I could care less about her email scandal. For me, the whole taking money for political favors, from foreign powers unfriendly to the US, while she was SoS, is basically treason, and THAT I have an issue with. Add to that, getting CAUGHT rigging the DNC primary, her dubious health (collapsing on the campaign trail, anti-seizure glasses), and then the rather blatant use of a political decoy after the fall....and it just adds up to not my choice for POTUS. And the icing on this crap cake...the fact that she is completely in the pocket of big banks, big pharma, etc.
Now, Trump may be great, or he may be an utter disaster. In some ways, he's a horrible person (sexist, misogamist, etc.), but from most accounts of those who know him (and the acts that seem to get buried by the press, such as using his jet to fly soldiers to their families, or other random acts of kindness)...he's a decent guy.
Thing is, he has something driving him to actually do good. His own branding, and ego. It simply won't let him fail...
This endless speculation on just what a Trump presidency will be is just ridiculous. 6 months in, THEN lets look at it..but protesting him before he's even sworn in...just ridiculous.