Trapping. Or the silent methods for taking game and fish

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I wish I had known beaver was good eating when I was slaying them regularly a number of years ago. They had a hutch right by a levee, and every time I drove by they would be out sunning themselves on the hutch. I could shoot them out the window of the truck with a 22. I've killed a bunch hiding in culverts too. Now I don't see the beavers, just their handiwork. Their hutches are deep in the swamp where no man treads.
I like the backstrap when the water is cold but not too excited about the rest of the meat. How do you cook it? I got tired of trapping them and put a radio by the culvert (except this year, lake too low). They hate country music more than I hate cleaning the culvert! If I had a good recipe, I'd turn off the music and play the sounds of running water on that speaker (they cant resist that) and set some traps again!
I like the backstrap when the water is cold but not too excited about the rest of the meat. How do you cook it? I got tired of trapping them and put a radio by the culvert (except this year, lake too low). They hate country music more than I hate cleaning the culvert! If I had a good recipe, I'd turn off the music and play the sounds of running water on that speaker (they cant resist that) and set some traps again!
When prepping beaver be sure to remove all fat and glands and soak overnight in salt water. Besides the backstrap and tenderloin there's a lot of meat on the hams. Much of the meat will be chunks and strips and can be ground. I like using these chunks in chilli. The meat can be slow cooked and shredded and mixed with BBQ sauce and used like shredded pork. The bones can be used to make soup.
most people use snares over here, its mostly small game, sometimes nets for rabbits. my air rifles are good for small game.
I like the backstrap when the water is cold but not too excited about the rest of the meat. How do you cook it? I got tired of trapping them and put a radio by the culvert (except this year, lake too low). They hate country music more than I hate cleaning the culvert! If I had a good recipe, I'd turn off the music and play the sounds of running water on that speaker (they cant resist that) and set some traps again!
Country music would chase me away too. At least that crap that passes as country music today.
I'm making some mink, marten and ermine boxes for my grandson. Also going to make some muskrat floats. I've got quite a few already but the boy wants his own sets with his first initial burned in to the wood. Its a little early for trapping most critters but around late September or early October I'll head up in to the high country and start trapping coyotes and fox.
The closest river to me has mainly trout. The big river over the mountain has everything from bluegill to salmon, steelhead and sturgeon. Probably my main choice to trap would be for catfish, bluegill and crappie.

What's legal in your state and see if you need a license. A wire catfish trap isn't hard to make. You can even make them out of pvc pipe or plastic buckets.
Ok you can do that. Hunting is is more time consuming than it sounds. It’s knowing the animals. I am happy I know what’s around me. Deer, elk, turkey,quail.and maybe even a pig.

Secondary Food sources in SHTF- freerange cattle

i know that if I go out for a couple hours, I may not be successful. It’s just relaxing for me.

If you think you can go out and get a weeks worth a meat in a couple hours, good luck to your prepping strategy.

I know what I can do, and what to do tomorrow If I need to.
that depends on where you are at,,,,, there is a lot of cattle here if most of the people were to disappear why hunt deer when you can have beef
the way I see it a 22lr with a suppressor will keep meat on the table,,, and there is not much noise involved with fishing,,,, so what else do you need
The point of this thread is about putting food on table after SHTF, not before. Maybe after awile ammo will start getting short. Maybe there's other things that need be done besides hunting. I can put out a dozen or two traps in a short time and catch more game than I could with a rifle in the same amount of time, plus traps work 24 hours a day.
A lot of people have kids and grand kids that should learn these skills before the SHTF not after.
the way I see it a 22lr with a suppressor will keep meat on the table,,, and there is not much noise involved with fishing,,,, so what else do you need
The point of this thread is about putting food on table after SHTF, not before. Maybe after awile ammo will start getting short. Maybe there's other things that need be done besides hunting. I can put out a dozen or two traps in a short time and catch more game than I could with a rifle in the same amount of time, plus traps work 24 hours a day.
A lot of people have kids and grand kids that should learn these skills before the SHTF not after.
The point of this thread is about putting food on table after SHTF, not before. Maybe after awile ammo will start getting short. Maybe there's other things that need be done besides hunting. I can put out a dozen or two traps in a short time and catch more game than I could with a rifle in the same amount of time, plus traps work 24 hours a day.
A lot of people have kids and grand kids that should learn these skills before the SHTF not after.

I don't know about you but I don't plan on being out hunting bad guys,,, I will be avoiding them as much as possible 3 or 4 thousand rds of 22lr will last a life time,,,

the 22 will work before and after the SHTF

besides I don't like trapping I think it is cruel I will stick to the 22,, trapping is about the last thing I would teach a kid,,,,, sorry it's just the way I feel about it.. I won't tell anyone they can't do it but I sure don't approve of it
I don't know about you but I don't plan on being out hunting bad guys,,, I will be avoiding them as much as possible 3 or 4 thousand rds of 22lr will last a life time,,,

the 22 will work before and after the SHTF

besides I don't like trapping I think it is cruel I will stick to the 22,, trapping is about the last thing I would teach a kid,,,,, sorry it's just the way I feel about it.. I won't tell anyone they can't do it but I sure don't approve of it
Your certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how misinformed it may be.

You might want to just ignore this thread. I have no desire for this subject becoming controversial.
Your certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how misinformed it may be.

You might want to just ignore this thread. I have no desire for this subject becoming controversial.
you don't have to worry about that,,,, like I said I will not tell someone what they can or can't do,,,, and you can say I am misinformed all you want but many animals sit in that trap until someone shows up and kills them,,,, g-night
post SHTF it will be about putting food on the table, hunting and trapping are just one part of that equation , personally I think snaring is better than trapping, especially if its done right.
My wife’s grandfather had an old telephone that worked very well for calling in fish , when he passed away and we had to clean out his basement and I have added it to my SHTF arsenal, I would use it as a last resort if I needed to feed my family . I Romberg one time in the late 70s when he and a buddy came home drunk as a skunk and had buckets full of trout in the trunk of his car, we ask them what they were using for bait when he laughed and said BELL SOUTH of course. Lol
After a real SHTF event fish and game laws aren't going to matter. Putting food on the table will be by "all of the above" methods. Trapping may not matter in the beginning, but what if SHTF lasts for generations, as many here think it will? Ammo starts running low? Is that the time to learn new skills? I'm not promoting one activity over another, just trying to offer an additional perspective on survival.
I'm already passing these skills (plus many more skills) on to my grandkids and I expect they will do the same after I'm gone.
After a real SHTF event fish and game laws aren't going to matter. Putting food on the table will be by "all of the above" methods. Trapping may not matter in the beginning, but what if SHTF lasts for generations, as many here think it will? Ammo starts running low? Is that the time to learn new skills?
I have a lot of crawfish traps. Would that be the basic design for fish, if scaled up in size?
we have American Signal Crayfish in a lot of English rivers, I have seen a trap made out of a plastic bottle with the top cut off and inverted, havent tried it yet due to current fishing laws.
we have American Signal Crayfish in a lot of English rivers, I have seen a trap made out of a plastic bottle with the top cut off and inverted, havent tried it yet due to current fishing laws.
I dont know what our laws are concerning fish traps in my area. In Alaska there are a lot of fish traps in the rivers.
My area is pretty remote so I'm going to experiment with some fish traps regardless.
I have stored several different sizes of Havahart traps.

I also suggest the two following books:

Also, get the following:


Brown's book contains detailed instructions for making--literally--over a dozen different types of snares, deadfalls, and fish traps.

I like Brown's book because the focus is on using natural materials which are--of course--free, and always available.

Benson's book is interesting because the focus is on gathering food animals in a clandestine, covert manner . . . so I believe that the two books compliment each other.

Both books are readily available in either electronic or paper format (I suggest paper), and I have experimented with some of their techniques and found them to be practical (I set snares with sewing thread, and watch animals get caught from a distance . . . through binoculars).

Part of my trapping equipment (besides the Havahart traps) is a cheap pistol crossbow that I can use to kill the trapped animal by shooting it through the spaces in the metal caging.

I like Havahart traps, as I can release the animal if it's appropriate, or observe the animal in a pen for symptoms of disease before I kill it for food.

The only deficiency--as far as I can see--is that neither book discusses gowns, face shields, or gloves.

I have those supplies as well, as I don't want to be exposed to diseases like leptospirosis, babesiosis, Lyme disease, typhoid, salmonella, and even (in the case of armadillos) leprosy (leprosy is the least contagious of all the contagious diseases, but why take a chance?).

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