We are DOOMED, again, or are we, or is it to late????

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
From the Guido Faukes Blog

The BBC’s left wing topical comedy ‘Mash Report’ programme this week went hard on the UN’s alarming suggestion that we just have twelve years left to save the planet. To Guido it all sounded very familiar…

  • Andrew Simms told us a year later that we had “only 100 months to avoid disaster.” Meaning time ran out in 2016…
  • Al Gore told us that we had just ten years in July of 2008 to ensure the “survival of the United States of America”. So America has been screwed for four months now…
  • Jim Hensen, warned in 2009 that Obama only had “four years to save Earth.” Apparently Earth was lost in 2013…
  • Prince Charles told us in May 2008 that we had “just eighteen months to stop climate change.” That gave us until the end of 2009…
  • Prince Charles by July 2009, on the other had this had been extended to “just 96 months to save the world.” Time ran out in 2017…
  • Lester Brown published in 2009 that we had “only months, not years” to “save civilisation from climate change.It’s been years…
So is disaster now inevitable? Is there nothing more we can do? Listening only to the alarmists over the years you’d think we will all be underwater within a decade. On the other hand maybe ever heightened climate alarmism will continue to do nothing to offer remotely practical solutions to the challenges posed by a changing climate. Human ingenuity and faster economic development will see us through – after all, half the Netherlands should probably be underwater right now.
i'm not interested in the politics of it, that's where the BS is, but overpopulation and using up the earths resources and chopping down trees and stuff, that's where the problem lies and if we carry on like that it will only get worse.
there is a reason why hurricanes and flooding and tsunami's and sinkholes, why the polar ice caps are melting and polar bears are starving, why mudslides and earthquakes, and everything else is happening.
sure some of it is a natural cycle but not all of it, a lot of it is caused by us, human beings and saying it dosent exist wont stop it happening.
I don't think we've got that much long as a species before we reach the tipping point.
I don't much care if nobody else but me and Sir David Attenborough think its only a matter of time, I never did worry what anyone else thought.
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Paul, no worries, there are ways to solve this problem. Ebola could take out 1/2 the world's population. Or the muslims can declare world war & we can knock about 1 billion out killing them. Or the commie Chinese, there's a different billion.

Take out a billion here & a billion there, and pretty soon you've made a real dent in things!

(comedy folks, this is comic relief...)
Paul, no worries, there are ways to solve this problem. Ebola could take out 1/2 the world's population. Or the muslims can declare world war & we can knock about 1 billion out killing them. Or the commie Chinese, there's a different billion.

Take out a billion here & a billion there, and pretty soon you've made a real dent in things!

(comedy folks, this is comic relief...)

I was a little worried about this until I saw the last line

although being rid of them would not be all that bad
Just read an article that European and North American countries birth rate are declining BUT Africa, Asia and south American countries are climbing. Can anybody guess where all these extra people are going to be headed in the future? Stop immigration now or have very limited (valued bringing) immigration. Prepare for a major global demand for all these folks to be allowed to come here or demands we MUST provide for their well being. Most if not all of these countries cannot feed their population now, once it reaches critical mass then the real SHTF starts. While the article speaks about replacement birth rates, it does not account for the job loss due to automation. A declining population is going to be good for our country but it is also going to make us a prime target for the United Nations who will want (NEED) to get access to our resources (land, agricultural, slave labor, and manufacturing capabilities). Our countries success will only breed envy and jealousy.

Here is link to the article:

WE aren't going anywhere either. We're like roaches. We'll still be here. There may end up being less of us, after some SHTF event, but we'll still be here.
maybe, who knows? anything is possible. given the lack of skills, knowledge and common sense in the general population the numbers wont be high, maybe that's what we need, decimate the population which in turn takes the pressure off the environment.
works for me anyway:p
i'm not interested in the politics of it, that's where the BS is, but overpopulation and using up the earths resources and chopping down trees and stuff, that's where the problem lies and if we carry on like that it will only get worse.
there is a reason why hurricanes and flooding and tsunami's and sinkholes, why the polar ice caps are melting and polar bears are starving, why mudslides and earthquakes, and everything else is happening.
sure some of it is a natural cycle but not all of it, a lot of it is caused by us, human beings and saying it dosent exist wont stop it happening.
I don't think we've got that much long as a species before we reach the tipping point.
I don't much care if nobody else but me and Sir David Attenborough think its only a matter of time, I never did worry what anyone else thought.
If you look at the destruction of the rain forests it will make you ill. The ultimate question, will the planet die, the answer is yes. When will that happen? God determines it and hasn't shared that information fully. Worrying won't help it. Live a decent life and don't overconsume.
maybe, who knows? anything is possible. given the lack of skills, knowledge and common sense in the general population the numbers wont be high, maybe that's what we need, decimate the population which in turn takes the pressure off the environment.
works for me anyway:p
I vote for mankind to take some murderers off the planet, that would help. But, there is always someone crying about that being cruel.
I hear a lot of people saying that "we" are the problem. But none of these people are getting in line to leave the planet to lessen their impact. While I agree that there are too many people, who besides myself, would cut off all food and medical aid to third world countries? And stop all immigration from these ******** countries?
I hear a lot of people saying that "we" are the problem. But none of these people are getting in line to leave the planet to lessen their impact. While I agree that there are too many people, who besides myself, would cut off all food and medical aid to third world countries? And stop all immigration from these ******** countries?

I like your thinking! In fact if we could find a way to make it work, I think we should add some sort of a 'stupid tax' on everything going to countries like that.
I hear a lot of people saying that "we" are the problem. But none of these people are getting in line to leave the planet to lessen their impact. While I agree that there are too many people, who besides myself, would cut off all food and medical aid to third world countries? And stop all immigration from these ******** countries?

That has my vote!!! Stop all welfare breeding reward programs too. Stop supporting countries that don't support us, most if not all third world countries. Dump NATO if they don't pay their fair share.
Guys, I believe in global warming.

And (just to play devil's advocate, because I like to play with ideas), the criticism of the idea that dire predictions of humanity's end have always been wrong doesn't work for me...for two reasons.

A doctor will plead and beg with his patient to quit smoking, yet we all know people who smoked into their 90s and dropped dead just short of their 100th birthday...but this doesn't mean that the physician was wrong in predicting a patient's early death from nicotinism.

The second reason is that I read a series of non-fiction eassys that were written in the 1950s by Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan about global warming, and most of their predictions have been very accurate.

They both predicted more intense hurricanes, wild fires, mass extictions, melting of the Antarctic ice cap, greater incidenceof terrorism, tropical diseases showing up in North America, and environmental refugees (among other things).

They both even predicted the political morass that's attached to global warming, and so on.

And yes, I try to do my part on principle.

I take my bike to work, I use a bike trailer to go shopping, I recycle, and I even became a vegetarian for a very long time (although I gave this up because I'm allegic to gluten and dairy products, and these double restrictions proved to be almost impossible to work around).

I also occasionally shop in thrift stores, as anything that's reused doesn't end up in a landfill.

All of these measures not only help the environment, but they save truly huge amounts of money.

I was--by adhering to these ideas--able to get out of debt, and set aside a nest egg besides.

Being conscious of global warming can help the 'bottom line' for everyone.
The second reason is that I read a series of non-fiction eassys that were written in the 1950s by Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan about global warming, and most of their predictions have been very accurate.

They both predicted more intense hurricanes, wild fires, mass extictions, melting of the Antarctic ice cap, greater incidenceof terrorism, tropical diseases showing up in North America, and environmental refugees (among other things).

Kevin, consider these things. In the past we've had intense hurricanes and wild fires why predict that would change? And 'mass extinction'??? Name them. I'd like to put fire ants on that list, but I don't think this is real at all. Sure, a few animals here & there. Mostly just variations of some critter, the yellow tree bellowing frog (making the name up) may be gone, but it has 200 cousins that are nearly identical. But nothing 'massive' at all.

And the best one: Antarctic ice melting? There is currently more ice there than ever in history. Check your facts.

And the worst: 'environmental refugees'. Hogwash. More like 'we want welfare refugees'.
I have never met an American yet who didn't think Climate Change was a con or that oil would last forever.:p
some people are in for a nasty surprise.
Man caused global climate change is a con and oil is a renewable energy resource. What fiction are you reading?
Rellgar makes a really good point. Many of the beliefs are being proven wrong.

For example, I am older than fossils. It's a fact. Don't believe me? I remember when Mt St Helens erupted. Whole forests got buried. And years later they had massive rain, digging canyons in the debris. They found some of the trees had actually converted to fossils in that very short time window. So when someone says it takes millions of years to make a fossil, they are ignorant.

Same for oil. It can be produced in the right conditions very quickly. So much for requiring millions and billions of years...

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