how bad the times were, about how the Dutch were reduced to stealing to survive... even the children.

It worries me that we all might be reduced to this suffering. I've said it before... I have read many times throughout history where people have eaten grass and paper to try and survive.

I'm going to get some more food today. Thankfully, last night I ordered some more oxygen absorbers.

Keep working ... keep prepping ... don't let up making the best for your future, you won't regret it (especially if you store what you like to eat).
I agree Bravery. More people need to watch those types of movies and hopefully, finally get a reality of what it could be like.
The Diary of Anne Frank had a huge impact on me as a child. Both of my girls have read it as well. It should be required reading for everyone.
We were watching The Diary of Anne Frank (the 2009 version). It occurred to me when they were moving into their hiding place that they were Preppers. They prepared for bad times and that allowed them to live as long as they did.

In the movie they were talking about how bad the times were, about how the Dutch were reduced to stealing to survive... even the children.

It worries me that we all might be reduced to this suffering. I've said it before... I have read many times throughout history where people have eaten grass and paper to try and survive.

I'm going to get some more food today. Thankfully, last night I ordered some more oxygen absorbers.

Keep working ... keep prepping ... don't let up making the best for your future, you won't regret it (especially if you store what you like to eat).

i hear that even one famine that folks even made mud soup
Its crazy what some people have had to go through to survive. I hope that we as preppers can avoid such a fate. Prep Strong!
The Diary of Anne Frank had a huge impact on me as a child. Both of my girls have read it as well. It should be required reading for everyone.

I loved that one, but didn't see it till my mid 20's. I loved the Little House series growing up and have read the books 3 times now. . .even a couple times in my adult life. There is so much information and entertaining.
The Diary of Anne Frank had a huge impact on me as a child. Both of my girls have read it as well. It should be required reading for everyone.
I agree with you. I make it a point to make sure my kids know this world is not all sugar and spice. We watch shows like Law and Order: SVU, NCIS, Bones, CSI and the Nazi channel ( History channel). We always discuss the programs as a group. We try to figure out ways NOT to end up like the victims. I have made it a point to make my kids aware of their surroundings. Not to the point of paranoia, but to be able to think ahead, plan, monitor, assess.
The Diary of Anne Franke is a powerful message about what has passed and unfortunatly could happen again.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is good too. It's a tear jerker. Not prepper so much, but makes you see the world for the horrible place it is.
I agree with you. I make it a point to make sure my kids know this world is not all sugar and spice. We watch shows like Law and Order: SVU, NCIS, Bones, CSI and the Nazi channel ( History channel). We always discuss the programs as a group. We try to figure out ways NOT to end up like the victims. I have made it a point to make my kids aware of their surroundings. Not to the point of paranoia, but to be able to think ahead, plan, monitor, assess.
The Diary of Anne Franke is a powerful message about what has passed and unfortunatly could happen again.
Wiredog... this is SO IMPORTANT!!! I am so happy to hear that you do this. I love to do this with programs like "I Shouldn't Be Alive" and programs like that. I have Tivo and Netflix, so I can stop programs and I do. I will stop the program and ask... "If you were in this situation ... what should you do". I also point out the smart things they do and the dumb things. I know that it helps them to think critically and I hope it will get them to think if/when they find themselves in hairy situations.
Wiredog... this is SO IMPORTANT!!! I am so happy to hear that you do this. I love to do this with programs like "I Shouldn't Be Alive" and programs like that. I have Tivo and Netflix, so I can stop programs and I do. I will stop the program and ask... "If you were in this situation ... what should you do". I also point out the smart things they do and the dumb things. I know that it helps them to think critically and I hope it will get them to think if/when they find themselves in hairy situations.
I have discovered that most kids in this day and age have no idea whats really going on around them or what has happened in the past. On top of all that, they are not recieving a real education in our school systems. They learn how to take X test and not much more. We as parents owe it to our kids and America to give our kids a well rounded education. On all levels of being. History, science, real world math, politics, and most importantly self reliance and survival.
These shows on the idiot box ( tv) are a great tool because it keeps their attention and to them seems current and fresh. They are a great opportunity to spend time together and have meaningful conversations.
I have discovered that most kids in this day and age have no idea whats really going on around them or what has happened in the past. On top of all that, they are not recieving a real education in our school systems. They learn how to take X test and not much more. We as parents owe it to our kids and America to give our kids a well rounded education. On all levels of being. History, science, real world math, politics, and most importantly self reliance and survival.
These shows on the idiot box ( tv) are a great tool because it keeps their attention and to them seems current and fresh. They are a great opportunity to spend time together and have meaningful conversations.
Yes, Government schools are HORRIBLE. It is criminal what the Educrats (what I call Educational Bureaucrats) are doing to the children that go there. I could talk about this for hours!!! I know I was a high school teacher for 15 years in the public schools. I pulled my son out of public schools and put him in private schools years ago. He hates public schools almost as much as I do.
Yes, Government schools are HORRIBLE. It is criminal what the Educrats (what I call Educational Bureaucrats) are doing to the children that go there. I could talk about this for hours!!! I know I was a high school teacher for 15 years in the public schools. I pulled my son out of public schools and put him in private schools years ago. He hates public schools almost as much as I do.
Man, I wish I had that option here.

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