Today's episode of "what's this on my trailcam"

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Dog was pretty triggered last night, he woke me up a couple times. This fine upstanding individual must be why. 😂

And another couple of critters... that sneaky trash panda better not cause any more problems in my chicken coop. 🤬 Pepe le pew likes to taunt my dog, I've seen him doing his handstands at the fence a few times now. 😂 I think he must be how my female got skunked awhile back.
Not taken by a trail cam, sorry. A few minutes ago, I snapped the photo below from our front porch with a smart phone, hence the poor quality.
Bobcat Screenshot.png

If you cannot tell what's in the photo above, below is another photo of possibly the same bobcat taken last May with our Nikon, also taken from the front porch.