Trump just removed the US from the Paris climate accords

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Huge mistake in my opinion. I'd like my kids kids to have breathable air. I was driving towards Atlanta yesterday and you could see the haze from all the pollution. Atlanta isn't even near the top of the list of polluted cities around the world. My take on pollution is why would you pee in the pool your swimming in? Considering that over 90% of scientist around the world say global warming is real and caused by man, why would anyone believe a greedy business man that makes up alternative facts? I actually like a couple of the ideas trump has put out, but this isn't one of them.
Huge mistake in my opinion. I'd like my kids kids to have breathable air. I was driving towards Atlanta yesterday and you could see the haze from all the pollution. Atlanta isn't even near the top of the list of polluted cities around the world. My take on pollution is why would you pee in the pool your swimming in? Considering that over 90% of scientist around the world say global warming is real and caused by man, why would anyone believe a greedy business man that makes up alternative facts? I actually like a couple of the ideas trump has put out, but this isn't one of them.

They are wrong Brent, (the vast majority even know the truth, but need to lie to keep there funding) Global warming is real, but not caused by man. Only thing caused by man is local pollution for a relatively short time, such as city pollution, as you stated or some lakes, rivers or coastline(as what happens chemical dumping or with oil spills). All these do not cause, much less effect global changes.
This is almost a 2000sq mile chunk of the ice shelf. As far as it being caused by man, I still believe that most evidence proves it does. It is kind of like over the last 40 years the cigarette companies said there was no definitive proof that smoking was bad for you. It's sometimes hard to show an exact proof of something, but when there are many indicators pointing to the same conclusion, I'm going with common sense.
I've used this reasoning before, but will tell it again here. If you look at the earth from space, the atmosphere is about as thick as a sheet of paper. It is literally a paper thin sheet of breathable air around a big ball. From here on earth it seems limitless. There's an abundance of clean air that will never run out. The fact is, for the last two hundred years we have had smoke stacks, factories, cars and such, spewing pollutants into the atmosphere nonstop, 24/7. Every year the rate increases. The fact is we are putting particles into the air, not just polluting what we breathe, but creating a greenhouse effect too. You can argue over it all you want, but the science is pretty good. If you look at the heat in the atmosphere of Venus, it is much hotter than it should be just due to its distance from the sun. The heavy, particle filled atmosphere holds heat better than a thinner atmosphere, and created a runaway heating effect that made it a hellish environment there. Mankind has grown so much that our actions are affecting the planet. It's hard for me to believe so many don't think we could cause changes to it. There is so much untapped energy available in the world. Continued use of fossil fuels is just greed from the huge industries that have gotten so rich off it for so long. Like I said earlier, my only goal here is to leave a place that my grandchildren can live in.
a large forest fire such as when Yellow Stone burned puts more crap in the air than man ever has,,,,,,,Global warming is real but it runs in cycle's,,,,,we are smack dab in the middle of one right now,,,,in my opinion man plays a small role in this cycle

Just watched Cowspiracy last night...and wow. Above is the shortened version of the documentary.

Disturbing factual evidence. Now Im just as guilty as anyone here because I consume a lot of red meat, also waste a lot of water but this has me reevaluating my habbits.

Do not be fooled by title. It's not an anti animal cruelty documentary.
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If science and Government bureaucrats can't come to a conclusion with certainty what in Gods name do they think they are correct now? I do believe the climate is changing as an natural occurrence and history has shown this as a natural process, the debate is 'is it man made' My opinion (using historical records) is no. Many people in the global warming camp can't fathom the thought that climate change is a natural process. Warming is a natural process brought on through climate change not the other way around, those in the global warming camp have turned the whole process into an religion of in itself fostering the divide. Yes, we should be good stewards of the earth though we shouldn't be taxt nor penalized for what is the natural state of nature.

This whole global Paris climate accords is nothing more than a systematic taxing process. In the end, who really gets the money? and what do you think the money is used for? If one thinks it betters our lives think again!

History of climate change science
It is kind of like over the last 40 years the cigarette companies said there was no definitive proof that smoking was bad for you.

Come on Brent. I remember calling cigarettes "Cancer Sticks" and "Coffin Nails" in the 1950s. I remember being told every cigarette you smoke shortens your life by 20 minutes. When did everyone get so stupid?

You are using a straw man argument, conflating automobile exhaust pollutants which everyone agreed are bad, with CO2 which is necessary for life. Nobody wants polluted air.

The one human activity that is affecting global CO and CO2 levels is the burning of the rainforests. But there is no money in going after those responsible. The United States produces more pollution than European countries because it's a big damned country and they are little countries. We have enough forests in the US to sequester all the carbon emissions we produce. Many countries DO NOT. (if you want to see some REAL pollution, look at China.)

This whole carbon scam is a way to extort money from the US. Period.
Great news! This scam would have cost the US tax payer trillions of dollars and turned over much of our souventry to the UN. If the fools that truly believe in Man caused "global warming", or climate change, set an example and give up YOUR standard of living and all modern conveniences. Give up your car, your electric, your money. Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is and keep your dam hands off mine. I agree that the world's population has grown too much. Ok, which one of you global warming nuts are going to be the first to drink the Kool Aid and leave?
Great news! This scam would have cost the US tax payer trillions of dollars and turned over much of our souventry to the UN. If the fools that truly believe in Man caused "global warming", or climate change, set an example and give up YOUR standard of living and all modern conveniences. Give up your car, your electric, your money. Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is and keep your dam hands off mine. I agree that the world's population has grown too much. Ok, which one of you global warming nuts are going to be the first to drink the Kool Aid and leave?

I don't think anyone here is a global warming nut. I doubt anyone here is a scientist either. I also don't think a dooms day forum would be anyone's primary source for scientific data. It sure isn't mine.

Most of the members of this forum are approaching senior citizen age. I doubt global warming is a primary concern here.

I don't particularly care about this Paris deal. If Trump backed out of it...I'm sure he had data to support his decision.

That doesn't mean there isn't data to support serious issues on the horizon.

Either way our country is going to continue to WASTE money on all kinds of things most of us dont agree with.
climate change is real, the oceans are warming up and we are seeing fish in our coastal regions that previously would only be seen in warm water further south.
climate change was known about as far back as 2006 and the "point of no return" would be reached within 10 years so anything anyone does it "too little too late" now, we will just have to live with it and learn to adapt to rising temperatures.
All I know for sure is oil and gas pollutes the world we live in. With all the other sources of non polluting energy out there, why wouldn't everyone want to persue making them mainstream? Oil is needed while we transitioning, but we should have been doing a lot more research decades ago. There are a lot of tax dollars that are wasted on useless projects, the government should be investing in new technologies for both a cleaner planet and the economic impact of new industries.
All I know for sure is oil and gas pollutes the world we live in. With all the other sources of non polluting energy out there, why wouldn't everyone want to persue making them mainstream? Oil is needed while we transitioning, but we should have been doing a lot more research decades ago. There are a lot of tax dollars that are wasted on useless projects, the government should be investing in new technologies for both a cleaner planet and the economic impact of new industries.

Money should have been invested in more efficient and cleaner energy, that's commen sense. Money is waisted in trying to stop the climate change though and instead trying to adapt to it, this is because it's not caused by man. Climate change is happening on every planet in our Galaxy and always has gone through cycles. This is not a guess or a theory, this is scientific and historical fact.
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Oil and gas are what allowed us to have the standard of living that we enjoy today. Oil and gas is the cheapest and most reliable source of energy that is available today. For those who think that oil and gas are destroying the world; set an example for the rest of us, quit driving, unplug your house from the grid, go solar, buy an electric car, give up your standard of living. Quit sitting around waiting for the government to come up with a "solution". Lead by example.
From 2015
"Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede."

Just watched Cowspiracy last night...and wow. Above is the shortened version of the documentary.

Disturbing factual evidence. Now Im just as guilty as anyone here because I consume a lot of red meat, also waste a lot of water but this has me reevaluating my habbits.

Do not be fooled by title. It's not an anti animal cruelty documentary.

Good article. I doubt if half of it is fact, but even at half being correct those numbers are huge. I knew raising cattle was not the most efficient way to feed people, but this really did open my eyes some. Really sucks as I am a huge steak lover.
I know the planet has cycles and has changed many times over the millennia. Most of those changes happened slowly, giving plants and animals time to adapt. The problem with human overpopulation and its effects are it is happening fast. Most species will be extinct, which will have dire consequences for us. I'm not just being a doomsayer here. I think mankind has the potential to solve these issues. I don't think we will though.
Good article. I doubt if half of it is fact, but even at half being correct those numbers are huge. I knew raising cattle was not the most efficient way to feed people, but this really did open my eyes some. Really sucks as I am a huge steak lover.

Yeah the documentary is even more disturbing. A lot of high profile people are sourced. It sucks for me cause I have some of the best restaurants in the world around me. I'm going to try to drastically cut down on my red meat difficult and as torturous as it might be.

I need to learn to eat healthier anyway.
Good article. I doubt if half of it is fact, but even at half being correct those numbers are huge. I knew raising cattle was not the most efficient way to feed people, but this really did open my eyes some. Really sucks as I am a huge steak lover.

The people involved in cowspiracy are animal rights activist and veganism advocates. look up the names!! They have a bone in the fight and pushing the vegan view ;)

Directed by
Kip Andersen
Keegan Kuhn

Produced by
Kip Andersen
Keegan Kuhn

Kip Andersen
Howard Lyman
Richard Oppenlander
Michael Pollan
Michael Klaper
Will Tuttle
Will Potter

Executive-Produced by
Leonardo DiCaprio
The people involved in cowspiracy are animal rights activist and veganism advocates. look up the names!! They have a bone in the fight and pushing the vegan view ;)

Directed by
Kip Andersen
Keegan Kuhn

Produced by
Kip Andersen
Keegan Kuhn

Kip Andersen
Howard Lyman
Richard Oppenlander
Michael Pollan
Michael Klaper
Will Tuttle
Will Potter

Executive-Produced by
Leonardo DiCaprio

I don't see how that changes anything. I'm sure most who oppose the material within the documentary are farmers...or related to farmers. Does that diminish their views on the subject as well...since their livelyhood is at stake?
I don't see how that changes anything. I'm sure most who oppose the material within the documentary are farmers...or related to farmers. Does that diminish their views on the subject as well...since their livelyhood is at stake?

The intent of the messenger isn't always seen. Like california passing cowfart tax that was passed I think last year. Animal rights activist like peta, green peace and vegans have a motive and it's not for the health of man, it's against meat eating and milk drinking, it's called indoctrination. Look at all the past commentaries from these people and organizations before taking films like this a gospel. I have a nephew and 3 nieces (vegans) who won't talk to me because I hunt, raise cattle and eat meat.
The intent of the messenger isn't always seen. Like california passing cowfart tax that was passed I think last year. Animal rights activist like peta, green peace and vegans have a motive and it's not for the health of man, it's against meat eating and milk drinking, it's called indoctrination. Look at all the past commentaries from these people and organizations before taking films like this a gospel. I have a nephew and 3 nieces (vegans) who won't talk to me because I hunt, raise cattle and eat meat.

If you watch the full version of the documentary you would see that most of the environmental organizations are attacked. This documentary has nothing to do with animal cruelty. I personally eat far more RED MEAT than the average person does. My best friend owns multiple restaurants. If u actually were to invest the time to watch's not what you'd expect. Most of the high profile people interviewed in the environmental industry are attacked for misleading people away from the real issues that matter.
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I agree, it is pushing an agenda. However, I have read lots about how cattle and pigs do use up resources and pollute water systems. Not everything stated is wrong. However, I'm not ready to give up steak either.
I agree, it is pushing an agenda. However, I have read lots about how cattle and pigs do use up resources and pollute water systems. Not everything stated is wrong. However, I'm not ready to give up steak either.

Well technically every documentary is pushing an agenda. That doesnt mean its content is not factual based. Why else would Leonardo DiCaprio spend a substantial amount of his own money funding a project that he won't benefit from financially.

I don't think I can completely give up steak either but that doesn't mean I can't cut down my intake.

I wonder if anyone here juices? This guy is hilarious.
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Cattle are not the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In fact, their contribution to greenhouse gases is much less than most people think. According to numbers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cattle production is not a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2011:
Agriculture = 6.9% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Livestock = 3.1% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from livestock = 2.8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from beef cattle = 1.5% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
To compare with other industries:
Electricity Generation = 33% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Transportation = 26% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrial Use = 11% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential and Commercial Use = 8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Cattle are not the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In fact, their contribution to greenhouse gases is much less than most people think. According to numbers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cattle production is not a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2011:
Agriculture = 6.9% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Livestock = 3.1% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from livestock = 2.8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from beef cattle = 1.5% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
To compare with other industries:
Electricity Generation = 33% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Transportation = 26% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrial Use = 11% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential and Commercial Use = 8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

Thanks Mav.... you just stepped on my big toe....

We get our power from TVA. Lots of dams around here on the Tennessee river. All owned by TVA. All have generator systems.

Also, they have several nuclear power plants. One about 12 miles from me.

So, tell me, what do they use to generate our power? Natural gas. Why, pray tell, can't they generate power with their damn dams?

Cause the *******s can charge more for the NG generated power than the damn dam generated power.

Sorry... it just pisses me off.....
Cattle are not the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In fact, their contribution to greenhouse gases is much less than most people think. According to numbers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cattle production is not a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2011:
Agriculture = 6.9% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Livestock = 3.1% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from livestock = 2.8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from beef cattle = 1.5% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
To compare with other industries:
Electricity Generation = 33% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Transportation = 26% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrial Use = 11% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential and Commercial Use = 8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

I don't think I agree with you on this. The stats you have provided dont appear to come close to aligning with ones I've seen. I'm not going to debate this here either. If you watch the documentary most of the attacks are directed towards the Environmental Protection Agency and how corrupt the organization is.
the whole thing is a farce for certain people to make money....U.S. taxpayers pay for enough crap for other countries.....let them pick up what we won't keep paying...
I don't think I agree with you on this. The stats you have provided dont appear to come close to aligning with ones I've seen. I'm not going to debate this here either. If you watch the documentary most of the attacks are directed towards the Environmental Protection Agency and how corrupt the organization is.

I didn't come up with those stats, those stats are from the EPA.

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