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Beans are better if cooked slowly all day but in a pinch the instant pot works if I'm in a hurry.

A high priced shoe store in Seattle noticed a lot of homeless people wearing their expensive shoes.
They were getting them from the dumpster in the alley so they started slashing the shoes so they could not be worn before they tossed them away.
The grocery stores and restaurants in Seattle also started locking their dumpsters to keep people from scavenging from them.
I learned something from someone about cooking beans which changed it up for me. She soaks her beans all day and then cooks them overnight in a crockpot. They are finished in the morning. Yes, no matter how you cook beans or any food, you are using energy. But crockpots use very little energy and set on low can cook things well overnight.
in England, beans are eaten for breakfast. I have never eaten beans for breakfast, but if I was hungry and there was not much else to eat, I think I would give it a try. My dad and his family had bean sandwiches during the 1930's.

Yes, soaking the beans all day (or all night) is good, it makes SUCH a difference in texture. And as others mentioned, beans are great for 'food combination'---not only by vegans who need such combinations, but for everybody else out there. And the slow cooker is the way to go, you can always add a ham bone or something similar to add flavor. I need to buy another slow cooker, my last one finally bit the dust... I'm gonna look for one next time I go shopping, could've looked for one today but my mind was on other things. However, I thank you for the reminder... I love slow-cooked beans!!! Pintos, black-eyed peas, green peas, all of that good stuff!!! :p
Yes, soaking the beans all day (or all night) is good, it makes SUCH a difference in texture. And as others mentioned, beans are great for 'food combination'---not only by vegans who need such combinations, but for everybody else out there. And the slow cooker is the way to go, you can always add a ham bone or something similar to add flavor. I need to buy another slow cooker, my last one finally bit the dust... I'm gonna look for one next time I go shopping, could've looked for one today but my mind was on other things. However, I thank you for the reminder... I love slow-cooked beans!!! Pintos, black-eyed peas, green peas, all of that good stuff!!! :p
Previously, I had soaked my beans overnight, and then cooked them on low on the stove in the day. Not any more.
Btw, we also have a house being built, so we’ve got a lot of garbage. Luckily, we got big bags that are strong enough for the sharp and heavy objects, bought them here I don’t even know what we would do if we had no car to carry all that stuff to the town. By the way, do you sort the waste?
I only sort out things like metal, wood, and things that I can have removed in other ways. I have thought that if in many cities that have MURF's, multi use recycling facilities, if they did a sort at the curb or in the alleys, things could be recycled better. Have a bin each for metal, glass, paper/cardboard. They could be connected and a truck could come and dump all of them at once, similar to how the rolling bins are dumped.
We are about 8 km from the local transfer station.. Separate containers for garbage, mixed paper, plastic packaging and metal cans... We take glass recycle to the place in town set up for glass.. We have chickens..

We have a burn pit, but never, never burn garbage.. I would not like it if someone else burned garbage, so I don't do it either.. The burn pit takes care of wood scraps and the like that do or may have hardware in it.. Screws, nails, and the like.. This ash goes to the pit in the gully.. Ash from the wood stove and furnace gets screened and used across the yard and pasture as it is very clean..

Maybe once a year we have items that go to the bigger recycle facility at the land fill... They take things like the old Chesterfield and such.. Once every other year we make a trip to metal recycling that pays by the ton... They don't pay until your account is up to a ton of material, but that is OK.. Still pays for the effort..
Beans are better if cooked slowly all day but in a pinch the instant pot works if I'm in a hurry.

A high priced shoe store in Seattle noticed a lot of homeless people wearing their expensive shoes.
They were getting them from the dumpster in the alley so they started slashing the shoes so they could not be worn before they tossed them away.
The grocery stores and restaurants in Seattle also started locking their dumpsters to keep people from scavenging from them.
greedy b*tards.
That didn't increase their sales or their bottom line. They could have "given the shoes away" and called it advertising and had a write off on their taxes. Totally stupid!
Perhaps the cost of shipping back a style that wasn't selling wasn't worth it.

I believe it was Barnes & Nobel that would tear the front cover of books and send those back to the publisher. Not worth shipping the paperbacks back.

The Princess has a collection of paperbacks from when her sister worked there.

"Thou shalt not glean the corners of your fields."

Seems to apply.

What say you?

Around here they burn the waste. Some are more ecological than others and separate cans, plastics etc., others just burn everything, and it smolders forever and gags those close to it because they seem to set their burn barrels right up next to the house and choose to burn when company comes over.

When I was a boy in Connecticut my mother used to take us into the woods looking for old dumpsites. Man, the cool stuff one could pull out of those. Old crockery, jugs, bottles, etc. It was like digging in a museum.