This man made global warming scam needs to go. Look at our markets increase!
Huge mistake in my opinion. I'd like my kids kids to have breathable air. I was driving towards Atlanta yesterday and you could see the haze from all the pollution. Atlanta isn't even near the top of the list of polluted cities around the world. My take on pollution is why would you pee in the pool your swimming in? Considering that over 90% of scientist around the world say global warming is real and caused by man, why would anyone believe a greedy business man that makes up alternative facts? I actually like a couple of the ideas trump has put out, but this isn't one of them.
It is kind of like over the last 40 years the cigarette companies said there was no definitive proof that smoking was bad for you.
Great news! This scam would have cost the US tax payer trillions of dollars and turned over much of our souventry to the UN. If the fools that truly believe in Man caused "global warming", or climate change, set an example and give up YOUR standard of living and all modern conveniences. Give up your car, your electric, your money. Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is and keep your dam hands off mine. I agree that the world's population has grown too much. Ok, which one of you global warming nuts are going to be the first to drink the Kool Aid and leave?
All I know for sure is oil and gas pollutes the world we live in. With all the other sources of non polluting energy out there, why wouldn't everyone want to persue making them mainstream? Oil is needed while we transitioning, but we should have been doing a lot more research decades ago. There are a lot of tax dollars that are wasted on useless projects, the government should be investing in new technologies for both a cleaner planet and the economic impact of new industries.
Just watched Cowspiracy last night...and wow. Above is the shortened version of the documentary.
Disturbing factual evidence. Now Im just as guilty as anyone here because I consume a lot of red meat, also waste a lot of water but this has me reevaluating my habbits.
Do not be fooled by title. It's not an anti animal cruelty documentary.
Good article. I doubt if half of it is fact, but even at half being correct those numbers are huge. I knew raising cattle was not the most efficient way to feed people, but this really did open my eyes some. Really sucks as I am a huge steak lover.
Good article. I doubt if half of it is fact, but even at half being correct those numbers are huge. I knew raising cattle was not the most efficient way to feed people, but this really did open my eyes some. Really sucks as I am a huge steak lover.
The people involved in cowspiracy are animal rights activist and veganism advocates. look up the names!! They have a bone in the fight and pushing the vegan view
Directed by
Kip Andersen
Keegan Kuhn
Produced by
Kip Andersen
Keegan Kuhn
Kip Andersen
Howard Lyman
Richard Oppenlander
Michael Pollan
Michael Klaper
Will Tuttle
Will Potter
Executive-Produced by
Leonardo DiCaprio
I don't see how that changes anything. I'm sure most who oppose the material within the documentary are farmers...or related to farmers. Does that diminish their views on the subject as well...since their livelyhood is at stake?
The intent of the messenger isn't always seen. Like california passing cowfart tax that was passed I think last year. Animal rights activist like peta, green peace and vegans have a motive and it's not for the health of man, it's against meat eating and milk drinking, it's called indoctrination. Look at all the past commentaries from these people and organizations before taking films like this a gospel. I have a nephew and 3 nieces (vegans) who won't talk to me because I hunt, raise cattle and eat meat.
I agree, it is pushing an agenda. However, I have read lots about how cattle and pigs do use up resources and pollute water systems. Not everything stated is wrong. However, I'm not ready to give up steak either.
Cattle are not the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In fact, their contribution to greenhouse gases is much less than most people think. According to numbers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cattle production is not a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2011:
Agriculture = 6.9% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Livestock = 3.1% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from livestock = 2.8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from beef cattle = 1.5% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
To compare with other industries:
Electricity Generation = 33% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Transportation = 26% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrial Use = 11% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential and Commercial Use = 8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Cattle are not the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In fact, their contribution to greenhouse gases is much less than most people think. According to numbers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cattle production is not a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2011:
Agriculture = 6.9% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Livestock = 3.1% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from livestock = 2.8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Methane from beef cattle = 1.5% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
To compare with other industries:
Electricity Generation = 33% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Transportation = 26% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrial Use = 11% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential and Commercial Use = 8% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
I don't think I agree with you on this. The stats you have provided dont appear to come close to aligning with ones I've seen. I'm not going to debate this here either. If you watch the documentary most of the attacks are directed towards the Environmental Protection Agency and how corrupt the organization is.