How the Vote was supposed to be stolen vs. what happened.
In a nutshell how the software works was to take a percentage of Trump votes out of the heavily red Trump districts and add them to the state totals as Biden votes. This basically would keep all of the registered vote numbers and vote totals within acceptable margins and would go unnoticed as long as the percentages remained fairly small enough to not cause suspicion as the Trump district itself still remained as a Trump win overall, who would notice. But it’s the total number in the end that determines the win for the state, not the individual counties. How would you know if a small percentage of your votes where stolen when your county flipped to a Trump victory just as you knew it would?
The tell will be the increase in the number of Democrat votes in your county vs. the number of Democrat votes in 2016. Is their a noticeable increase in Biden votes outside the normal deviation? In reality, this number should actually be less than 2016, not more.
The problem arose when a greater percentage of Biden supporters in the heavy Biden districts started jumping ship and voted for Trump in far greater numbers than the percentages being stolen from the Trump districts. In other words, Trump voters were even beating the rigged election software outside of what they had estimated to ensure a Biden victory. When the election fixers began to notice the problem they were faced with, this is when the key swing states shut the counting down and tried to implement a software ‘fix’ to correct the problem and increase the vote totals for Biden. Now we get even larger than normal vote numbers being suddenly flipped for Biden, like the glitch that suddenly reported 6000 votes that jumped from Trump to Biden. When this problem was discovered, they shut down the software counting and went back to doing manual counts just as they had done in the past. This is were we are now. That “glitch” is just the tip of the iceberg people, that’s the one that got noticed. They’ve been running this software all over the country, stealing your votes everywhere in numbers that no one would notice.
How they got screwed? By their own voting base that jumped ship. Remember all of the blacks and Latinos that began showing their support for Trump? Add to that the many middle of the road Democrats that were fed up with the lies and ********, went to the polls and voted for Trump. There were no Trump supporters that suddenly jumped ship for Biden, that number remained constant. In the end, this election was a landslide victory. You can take that to the bank. I wonder, how did Biden get more votes than Trump?
Follow @MagaKarma1
7 Nov, 10 tweets, 3 min read
@realDonaldTrump here is my gift to you
This is not an opinion. Its based on election results
Florida is the state that describes the nations preference. Because it is in Florida we not only see you won. But we can see the "Cheat" employed to defeat you
I will be brief
2) In 2016 you won by 112,911 votes. A margin greater then any candidate in 2 decades or more.
in 2020 you won Florida by 377,023 . For a gain of 264,112.
The irony here is the three biggest Democrat counties are were you gained your victory.
2016, Dade,Palm, Broward 867,352
3) In 2020 those same districts voted for you 1,199,347. Thats a gain on 331,395 votes.
Now look at the red areas.
First you only gained 45,628 more votes in all of the red areas vs 2016. And Biden gained more then YOU in red areas
In simple terms the states voting systems
4) Were programmed to take a random percentage of "Trump Votes" & add that count to Biden's total. A clever trick B/C the majority of the cheat in EVERY STATE would be happening in red districts that out number Blue districts
The states that stopped the count had this in common
5) Timing of the vote count stoppage.
This Occurred when the D/S realized there "Solid Blue areas" were turning out for
@realDonaldTrump in numbers no one had foreseen. And stealing of votes based on a random percentage was not going to put Joe over the top.
6) The issue the D/S faced
How do we increase the random percentage of Trump votes we are counting as Biden's vote. During the actual counting of the ballots ? And once they found themselves in this dark place. A place that would need Programmers and rebooting of voting systems
7) They realized it was to late to make changes to the software they had already written. And even with shutting down swing state counts. There was no way to install a "Fix". So they kept it shut down and reverted to the time tested manual cheating they had planned to avoid.
8) In a nut shell the D/S software used in the election worked perfectly. There stolen Trump votes would have gone unnoticed had the "Blue areas" not voted Trump in the numbers they did.
Lastly you will be able to confirm this by noticing.
Blue area support was up nationwide
9) Until AFTER the shut down of counting. And the increased blue vote for Trump seen in every state. Are not just absent in the swing states. But flipped to Biden in numbers that are unheard of.
In layman's terms
10) Every state ,
Red areas are way up for Biden vs 2016
Every State , Blue and red way up for Trump vs 2016
Swing states after the shut down. Reversed Trumps Blue vote & increased it for Biden to levels seen in no other states.
Demand a Recount & an Audit. You win BIGLY