Even mouse traps would be valuable. Those little suckers could (and likely would) be a real nuicence if SHTF.
For the most part I agree with this. However, I can see my kids doing the same when I die. Oh, well. Almost everything I have that I don't use is still in it's original packages so they will be able to sell it after I'm gone if they don't want to keep it. They don't drink coffee, so they're really gonna be like.......
I might be willing to part with some items that I have a lot of (and use on a regular basis) if I needed to. For now, I like my stuff in storage b/c it's an inflation hedge. Why does mom have totes full of body wash, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deordorant, and Q-tips? LOL! Hopefully I have many years ahead of me to put a dent in all of that.
An item that might be in hot demand if things get really lean would be BELTS. When or if folks lose access to fast food and constant snacks, there's gonna be some big weight loss going on. If it ever got that bad, pants would be hard to come by so folks would have to make due with what they have. It's gonna be mighty difficult to keep them pants on without belts or suspenders.
As far as the ammo stock....yes! It's the other precious metal doncha know.
Hopefully the younger generation will learn from this recent shortage and when the shelves get stocked again (if ever), they will remember this and have a nice stock of their own.