1) No lawyer worth his/her salt is going to splay out his evidence in the open before trial for the guilty to run around and destroy it (HRC-style ie her 30,000 emails). The element of surprise in the courtroom is as key to the success of any case as it is on the battlefield.
2) I doubt seriously any lawyer, any human in their right mind, in fact, would put themselves through the living hell she must have been through since Nov. 3rd for just "a few dozen or hundred" votes, do you? She's laying her professional reputation (and her firm's) on the line and would only entertain the notion of doing so if she were confident the evidence pointed to "massive" fraud and corruption at the highest levels and that they will win their case(s). Even you would admit it just wouldn't be worth her time over a mere handful of votes in each state.
I can't even imagine the hours of epic research to date and what is yet before her in presenting it to the court. I just donated $1000 to her defense fund, almost donated $5000, but decided the future is too uncertain to do that just yet. May send the other $4000 soon. I've never done anything like that in my 72 year life! That's how strongly I oppose blatant cheating, lying, fraud and corruption and how much I do not want a socialist/communist/corrupt government influenced by outside countries in America. And that's not just the teacher in me talking......it's every fiber in my body talking.