Water Our Most Important Resource Is Being Polluted

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Awesome Friend
Dec 3, 2017
Our Leaders their lobbies' both foreign and domestic' and the EPA are poisoning, polluting our water all over the nation.
I was reading up on Florida spring water aka aquafer's this week and it just keeps getting worse.

What type of purification system do you have ?
They have been dumping "treated" sewage into our springs and allowing bottling companies to pump more water out which it is said 70% of it is sold to other nations.

Some towns have been turned into ghost towns because of bottling companies like foreign Nestles and national Coca Cola.

Allowing cattle,poultry and pig farms to concentrate and cause toxic algae from runoffs. Plus we are the third largest state in population.

So make sure you have something to filter and clean water.

I'm constantly trying to sell people on getting water storage systems that have at least a 1,500 gallon tqnk so that they will have water in case of power outages, I call them pump through, water pumped into the tank with float valves or switches shutting off the flow when the tank is full and using a small pump and pressure tank pulling water out of the tank for the house with backup power or a battery powered pump for when grid power is down. Thankfully I have developed a gravity feed water system and don't have to do any pumping, the feed water comes from an underground spring naturally filtered and has been tested free of nitrates.
I'm constantly trying to sell people on getting water storage systems that have at least a 1,500 gallon tqnk so that they will have water in case of power outages, I call them pump through, water pumped into the tank with float valves or switches shutting off the flow when the tank is full and using a small pump and pressure tank pulling water out of the tank for the house with backup power or a battery powered pump for when grid power is down. Thankfully I have developed a gravity feed water system and don't have to do any pumping, the feed water comes from an underground spring naturally filtered and has been tested free of nitrates.

I think this is very wise thing to do Viking. We only have a small supply of water stored. Hoping to get more and get a filter system one day.
Our county water is award-winning. No idea who is handing out these awards, but the paper bill claims the award. So, i'm happy with it, but not sure it's the best to drink.

When staying a week in upscale Brentwood TN, omgosh, they had the best water, my hair was so silky and smooth after a wash, yet the awarding winning water keeps my hair frazzled.

Hmm.. wonder what my hair was trying to telling me...
Our county water is award-winning. No idea who is handing out these awards, but the paper bill claims the award. So, i'm happy with it, but not sure it's the best to drink.

When staying a week in upscale Brentwood TN, omgosh, they had the best water, my hair was so silky and smooth after a wash, yet the awarding winning water keeps my hair frazzled.

Hmm.. wonder what my hair was trying to telling me...

No telling maybe see which one uses clean water in his campaign and vote opposite.:D You'll get the same results, nothing,:).
We keep 2 x 1100 lt rain water tanks here that we collect water off the roof with for our own water backup supplies. We also have water purification tablets at the ready and can boil water with a few alternative power sources and also have non scented bleach for purification purposes too.
We have a county water connection here. When we bought the place, it was supposed to have a well on it. We've never found a well, only a piece of well casing in the woods beside a pond that hasn't been here that long. We assume the well was destroyed when the previous owner put in the pond. Wells are expensive to drill here and the quality of water is not always the best anyway, so who knows how good the well was to begin with.

We really do not like the county water. It stinks, literally. It's pretty clean as far as sediment. Even dissolved solids are quite minimal. But the chlorine smell is almost sickening at times. We do not drink it out of the tap but rather have a filtration system on the refrigerator and also a Zero Water filter sitting on the countertop that we use out of for most anything we intend to consume. The coffee machines have never, ever had water right out of the tap.

In our situation, with a well probably costing into 5 figures to drill, other wells in the area often requiring filtering systems in the thousands of dollars to make the water drinkable, and the fact that this area does get a decent amount of rainfall, I have to wonder whether either a cistern or a rainwater collection system might not actually be a better road to travel.

I'm very familiar with how RV setups work with a pump to pressurize as needed. I've seen a few pumps over the years that could supply some pretty decent pressure and volume so I know that's not that big of a deal.

Our pond is such that it has no input other than runoff so there is no inflow of fresh water happening all of the time. It's not that clean. So I'm reluctant to think of that as a source I'd want to use if there were other options.

At some point, I really would like to explore either tanks of some kind or a cistern and ways to purify rain water to make it safe to drink. An RV tank wasn't such a big deal and often just had municipal water running through it. A system that is using rainwater would be a whole new thing for me. So if anyone has some books I need to read or websites I need to visit, or just advice on how to make it happen well, I'm interested! Thanks.
@Meerkat I find it amazing that there are many states in America that don't allow you to collect rainwater considering there are droughts there just as there are here in many parts of the country. Here in Australia it has always been allowed and the local councils give you discount rebates on your home rates notices for having a rainwater tank connected to your property.

With new build houses we can here have it plumbed up to use that water to do your laundry and for toilet water too and many houses here being that we have such a wide expanse of land and rural properties here the houses run solely off rain water tanks for their water supply.
@PopPopT usually here anyway we collect rain water from our roof gutters and have a pvc pipe that runs into the water tanks. On the roof downpipes they have what is known as a rainwater diverter kit that takes the first few litres of water and drains and filters as it has the debris from the roof gutters in it and once it has done that the rest goes straight into the rain water tank that is an closed unit with a filter on the top and a tap on the bottom for using the water.

You can quite literally drink the water straight out of the tank as most have sand in the bottom of the rainwater tanks that filters the water naturally anyway but they do require cleaning out every now and again. In highly populated city areas I would filter the water due to diesel and fuel contamination though but we live in a small country town with little pollution and live in the mountains so the water is clean and fresh.

Here is what a rainwater diverter kit looks like and they have to here anyway be installed by a plumber into your roof down pipes which filters the water before it goes into the tanks -

https://www.bunnings.com.au/rain-harvesting-90mm-first-flush-rain-water-diverter_p4760933 .

The rainwater once in the rainwater tanks can be pressurised using a pump installed by an electrician so you can use it for your house and gardens but many houses have the tanks set higher than the home and simply use gravity feed to get water. If your tank is on the ground you can gravity feed that water to use straight in the gardens using a drip irrigation system if they are located quite close without using a pump too.
@Meerkat I find it amazing that there are many states in America that don't allow you to collect rainwater considering there are droughts there just as there are here in many parts of the country. Here in Australia it has always been allowed and the local councils give you discount rebates on your home rates notices for having a rainwater tank connected to your property.

With new build houses we can here have it plumbed up to use that water to do your laundry and for toilet water too and many houses here being that we have such a wide expanse of land and rural properties here the houses run solely off rain water tanks for their water supply.

Sewwing, I know I do too and don't see how they can do it. Some tree huggers got together and did that. Now I'm big on environment too but that is insane.
@Meerkat I have been following what is going on there re water collection for a number of years and heard that a lot of States are now looking at reversing that decision of not being able to collect water in the United States.

A lot of the time Australia is about 5 years behind in technology compared the the United States but here re rainwater collection we are leaps and bounds ahead thankfully. Our rural and country properties would not survive the harsh weather conditions without the use of dams and water tanks.
@Meerkat I have been following what is going on there re water collection for a number of years and heard that a lot of States are now looking at reversing that decision of not being able to collect water in the United States.

A lot of the time Australia is about 5 years behind in technology compared the the United States but here re rainwater collection we are leaps and bounds ahead thankfully. Our rural and country properties would not survive the harsh weather conditions without the use of dams and water tanks.

:great: news for yall. We are getting more laws and taxes here every year. Half our phone bill is taxes. :eyeballs:
@Meerkat 90% of our phone and internet bill is fees and charges too so I don't think we are far different here in Australia but our bills are still far lower. NBN has just come out and we will pay once connected $79.95 a month and that includes all our landline, long distance phone calls and mobile phone calls as well as the internet. Our power prices are way lower than yours there though and I have been reading how so many people are struggling to just pay bills there due to so many taxes and charges. Some states here though are in a similar predicament with their power prices going through the roof such as South Australia just to name one State.

The recent power price rises here were 3.5% as we are rural and the power prices are regulated but in the city areas their power prices went up by 20% which is huge and is making a lot of families hurt financially. Thank goodness we are in the country as I have heard a lot of pensioners and low income people won't turn on a heater in winter as they cannot afford the power bills.
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Here is an article for you about cisterns.

Cisterns have been used for water storage for thousands of years and continue to be used today. A cistern is a large water storage container that is often underground. Many of you will remember Masada where the Roman Legion had the Jews besieged. This mountain top fortress was able to hold out for as log as they did, in part, because of the large cisterns where they stored rain water. In fact without cisterns this would have been nothing other than another uninhabited mountain.

These water storage tanks can range up to thousands of gallons, or liters if you prefer. The size of your cistern should be determined by your water usage and the water source. If your water source is seasonal then a large enough capacity to get you through the dry spell would be real nice. A cistern can be above ground, below ground or partially buried. This storage is something of a midpoint in you water system sitting as it does, between the collection and distribution systems.

I grew up in a community where thousands of homes collected their water off the roof and stored it in a cistern. I have seen, used, and built many different cisterns. The first one I actually put together was an inexpensive above ground pool. We made a level spot near the eve of the roof and ran the down spouts from the gutter into the pool. While today I might question whether the plastic liner was appropriate for potable water, back then the question never came up. We drank from that pool for years and it didn’t affect me… affect me… affect me. Actually because of the price and ease of installation this type of cistern became fairly popular around the community for a couple decades. While they will last for a few years the plastic eventually deteriorates in the sun or the thin metal sides rot out so this is not a permanent solution. In a SHTF scenario your down spouts could be run to your in ground pool to collect what ever rain you do get and replenish what you have consumed. If this becomes part of your plan you might want to secure and store adequate downspout and/or pipe.

Another popular way to build a cistern is with a ten foot length of culvert. The suppliers would nest these starting with an eight foot culvert inside a larger and larger culvert till the largest was about twelve feet across. This greatly reduced shipping cost. Since the freight company cubes something like this you are essentially paying freight for only the largest culvert. The culverts need to be manufactured in such a manner as to have water tight seams. Delivered laying on its side it could be transported on the road with little problem. When placed on a low trailer the twelve foot height would fit under the power lines and the ten foot width was legal. The process is to dig a flat spot larger than the culvert to a depth that the top of the culvert will be lower than the eve of the house. You then make a form for your concrete and place reinforcing inside the form. Pour and level your concrete. Tip the culvert into the wet concrete and vibrate it to create a seal. The culvert should set so that it is four to six inches into the concrete. After a week or so the concrete has cured enough to start filling your tank.

The tank off an old water truck was a quick answer in that it only required a flat spot. I would expect an old milk truck tank to work as well. A local mill had been serviced by a four foot diameter wooden water line. We wound up with a twenty foot section and built ends in it.

A friend of mine built a tank out of plywood and put a plastic liner in it. He started with eight sheets of plywood. Standing up two on each side he attached 2X6’s every foot from the bottom past midway up then spaced them further apart. The 2X6’s were laid on their side, run past the plywood and bolted to the intersecting 2X6’s. This is a relatively inexpensive tank but be aware that eight feet of head generates quite a bit of pressure at the bottom so do quality work. Stringers tying the bottom sides together are essential as well as the top.

The newer systems often choose the plastic tanks made for that purpose. The largest of these are cylindrical. A buddy of mine had room to place two, five thousand gallon tanks behind his house. There was a small ledge on the hillside next to these that allowed him to place another two thousand gallon tank. With twelve thousand gallons available they can go quite a while without rain.

My personal favorite is to build the cistern as part of a concrete foundation. This requires a foundation of at least four feet tall to get adequate volume. A full basement would be even better. If this is the way you go I strongly suggest that you design the house so that no sewer lines run above the water tank. This leaves your entire water system accessible inside the house and protected against freezing.

One of the problems with outside water storage is the possibility of freezing. I had an eighteen hundred gallon plastic tank freeze solid one winter with no apparent damage. It was not in current use and had been filled without my knowledge so I did not know to empty it. This tank had also been sprayed with four inches of insulation so it took over a month for it to thaw completely in the spring. Insulating a tank can help as can putting it in a shed. Two or three wraps of PEX pipe around the outside near the bottom before you spray the tank works well if you have a boiler. Your outside water storage could then be another zone off the boiler. My outside tank has seen -40°F with no problem. Okay, maybe a few problems but I worked them out.

If you do not have really severe winters a heat tape on a Hula Hoop will keep your tank from splitting. Just a heat tape on the water line will leave an open passage that allows the water to escape out the top if the ice expands reducing pressure on the tank walls. You still lose that volume of water that turns to ice. At least until it warms up. We had a particularly long stretch of cold weather this year and a neighbor of mine ran the water from his water heater back into his tank to melt some of the ice and reclaim some of the lost volume. You can also put a purpose made electric heater in your tank. If the bottom of the tank is buried below the frost line freezing problems are greatly reduced. These are some of the heat sources at your disposal if you opt for outside storage.


You might also want to consider PEX for your water line especially outside or any other place that is likely to freeze. PEX has a memory and will return to its original shape after it thaws. Copper will stretch until it ruptures, usual between the first and third freeze. Not only is it expensive to replace water lines but the time required is a factor as well.

If you collect rain off your roof the roofing material is an important part of the system. Metal roofing is the best as it sheds water faster and does not retain as much as other materials. Three tab works but it holds a surprising amount of water and in a light misty rain it takes a bit before it starts dripping, where a metal roof might shed some water in a fog or when a frost thaws. Some three tab shingles are also built with chemicals that I am uncomfortable with but most of the roofs that I have seen collect drinking water are of this type. Cedar roofs are of particular concern. Cedar is toxic so special care must be taken with a cedar roof. I lived in an area with heavy rain. Those people who wanted to collect from their cedar roof waited for over a year with a new roof to allow the rain to flush most of the oil from the surface of the wood. This community is in the middle of a rain forest with thousands of homes collecting rain water.

While I have run into people who look at me like I have a third eye, when I discuss drinking rain water, I consider rain water generally safe. What I like to call God distilled water (rain) is generally free of contamination with some rare exceptions. Were I down wind of a frisky volcano or a forest fire I might redirect my down spouts for a while. City water can become contaminated as well. How many times have you heard news reports where the community has been told to boil their water. I worked with a man who was replacing his copper water lines because his wife was having a reaction to the copper. As long as reasonable care is taken with the construction, material selection, and maintenance rain collection and a cistern is a viable option in many climates.

I have seen cisterns filled by wells and wind mills. If you had a hill above your house you could also place your cistern at a useful height to provide water pressure for your home. If you have a stream on the property you could use a hydraulic ram pump/water hammer pump (clacker) to fill your cistern. This system could give you water and suitable water pressure with no electricity.

If you decide to haul your water in a large tank in the back of your truck or on a trailer make sure the tank is full. If your vehicle won’t haul the weight of a full tank get a smaller tank or larger truck. Most tanks are built without baffles and when you get the weight of the water slamming back and forth you can have all sorts of problems so it is best to travel with a full tank.

We used bleach about once a year to kill what ever might be growing in the cistern. The chlorine smell for the next two or three days was a bit much, but it worked. I preferred in the summer when we ran low and a truckload of city water was purchased. This was already chlorinated so the tank was sterilized but with far less odor.

While a gravity collection system is preferred I have put smaller collection containers (50 to 200 gallons) under the down spouts and then used a sump pump to fill the larger tank. This method is most often incorporated when adding an out building to the collection system or when the tank can’t easily be placed below the roof line. I’ve seen the power go out and pumps get old but somehow gravity keeps working so that is my preferred method whenever possible.
My only real problem with drinking rain water is birds. I've seen them on our metal roof and when I went up to clean the chimney I found almost half a rabbit up there.
I had one house that the birds loved but most they seem to leave alone. If I had wanted to collect water I'd have put a pellet gun to work. I've lived off of rain collection for decades and my folks still do.

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