Utube isn't always a good thing : ATF Agents Raid Home of FPSRussia’s Kyle Myers

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I saw that the other day. There are just some things you're best not putting out there for everyone to see. Now if I want to blow something to kingdom come and video it and show it to some people that's one thing, but I'm not putting it out there for every Tom, Dick, and Obama to see. There's just too much to lose anymore. Poor judgment on his part helped along by his 'fans' stroking his ego for more. Just my opinion.
I saw that he'd died, but not what had killed him. Yeah, I think I would have laid low after that. Guy's not quite right bright, now is he?
Hey Kenny, just curious, what do you do? How can we get you the hell up out of NYC quicker?
I am a student living off my GI bill, once I am done in June I am heading to New Hampshire away from the craziness :)
Sorry, just worried about you up in that cesspool. I worry about the ones out there in California too. I wouldn't wish living in a city like that on an enemy. I know I couldn't do it.
Don't you worry one drop about me!! I can handle the libs out here!! Most of them are unarmed!! lol!!
It is a shame, 10 years ago I couldn't imagine living anywhere else in the world. I've been to some nice cities. At one point I moved close to Nashville and asked myself if I could be happy here for the rest of my life and I said yes, but after one year I grew extremely bored. I missed NYC. I missed the fact that I could taste the world through all the different ethnic restaurants. I missed being able to live without a car and walk and take the train anywhere. I loved the 24 hour energy and meeting all the great new people.

When people ask me what is so great about NYC I drag them to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and point to the Temple... yes... how many fregging cities in the world outside of Egypt have a real life Egyptian temple transported from Egypt stone by stone! Amazing really.

Then things changed. I realized that no matter now diverse NYC appears, I realized many of the people were the same and voice of opposition was frown upon. Sometimes I see glimmers and it gives me hope, especially among the young, but more often than not I am disappointed, but at the same time they are disappointed with me. My favorites quotes from women in NYC.

"Your conservative? but you seem so intelligent"
"You can't be conservative... your face.. it looks so...so liberal (I am Chinese)."

I love studying kung fu in NYC with my sifu Wong from China. He is a certified bad ass who moves with lightening speed, at a 130 lbs hits with more force than 250 lbs, has legs and arms made of iron and genuinely the best teacher in the world, and the most kind hearted. This is the real reason I have stayed for so long but I will commit coming to see him twice a month even if it is a four hour drive.

And then there is the family, I will set up something in NH and if the SHTF and they are not smart enough to come see me then god bless them and i wish them the best. The thing is even if things done get bad and everything gets better, I will still be self sufficient and learn things that will make me a great citizen and person, at least that is my goal. :)

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