TV Cartoons Growing Up...

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Miss the old ones!
Some stations have them but it doesn't seem to be network programming. I think my local NBC affiliate has a Saturday block. Another station has Pink Panther in the morning.
Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry. I wonder if that coyote ever caught that bird.....
Thanks for the blast from the past!
Grew up in the 70, and I remember enjoying every cartoon pictured so far on this thread.
The cartoons these days lack something from my perspective, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Any of you know?
Thanks for the blast from the past!
Grew up in the 70, and I remember enjoying every cartoon pictured so far on this thread.
The cartoons these days lack something from my perspective, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Any of you know?
Lol yeah. They lack heart, soul, and real humor. They're all basically half hour ads to sell toys.
Sherman & Peabody with wonder dog _______ ?

How many remember ?

Also, Tom Terrific. What was his "hat" ?

Yes, I rode a stagecoach to primary skool.
How about Sheriff John, Bozo the Clown, and Soupy Sales?
Soupy. He was out of Detroit, where I grew up. Watched every day. Recall White Fang, Black Tooth. Oh, and I can still do the Soupy Shuffle.

Along with Soupy, was the Buster Brown Show, with Squeeky, Midnight, and Froggy (pluck your magic twanger, Froggy). And, of course, the Howdy Doody Show, starring Buffalo Bob, Howdy, Clarabelle, Princess Summerfallwinterspring, and Mr. Bluster.
The Mighty Heroes....Cuckoo man, Diaper Man, Tornado Man, Rope Man, and Strong Man?...