From the Guido Faukes Blog
The BBC’s left wing topical comedy ‘Mash Report’ programme this week went hard on the UN’s alarming suggestion that we just have twelve years left to save the planet. To Guido it all sounded very familiar…
The BBC’s left wing topical comedy ‘Mash Report’ programme this week went hard on the UN’s alarming suggestion that we just have twelve years left to save the planet. To Guido it all sounded very familiar…
- Andrew Simms told us a year later that we had “only 100 months to avoid disaster.” Meaning time ran out in 2016…
- Al Gore told us that we had just ten years in July of 2008 to ensure the “survival of the United States of America”. So America has been screwed for four months now…
- Jim Hensen, warned in 2009 that Obama only had “four years to save Earth.” Apparently Earth was lost in 2013…
- Prince Charles told us in May 2008 that we had “just eighteen months to stop climate change.” That gave us until the end of 2009…
- Prince Charles by July 2009, on the other had this had been extended to “just 96 months to save the world.” Time ran out in 2017…
- Lester Brown published in 2009 that we had “only months, not years” to “save civilisation from climate change.” It’s been years…