Urban Prepper Planning

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
Urban Prepper Planning

What sort of planning issues and threat subjects that urban preppers or ordinary preppers need to

consider if stuck within a large town or city after TSHTF.

Avoiding Detection by gangs or criminals and avoiding being rounded up by authorities (NEVER


Identifying and Recovering water sources and materials to purify water*

Identifying and recovering food sources ( primarily this will be tinned, freeze dried, dehydrated etc)

Locating and foraging for wild growing NON POLLUTED foods

Developing transit routes to and from place of safety (BOL)

Collecting specialist access keys like storm drain keys, subway maintenance access doors etc

Finding safe places to shelter and cook that won’t give away your position

Mapping CCTV and other surveillance equipment (and plotting ways to avoid it)

Finding B O routes not likely to be used by refugees and displaced persons

Noting where unsafe and unstable building are and unstable or collapse prone paved areas are

Identify choke points where desperate refugees may congregate

Identify likely locations for official check points and unofficial ambushs

Identify URBAN specific threats such as local gang territory or places with live rail lines, places likely

to face flooding

Identify safe locations for shelter if civil unrest triggers large scale riots or out of control arson

triggered fire storms

Identifying useable Elevated and Subterranean travel routes (Ariel walkways and underground


Identifying suitable places to set up OP and LPs

Identifying suitable urban locations to hide caches of supplies securely and safely

Identifying areas for future planting of food stuffs

Setting up suitable URBAN comms short range SECURE systems (and concealing antennae)

*WATER specific concerns

Methods of testing water sources in urban locations to see if they have been treated with

rust inhibitors, anti-bacterial agents, anti-fungal agents, excess dissolved lead or copper

levels, antifreeze agents (alcohol and / or glycol based), excess sodium hypo levels,

build ups of explosive hydrogen sulphide gases in water systems, faecal matter levels,

typhus or other nasty’s etc""" Boiling does not remove chemical additives or metallic


(Courtesy of DEVONIAN on SUK.net)

Understanding how the water network operates

Locating Underground service reservoirs

Obtaining a fire hydrant/stand pipe

Sourcing a gate Key (for closing/opening valves on the water network)


I think we will need the input from our Radio Ham and CB geeks on determining which

systems work best in urban areas, PMR446 or AM CB or FM CB or Ham I’m not qualified

to advise on this subject.

(Courtesy of LIGHTSPEED on SUK.net)

UHF (Ultra high frequency) with its very short wave length works quite well in cities. It

still gets blocked by big, tall buildings but has the ability to bounce around them.

Position can be very critical. Just moving a few feet often will make a difference between

perfect reception and no reception at all. The other advantage of UHF is that there are

many hand held walkie-talkie type units available. Because the wavelength is so short,

antennas for this band are also tiny. UHF radios can be very discreet.

Most readily available UHF radios are PMR446 units or Ham radio 430 Mhz bands.

Guerrilla (or Parrot repeaters on CB) repeaters constructed to operate autonomously

from tower block roofs are also a good way to get signals across the cityscape. Again,

UHF frequencies work well in this application. Built using one of the generic low powered

Chinese radio clones, secured in a water tight box, with a small PV charging unit, this

sort of installation can stay operational for a long time without need to touch it.

At times the URBAN prepper will find the other survivors will select some locations fairly

common to all (Doors of the Town Hall etc) and post notices and hand written messages

on notice boards seeking info, trade, barter, news or assistance, Urban preppers already

in touch with other urban preppers but not having workable radio comms are likely to

have more secure message exchange locations of called “dead letter drops”. These are

previously agreed locations where they can leave messages for each other.

URBAN Personal equipment

I think the kit and clothing requirements will pretty much match those or even surpass

those of rural preppers especially the extra need for extra protection from pollutants in

an urban environment after TSHTF, any foraging or movement that could kick up or

disturb toxic particles from burnt or decaying buildings will require eye and mouth/nose

protection (goggles and face mask) gloves and closed hems, draw cord, cuffs etc is also

likely to be an important consideration. Work gloves are likely to be essential in urban

areas with its inevitable large amounts of broken glass and sharp fractured bricks and

stonework. One piece of feedback I received from an urban prepper suggests that

preppers buy as much clothing as possible for foraging and recce roles made from RIPSTOP

fabric as its very very likely the damaged buildings and debris is likely to cause

very heavy wear on clothing. He also added that the soles of boots MUST be inspected

after each foray out to ensure nail, tacks, glass, wire, stones etc are not greatly

shortening the life of the boots, (he also suggested that after TSHTF when streets are

badly littered with debris that air filled footwear like Dr Martens or Nike Air Max and NOT


Extra clothing is likely to mean greater thirst caused by getting to warm whilst working

so extra drinking /washing water is likely to be required

Extra tools for prying open doors, hatches, windows, lift shafts, water tank covers,

manholes etc is likely to become standard kit for long term urban preppers. Feedback

from established urban preppers I have received suggests that a “Spring Loaded Centre

Punch” will be a useful addition to kit for safely shattering toughened glass windows and

doors in abandoned structures when out foraging.

I think that long term preppers determined to utilise every possible resource left in the

city is likely to need climbing gear, ropes and harnesses to access some locations where

staircases are no longer accessible and to assist in escaping if the prepper falls through a

decayed surface into a void.

A couple of Urban preppers have also pointed out the increased risk in cities after a

disaster from packs of abandoned dogs and suggest other Urban preppers consider

measures to keep them at bay (preferably QUIET measures for OPSEC)

Aerosols of bright coloured paint will assist in marking routes in dark subterranean

locations as a means of retracting the route out or marking areas that have been

checked out.

I also guess (and it is a guess) that urban preppers are likely to end up relying on

bicycles for most transport needs as its likely to be the only truly viable swift and cargo

capable vehicle for travelling through clogged abandoned streets, Urban preppers in situ

now should consider obtaining AT bikes with puncture proof tyres NOW whilst they can

still obtain them through normal means.

I think the mantra of the Urban prepper is going to be “Don’t just look left and right,

look up and down as well” At night the Mk 1 Eyeball is definitely going to be at a

disadvantage and hearing is likely to be the most useful way of detecting approaching

trouble so ensure the area your BOL is located in does not have any extraneous noises

at night from things like wind chimes, rattling gates, busted windows rattling, curtains or

abandoned washing flapping about. A few handfuls of broken glass and gravel on the

approachs to your BOL should give notice of people approaching on foot.

Urban preppers (providing the authorities IR CCTV is not working) should be able to rule

the night in the cities providing they remain unseen and unheard, simple recceing is not

going to be so easy in a large city, chances are preppers wanting to find out what is

going on in a new area are likely to have to move quietly into the area at night and set

up an OP/LP and spend the daylight hours watching, listening and noting what is going

on for at least 24 hours before moving into the area to access resources.
get your map now,start putting on the map useful places;gun shops etc...mark choke-points,alternative routes.
a good map will help you a lot,even better if you can read it.
Might also note, in a TSHTF and for some reason one needs to mix with inhabitants of a area be it foraging for supplies and materials go gray as possible that means unshaven wearing dirty stinky torn clothes with no exposed modern equipment.

Also note, in this day and age of hyper security, taking notes/marking on maps and or taking pictures of important facilities may land one under a spot light from Law Enforcement by being questioned as why you have these areas marked on the map and why do you have pictures of sensitive areas on your phone. I remember reading that in Great Britain Law Enforcement doesn't need a reason to search a person, I'm sure they will look at you funny when they find a map with suspicious markings and pictures of secured areas on the phone. Just be aware of that when scouting, we know we mean no harm though it would be hard to explain to the general population and law enforcement.

Explanation: geocaching ;)
Thing is unlike the US Cops are becoming a very rare sight outside the big cities, chances are very slight of seeing one in most rural areas, last year I spotted a guy stealing stuff from a neighbours garden so I dialled 999, the police had to come from a town 14 miles away and it took them 40 minutes, they actually admit they don't patrol out of the town any more.
Mav on occasion we can and have phoned 999 for the police and once for medics and 3 times in total in ten years they never turned up at all, to busy some place else.
The only sure fire way to get the cops to attend is to say you have shot the suspect, then suddenly there is no shortage of cops if they think they can arrest a gun owner.
I can't say we don't have them problems here in the states we do... all the time, I was just thinking Britain was a little different, so hollywood and the news media lied again (sarcasm). Sad! Most of the reports here is always playing how efficient Law Enforcement is in Britain very little if any negative reporting in fact most of the reports if there is any is with Metro (Scotland Yards)
9% ?? that's very close to 0%...no wonder bad guys have it so easy..they got even more help from this piss-poor thing called Schengen thing here in Europe,
it doesn't matter that I have a security lock on my door,I'm nervous every day when I leave this flat...
FREE ????? in the UK? free to rattle our chains, free to be subjugated, free to be defenceless victims of crime and socialist oppression Free in the UK your having a laugh.

"" If your happy and you know it rattle you chains""
Yes come to the UK where you are free to pay 40% income tax, 14% National insurance tax, 20% purchase tax, £1400 a year Council Tax, £6 for a gallon of petrol, Free to say thank you when your killed by a Muslim extremist, Free get beaten to pulp because its illegal to own anything designed for self defence, free to watch your children growing up without hope, freedom or liberty in a F***** socialist prison.
outside of the cities(there are only 2-small- cities in my county) all the police stations are part time, I know of some you'll be lucky to find a cop inside-unless he's in a back room writing a report. I live in a fairly law abiding area and any crime is usually outsiders-apart from the odd "domestic" our last serious crime was 3 years ago, probably just as well because police do not attend every crime, if your house has been broken into and the burglar has left, ring the police and the usual response is to give you a "crime number" for your insurance, if they do attend it will be something like 36 hours later.
that sucks!!!

here at some rural places,if you want a police to come,and come quickly (usually they say they are busy) just mention;I'm a little afraid so I probably take my shotgun...it takes only a couple of minutes and they arrive...many units ;)
First goal is simple....get the heck out of a city during a SHTF event.
A lot depends on the geography of the city, as far as exit strategy.

However, some common themes are:

1) travel to less developed/lived in parts of the city
2) have a destination outside the city, a planned place to go (or at least route after getting out)
3) travel at night, hide by day.
4) avoid main roads in the city
5) sleep under glass (thermal imaging is pretty useless through glass, example, prop up a dressing mirror over your blanket as you sleep to avoid aerial thermal vision from spotting you).
6) only cook if you can hide the flame and smoke (though thermal will spot you quick)
if the glass is too close to the skin or is touching then it would offer very little protection, more and more thermal imaging devices is are using thermal shading by offering various gray shading according to surrounding heat, glass would have to be at the same environmental ambient temperature in order for it to blend in and conceal, if one is sleeping directly under with very little air space then a shaded silhouette would appear because the glass would be different then the surrounding ambient temperature ;)
That's why I said to prop it up (like at a slant, over you, like against a dresser or something), like a little lean-to.... :D
Nothing is perfect, but it is something that could be found in your surroundings that MIGHT give you a shot at staying hidden from drones in an urban environment, while trying to get out.
a quick question guys,would it be possible to get the same result using those space-blankets??
a quick question guys,would it be possible to get the same result using those space-blankets??

yes and no, the new thermo imaging devices are using multiple grey shading, glass is the better choice but is limited, if the cloak's temperature is slightly different it's going to show up as a different shading, a good technician is going to be alerted to this change, if the shading is substantially different then that difference may give your location away, there is camouflage that will break up the grey shading. The body gives off heat eventually warming the air around you so setting still under a glass, space blanket with wool blanket as the outer layer is going to eventually releasing a heat signature, if a person been running, scared or both then the heat build up is greater. Thermo shading will show the temp between tree/bush leaves and the leaves themselves kind of like grey shading in 3d an example, if you put a solid square glass in the field it would show up as a black square amongst different shading of grey, a good technician will notice that and say it doesn't belong their that's where camouflage comes in to break that black square up and the military uses this camouflage all the time ;)

Cloaking your heat signature is going to depend on the technician, equipment generation, how long you been under the cloak, ambient air/vegetation temperature, how much you exerted yourself before cloaking and wither the right camouflage is used, a lot of variables to be successful but certainly not impossible, it's being done in the middle east, the middle east is a good test bed for this technology and has shown the weakness but it has caused the technology to get better and better unfortunately it would make it harder for us in the near future to hide from unless you go deep underground.
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a quick question guys,would it be possible to get the same result using those space-blankets??

Mythbusters did some great testing on various means, and the space blanket idea didn't hold up too well. The above poster is correct on all counts....but I was thinking of this more as it's post SHTF, you hear a chopper coming, knowing they are looking for folks to round up, so a quick masking may just be enough to keep you from sticking out like a sore thumb. Of course a trained technician means you'd likely get spotted, but more likely than not, they'll be looking more for signatures that stand out. My guess is that a darker square or rectangle isn't going to look too out of place in an urban post SHTF landscape, so you'd likely be pretty hidden under it. Especially compared to the other guy who thinks he's hiding in a dumpster.
wouldn't wanna do that dumpster trick,even after SHTF, I do not want to smell garbage ;)
who would have guessed,seems like I have a prepper studying same as me,know it takes time to build trust,but yesterday while talking casually about camping we shared thoughts and ideas and he told me he have BOB's for the whole family and extra food and water and so on,as he wondered if I thought it was crazy,told him,so do I, have extra food and stuff,for that just in case..
There are far more of " us" out there than will admit it or use a forum, I'm often surprised by the numbers of fellow brits I come across who know what the patches on the ghb represent.
true,but it was a very pleasant surprise.let's see if we can get a third one aboard,his interested in hunting,camping,has a very twisted sense of humor and thinks the world is rapidly going down..just like me and the other,who doesn't take anything for granted.