Dont underestimate the Liberal SJWs and Snowflakes, SERIOUSLY these trash are tomorrows Lawyers and Law Makers, Politicians and City Administrators, look how erm F***ed up places like New York and California are and how their cancerous influence has spread to Oregon and Western Washington. They may not be able to grab your guns but they CAN go after Magazines, Types of Rifle, Ammo, Reloading gear, they can make life hell for gun dealers and manufacturers, apply horrendous taxes and levis to gun related stuff, apply ridiculous criminal penalties for minor gun related crimes, They can do evil things like ban gun owners from working im state or federal jobs, close off Federal land to hunters etc. Do not just look at protecting your RIGHT TO OWN GUNS they can and WILL attack you from every possible other direction.
Here is an example of their thinking from the UK. Gun owners have to be licenced (FAC) they expire and have to be renewed. So what the police have been known to do is to receive your renewal notice and sit on it for a few weeks until your current licence expires. Then they come a calling to do an inspection of your gun storage and separate ammo storage and inspect the terms of your FAC. But now your licence has EXPIRED and you have guns in your house............. Yup guns seized and you prosecuted facing five years in prison. Over here if your Renewed licence does not arrive in time you have to very urgently get all your guns and ammo stored at a gun club or gun shop or they will have you. Thats how these lefties think " we cannot ban guns outright but we can make your life as hard as possible"