Voter fraud and the 2020 election

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Couple problems with mail in ballots is . Junior living in his Grandparents basement is already stealing from them and forging their names on lines of credit . So he takes their ballots and sells them or fills them out himself for a candidate that supports his vile lifestyle . Also mail in ballots will become a black market commodity for quick cash for junkies and even just People that failed to budget . Cash for your ballot .
It is really simple. You come in, show your ID/Passport/drivers license or give up your fingerprint to vote. Nothing else is allowed, as you vote, your electronic registration is automatically turned off so you cannot vote again and your vote is secured through a 526 digit key which cannot be de-crypted (just like every time I go online and check my emails...). Absolutely simple and non-cheatable.
Could you ever think of getting something so important like a PAPER Credit Card, a PAPER Drivers license or a PAPER ATM card???
And NOW think how important the voting for the president of the US in form of PAPER???
Gimme a break. Get up to date and go electric, NOT electronic, ELECTRIC; NO INTERNET; NO SOFTWARE; NO MALWARE AND NO INTERNATIONAL cheating possible...GP
Went to vote today (first day early voting here). The line wrapped clear around the building! No signs of any "hecklers" though. I've lived here 18 years and have never seen the early voting line grow any longer than 20 people out the door...........EVER! We just drove off and decided we'd try again tomorrow. My back troubles just won't let me stand up for 2 hours anymore.
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Went to vote today (first day early voting here). The line wrapped clear around the building! No signs of any "hecklers" though. I've lived here 18 years and have never seen the early voting line than 20 people out the door...........EVER! We just drove off and decided we'd try again tomorrow. My back troubles just won't stand up to standing for 2 hours anymore.
Same here too. At least we have until Oct 30th
Went by the polling place today. At least 20 people outside waiting in line, probably as much inside. People are voting. As I say, vote early, vote often!
My Mother died in 2009 and since then, she has voted 3 times! Voting as a demoncrat and my Mom would Never vote demoncrat even when she was alive! We did start early voting yesterday here in Georgia and one of the long lines shown was near me, scary the people that showed up also! Just hope they were voting for Trump!
My Mother died in 2009 and since then, she has voted 3 times! Voting as a demoncrat and my Mom would Never vote demoncrat even when she was alive! We did start early voting yesterday here in Georgia and one of the long lines shown was near me, scary the people that showed up also! Just hope they were voting for Trump!

What happens after you die will surprise many people. Even the nicest, brightest people. But watch "The Walking Dead", only a tiny piece of your brain turns on after you die. Hence the need to vote democrat. Tiny brains, 99.99999% unused.

I don't understand this early voting stuff. I'll vote Nov 3rd like usual. But my wife will be at work on the 3rd so she'll have to vote by absentee ballot.

I can't imagine what the lines will be like on Nov 3. I bet they are hours long everywhere (which will raise other issues**). Nope, I'll vote later this week or next.

** Long lines will be good. Democrats will skip voting because they need to ___ (play video games, go rioting, do drugs...). Long lines waiting to vote will definitely help Trump.
Voting absentee ballots here in WA state like every other election before this one.
there is a list of approved drop off boxes so I am thankful to not have to stand in line for hours.
@Buttoni just an FYI. Here in TX you can vote at any of the polling booths in your county during early voting. If you live in a city, on Nov 3rd you would have to vote in that city. We went to a small town this morning to vote without any problems. Went right on in with no wait at all.
Went to vote today (first day early voting here). The line wrapped clear around the building! No signs of any "hecklers" though. I've lived here 18 years and have never seen the early voting line grow any longer than 20 people out the door...........EVER! We just drove off and decided we'd try again tomorrow. My back troubles just won't let me stand up for 2 hours anymore.
Lots of early voting going on here in North Texas.
I read on Fox News today, Democrats are likely to vote early, and Republicans tend to wait until Election Day.
Doesn’t sound true to me, but who knows..
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Lots of early voting going on here in North Texas.
I read on Fox News today, Democrats are likely to vote early, and Republicans tend to wait until Election Day.
Doesn’t sound true to me, but who knows..

It has been that way since I can remember. Wouldnt normally bother me, but I can see the den thugs showing up on Election Day and doing rough stuff to shut down the polls.

i am voting EARLY! In person! Making sure my vote counts!!
Went back today to early vote. Line was moderate, but we decided to stick it out today. I guess there were maybe 50 people ahead of us (unlike the 100+ on day one early voting) and the line moved steadily. Took about 45 minutes to 1 hour from the time we got there and completed the vote. Then we went for an ice cream. :) They are using new touch-screen machines for the first time in my Central TX city, but the process was easy and I could se nothing untowards going on.
I think early voting is just as secure as election day voting. Same machines and security. I usually wait until election day just out of tradition, but this year, I don't want to be caught up in what I think will be massive lines. And I might be up at the retreat that week getting the next phase under way anywho.
What about the fact that the Republicans in California put out their own unsecured ballot boxes and put stickers on them saying they were “official”? They were served with a cease and desist order, matter of record.

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