Its been going on for years now, they have changed all the laws and prosses around owning guns, they are trying to make it as difficult as possible to get one, and a few months ago Zuma stated that they must start the proses to ban all fire arms. Our gun owners bodies have been fighting them tooth and nail in the courts, and have had some good successus. On the other hand we know they have smuggled in thousands of AK47's and amunition from China, Zim and Angola, most fire arms used in cash in transit heists if either from the SAPS or Military, thousands have been misplaced or "stolen". R4 or R5's and AK's are being used for these heists. The physically started confiscating fire arms but i think they start doing that as soon as an emergency situation "marshall law" has been declared, as soon as they start making noises in that regard, you know where you wont find me.